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Created January 7, 2018 21:46
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  • Save arthuredelstein/2bf24c38ea7c0d46202bb71cf66977e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arthuredelstein/2bf24c38ea7c0d46202bb71cf66977e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Handy scripts for making screenshots in tor browser. To use, paste in browser console. Then entergrabImage("image-dir", "imagestem", false);
let locales = ["ar", "de", /*"en-US",*/ "es-ES", "fa", "fr", "ja", "it",
"ko", "nl", "pl", "pt-BR", /*"ru",*/ "tr", "vi", "zh-CN"];
let listenOnce = (element, event, useCapture) => {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let onEvent = function (ev) {
element.removeEventListener(event, onEvent, useCapture);
element.addEventListener(event, onEvent, useCapture);
let arrayFromEnumerator = (enumerator) => {
let arr = [];
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
return arr;
let directoryContents = (dirPath) =>
arrayFromEnumerator(new FileUtils.File(dirPath).directoryEntries)
.map(x => x.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile));
let mostRecentScreenshot = () =>
.filter(f => f.leafName.startsWith("Screen Shot"))
.sort((a,b) => a.lastModifiedTime - b.lastModifiedTime)
let moveLatestScreenshotToManual = (locale, location, name) => {
let screenShot = mostRecentScreenshot();
let path = `/projects/torproject/user-manual/${locale}/media/${location}/`;
screenShot.renameTo(new FileUtils.File(path), name);
console.log(`Saved image to ${path}`);
let userManualDirPath = "/projects/torproject/user-manual/";
let grabImage = async function (locale, mediaSubDir, filename, extra) {
console.log(`Current locale: ${locale}`);
let shortLocale = locale.substring(0,2);
Services.prefs.setCharPref("general.useragent.locale", locale);
let win;
if (extra === "networkSettings") {
win = window.openDialog("chrome://torlauncher/content/network-settings-wizard.xul", "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,resizable", [true]);
} else {
win = OpenBrowserWindow();
await listenOnce(win, "close", false);
moveLatestScreenshotToManual(locale, mediaSubDir, filename);
let grabImages = (mediaSubDir, filename, extra) => {
(async function () {
for (let locale of locales) {
await grabImage(locale, mediaSubDir, filename, extra);
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