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Created March 6, 2019 01:33
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  • Save arthuredelstein/9ef0f3b8c887755e1e01076b23d0feed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arthuredelstein/9ef0f3b8c887755e1e01076b23d0feed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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var wa_isenc = (wa_img.src.indexOf("&eacct=") > 0);
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return (r ? "[" : "{") + String(i) + (r ? "]" : "}")
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o = new Date,
n = o.getTime(),
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r =,
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}, GatorLegacy.prototype.logSimpleEvent = function(t, e) { ||;
var o = this.options,
n = "http" + ("https:" == location.protocol ? "s:" : ":") + GatorLegacy.processorHost,
i = new Image;
i.src = n.replace("{0}", o.projectId) + "/web/push?o=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(o)) + "&u=" + this.userId + "&ht=" + t + "&data=" + e
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t ? this.log("&page=" + encodeURIComponent(t)) : this.log("&page=" + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname))
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this.log("&event=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + (o ? "&eventData=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(o)) : "")), "function" == typeof e ? e() : setTimeout('document.location = "' + e + '"', 100)
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this.log(t ? "&updateSession=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(t)) : "")
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this.log("&uniqueId=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + (e ? "&update=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(e)) : ""))
}, GatorLegacy.prototype.logEvent = function(t, e) {
this.log("&event=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + (e ? "&eventData=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(e)) : "") + "&page=" + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname))
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this.log("&person=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + (e ? "&personData=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(e)) : ""))
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this.log("&person=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + (e ? "&personUpdate=" + encodeURIComponent(GatorLegacy.stringify(e)) : ""))
}, GatorLegacy.prototype.setUserId = function() {
var t = new Date;
this.userId = GatorLegacy.cookie("__na_u_" + this.options.projectId), this.userId || (this.userId = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 24)) * Math.pow(2, 23) + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 23))), document.cookie = "__na_u_" + this.options.projectId + "=" + this.userId + ";path=/;expires=" + new Date(t.getFullYear() + 2, 1, 1).toUTCString()
}, GatorLegacy._visibility = function() {
"use strict";
var t = this;
t._doc = document || {}, t._callbacks = {}, t.lastId = -1, t.onScreen = function() {
var t = null,
e = null;
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t = window.screenLeft, e = window.screenTop
var cw = document.body ? document.body.clientWidth : 0;
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return t.onScreen() ? t._doc.visibilityState || t._doc.webkitVisibilityState || "visible" : "hidden"
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return t.onScreen() ? !(!t._doc.hidden && !t._doc.webkitHidden) : !0
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if (!t.isSupported()) return !1;
t.lastId += 1;
var o = t.lastId;
return t._callbacks[o] = e, t._listen(), o
}, t._listen = function(e) {
delete t._callbacks[e]
}, t.isSupported = function() {
return !(!t._doc.visibilityState && !t._doc.webkitVisibilityState)
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var o = t.state();
for (var n in t._callbacks) t._callbacks.hasOwnProperty(n) && t._callbacks[n].call(t._doc, e, o)
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if (!t._init) {
var e = "visibilitychange";
t._doc.webkitVisibilityState && (e = "webkit" + e);
var o = function() {
t._change.apply(t, arguments)
t._doc.addEventListener ? t._doc.addEventListener(e, o) : t._doc.attachEvent(e, o), t._init = !0
}, t.monitor = function(e) {
t.shown || (t.onScreen() || (t.checker = setInterval(function() {
t.shown || t.hidden() || (t.shown = !0, window.clearInterval(t.checker), e.logSimpleEvent("vu", GatorLegacy.visState.geo))
}, 250)), t.change(function(o, n) {
t.shown || t.hidden() || (t.shown = !0, e.logSimpleEvent("vu", GatorLegacy.visState.api))
}, = function() {
if (! { = !0, this.setUserId(), this.visibility = new GatorLegacy._visibility, this.visibility.monitor(this);
for (var t = this.q, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
switch (t[e][0]) {
case 0:
this.logEvent(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1]);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
this.logOutbound(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1], t[e][1][2]);
case 4:
this.setPerson(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1]);
case 5:
this.updatePerson(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1]);
case 6:
this.updateSession(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1]);
case 7:
this.updateEvent(t[e][1][0], t[e][1][1])
t[e][0] = ""
var gatorLegacy = new GatorLegacy({
"projectId": 200000005,
"legacyAccount": (wa_isenc ? "#" : "") + wa_account
if (typeof ec_Orders_orderID != 'undefined') {
var na_evtData = {};
if (ec_Orders_orderID && ec_Orders_orderID != 'YOUR-UNIQUE-ID') = ec_Orders_orderID;
if (ec_Orders_orderAmt && ec_Orders_orderAmt != 'YOUR-ORDER-AMOUNT')
na_evtData.revenue = ec_Orders_orderAmt;
gatorLegacy.logEvent('Order', na_evtData);
} catch (err) {
var hp = 'http' + (location.protocol == 'https:' ? 's:' : ':');
var i = new Image();
i.src = hp + "//" + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + "&m=" + encodeURIComponent(err.message);
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