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Created July 23, 2014 18:28
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import sys
import os
import boto
from pprint import pprint
# You can uncomment and set these, or set the env variables AWSAccessKeyId & AWSSecretKey
# AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
# AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
except NameError:
except KeyError:
print "Please set env variable"
ec2_conn = boto.connect_ec2(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
reservations = ec2_conn.get_all_instances()
running_instances = {}
for reservation in reservations:
for instance in reservation.instances:
if instance.state != "running":
sys.stderr.write("Disqualifying instance %s: not running\n" % ( ) )
elif instance.spot_instance_request_id:
sys.stderr.write("Disqualifying instance %s: spot\n" % ( ) )
if instance.vpc_id:
print "Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results"
az = instance.placement
instance_type = instance.instance_type
running_instances[ (instance_type, az ) ] = running_instances.get( (instance_type, az ) , 0 ) + 1
# pprint( running_instances )
reserved_instances = {}
for reserved_instance in ec2_conn.get_all_reserved_instances():
if reserved_instance.state != "active":
sys.stderr.write( "Excluding reserved instances %s: no longer active\n" % ( ) )
az = reserved_instance.availability_zone
instance_type = reserved_instance.instance_type
reserved_instances[( instance_type, az) ] = reserved_instances.get ( (instance_type, az ), 0 ) + reserved_instance.instance_count
# pprint( reserved_instances )
# this dict will have a positive number if there are unused reservations
# and negative number if an instance is on demand
instance_diff = dict([(x, reserved_instances[x] - running_instances.get(x, 0 )) for x in reserved_instances])
# instance_diff only has the keys that were present in reserved_instances. There's probably a cooler way to add a filtered dict here
for placement_key in running_instances:
if not placement_key in reserved_instances:
instance_diff[placement_key] = -running_instances[placement_key]
# pprint ( instance_diff )
unused_reservations = dict((key,value) for key, value in instance_diff.iteritems() if value > 0)
if unused_reservations == {}:
print "Congratulations, you have no unused reservations"
for unused_reservation in unused_reservations:
print "UNUSED RESERVATION!\t(%s)\t%s\t%s" % ( unused_reservations[ unused_reservation ], unused_reservation[0], unused_reservation[1] )
print ""
unreserved_instances = dict((key,-value) for key, value in instance_diff.iteritems() if value < 0)
if unreserved_instances == {}:
print "Congratulations, you have no unreserved instances"
for unreserved_instance in unreserved_instances:
print "Instance not reserved:\t(%s)\t%s\t%s" % ( unreserved_instances[ unreserved_instance ], unreserved_instance[0], unreserved_instance[1] )
qty_running_instances = reduce( lambda x, y: x+y, running_instances.values() )
qty_reserved_instances = reduce( lambda x, y: x+y, reserved_instances.values() )
print "\n(%s) running on-demand instances\n(%s) reservations" % ( qty_running_instances, qty_reserved_instances )
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