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Last active September 18, 2017 01:47
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tic tac toe game in go
package main
import (
type Board [3][3]rune
type Player struct {
name string
choosenchar rune
score uint
func main() {
var b Board
fmt.Println("TicTacToe game")
fmt.Print("Your name: ")
var name string
human := Player{name: name, choosenchar: 'O'}
ai := Player{name: "AI", choosenchar: 'X'}
for {
winner := board_get_winner(&b, &human, &ai)
if winner != nil {
fmt.Printf("Game Over. %s won!\n",
if board_is_full(&b) {
fmt.Println("Game Over. Tie")
fmt.Printf("%s turn\n",
human_process(&b, &human)
fmt.Println("Computer turn")
ai_process(&b, &ai)
func board_show(b *Board) {
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
if x < 2 {
fmt.Print(" | ")
} else {
/* Gets two players. Returns the winner */
func board_get_winner(b *Board, p1, p2 *Player) *Player {
p1_diagonal, p2_diagonal := true, true
p1_diagonal_rev, p2_diagonal_rev := true, true
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
/* Check for horizontal wins */
if b[y][0] == p1.choosenchar && b[y][1] == p1.choosenchar && b[y][2] == p1.choosenchar {
return p1
if b[y][0] == p2.choosenchar && b[y][1] == p2.choosenchar && b[y][2] == p2.choosenchar {
return p2
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
/* Check for vertical wins */
if b[0][x] == p1.choosenchar && b[1][x] == p1.choosenchar && b[2][x] == p1.choosenchar {
return p1
if b[0][x] == p2.choosenchar && b[1][x] == p2.choosenchar && b[2][x] == p2.choosenchar {
return p2
/* Check for diagonal wins... differently */
if x == y {
p1_diagonal = p1_diagonal && (b[y][x] == p1.choosenchar)
p2_diagonal = p2_diagonal && (b[y][x] == p2.choosenchar)
p1_diagonal_rev = p1_diagonal_rev && (b[y][2-x] == p1.choosenchar)
p2_diagonal_rev = p2_diagonal_rev && (b[y][2-x] == p2.choosenchar)
if p1_diagonal || p1_diagonal_rev {
return p1
if p2_diagonal || p2_diagonal_rev {
return p2
return nil
func board_clear(b *Board) {
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
b[y][x] = ' '
func board_is_full(b *Board) bool {
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
if b[y][x] == ' ' {
return false
return true
func human_process(b *Board, human *Player) {
var x, y uint
for {
fmt.Print("Type wished position (y x): ")
num, err := fmt.Scanf("%v %v", &y, &x)
if num < 2 {
fmt.Println("Error: Invalid format: ", err.Error())
if x >= 3 {
num = 0
fmt.Println("xpos too high! Remember that positions start at zero")
if y >= 3 {
num = 0
fmt.Println("ypos too high! Remember that positions start at zero")
if b[y][x] != ' ' {
num = 0
fmt.Println("Place already occupied")
b[y][x] = human.choosenchar
type scoreDest struct {
score, desty, destx int
func ai_process(b *Board, ai *Player) {
scores := make(map[string]scoreDest)
/* Process the 'likeliness' of different possible positions
Shows its likeliness, ie, the most likely ones are the ones that have the
most number of 'human' choosenchars, because the human might trying to draw
a line
for y := 0; y < 3; y++ {
if b[y][0] != ' ' && b[y][2] != ' ' && b[y][1] == ' ' {
fmt.Println(">> Path x1")
b[y][1] = ai.choosenchar
score := 0
for _, v := range b[y] {
if v != ai.choosenchar && v != ' ' {
score += 5
} else if v == ai.choosenchar {
score += 2
} else {
score += 1
scores["x1" + string(y)] = scoreDest{score, y, 1}
if b[y][0] != ' ' && b[y][1] != ' ' && b[y][2] == ' ' {
fmt.Println(">> Path x2")
score := 0
for _, v := range b[y] {
if v != ai.choosenchar && v != ' ' {
score += 5
} else if v == ai.choosenchar {
score += 2
} else {
score += 1
scores["x2" + string(y)] = scoreDest{score, y, 2}
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
if b[0][x] != ' ' && b[1][x] != ' ' && b[2][x] == ' ' {
fmt.Println(">> Path y1")
score := 0
for _, v := range [3]rune{b[0][x], b[1][x], b[2][x]} {
if v != ai.choosenchar && v != ' ' {
score += 5
} else if v == ai.choosenchar {
score += 2
} else {
score += 1
scores["y1" + string(x)] = scoreDest{score, 2, x}
if b[0][x] != ' ' && b[1][x] == ' ' {
fmt.Println(">> Path y2")
score := 0
for _, v := range [3]rune{b[0][x], b[1][x], b[2][x]} {
if v != ai.choosenchar && v != ' ' {
score += 5
} else if v == ai.choosenchar {
score += 2
} else {
score += 1
scores["y2" + string(x)] = scoreDest{score, 1, x}
if b[y][x] == ' ' {
fmt.Println(">> Path generic")
scores["g" + string(y) + string(x)] = scoreDest{1, y, x}
/* Iterate over every score, get the bigger and return them */
var maxscore scoreDest = scoreDest{0, 0, 0}
for _, sitem := range scores {
if sitem.score > maxscore.score {
maxscore = sitem
if b[maxscore.desty][maxscore.destx] == ' ' {
b[maxscore.desty][maxscore.destx] = ai.choosenchar
} else {
fmt.Println("No more places!")
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