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Last active March 6, 2024 14:17
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InjectionIII Utils and Helper
import Combine
private var loadInjectionOnce: () = {
guard objc_getClass("InjectionClient") == nil else {
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
// Running on Simulator
let bundleName: String
#if os(macOS) || targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
bundleName = "macOSInjection.bundle"
#elseif os(visionOS)
bundleName = "xrOSInjection.bundle"
bundleName = "iOSInjection.bundle"
let bundlePath = "/Applications/"+bundleName
let bundle = Bundle(path: bundlePath), bundle.load()
else {
⚠️ Could not load injection bundle from \(bundlePath). \
Have you downloaded the from either \ \
or the Mac App Store?
// Running on Real Device
let resourceName: String
#if os(macOS) || targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
resourceName = "macOSInjection"
#elseif os(visionOS)
resourceName = "iOSInjection" // seems to work without using xrOSInjection
resourceName = "iOSInjection"
let bundlePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: resourceName, ofType: "bundle"),
let bundle = Bundle(path: bundlePath), bundle.load()
else {
⚠️ Could not load injection bundle for \(resourceName). \
Did you add the corresponding Run Script Phase? ->
public let injectionObserver = InjectionObserver()
public class InjectionObserver: ObservableObject {
@Published var injectionNumber = 0
var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil
let publisher = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
init() {
cancellable = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for:
.sink { [weak self] change in
self?.injectionNumber += 1
extension SwiftUI.View {
public func eraseToAnyView() -> some SwiftUI.View {
_ = loadInjectionOnce
return AnyView(self)
public func enableInjection() -> some SwiftUI.View {
return eraseToAnyView()
public func loadInjection() -> some SwiftUI.View {
return eraseToAnyView()
public func onInjection(bumpState: @escaping () -> ()) -> some SwiftUI.View {
return self
.onReceive(injectionObserver.publisher, perform: bumpState)
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
public struct ObserveInjection: DynamicProperty {
@ObservedObject private var iO = injectionObserver
public init() {}
public private(set) var wrappedValue: Int {
get {0} set {}
extension SwiftUI.View {
public func eraseToAnyView() -> some SwiftUI.View { return self }
public func enableInjection() -> some SwiftUI.View { return self }
public func loadInjection() -> some SwiftUI.View { return self }
public func onInjection(bumpState: @escaping () -> ()) -> some SwiftUI.View {
return self
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
public struct ObserveInjection {
public init() {}
public private(set) var wrappedValue: Int {
get {0} set {}
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