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Last active February 11, 2020 20:28
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<mj-text font-size="9px" line-height="12px" color="#A8A8A8">After years of radio silence, we are back with an update! <a href="*|ARCHIVE|*" target="_blank">View it in your browser</a>.</mj-text>
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<h1 class="tag">We are back with an update</h1>
<h1>Hi *|FNAME|*</h1>
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<mj-text>After years of radio silence, we are back with an update! Work on Envisioning and our collaborative technology intelligence platform has progressed steadily. Preparing it for public access is proving more challenging than expected, yet we feel more confident than ever in publishing an open database of emerging technology.</mj-text>
<mj-text>Support in achieving this vision has sprung primarily from the public sector. In recent years we have engaged with several government agencies looking to expand their foresight, emerging technology, and R&amp;D initiatives. Deliverables include technology scouting and assessment using our visualization and database tools, as well as workshops sessions. Most notably:</mj-text>
<h3>GIZ - the German corporation for international collaboration.</h3>
Together we launched the 🔍 <a href="">techDetector</a>, an initiative for bringing technology intelligence to the international sustainable development community. We also co-developed quantitative assessment methods using our survey tool in order for public officials to evaluate the impact of those technologies.
<h3>Deftech - the technology foresight program of the Swiss DoD.</h3>
With expert feedback from <a href="">IML EPFL</a>, we launched a comprehensive study on ⚙️ <a href="">emerging technologies affecting the future of supply chain</a>.
<h3>WGS - the world government summit, initiative for bringing technology foresight to decision makers.</h3>
Together we trained over 300 public officials and launched four studies: 🌾 <a href="">agriculture and geo-engineering</a>, 👮 <a href="">digital citizenship</a>, 🤖 <a href="">applications of artificial intelligence</a> and 🔭 <a href="">UAE 2071</a>.
In 2020 we will keep developing projects with multiple deliverables and also launch a simpler model for working together, called federations. Federations allow multiple organizations to pool resources to support ongoing research into a shared area of interest. We are launching the model with groups investigating ⚡️ energy, 🏙 smart cities &amp; the 🌴 Amazon rainforest.
<mj-button href="" height="30px" align="center" width="100%">Register your interest</mj-button>
Finally, we would like to announce our brand new community, where we share first-hand access to tools and discussions around technical novelty.
<mj-button href="" height="30px" width="100%" align="center">Join our community!</mj-button>
<mj-text>Thank you,</mj-text>
<strong>Michell Zappa</strong><br />
Founder<br />
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<mj-text color="#A8A8A8" font-size="9px" letter-spacing="0.3px" line-height="14px" padding-top="14px" padding-left="10px">Envisioning is a platform that provides technological foresight to policy and decision makers worldwide.</mj-text>
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<mj-text color="#A8A8A8" align="center" font-size="9px" line-height="12px">This email was sent to *|EMAIL|* · <a href="*|UNSUB|*">Unsubscribe from this list</a> · <a href="*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*">Update subscription preferences</a><br />Envisioning · Pärnu mnt 10, 10148, Tallinna · Estonia
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