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Created July 29, 2020 13:28
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- | This type class describes operations that can be performed over Servant
-- API trees. The instances essentially distribute the actions over the ':<|>'
-- constructor, and apply them to the leaves of the API trees: functions or
-- values in an applicative functor.
class ServantApi m api | api -> m where
-- | Embeds an applicative action in a servant API, such that in each of API's
-- leaves, the given action is sequenced *before* the actual API endpoint.
-- This can be useful for inserting dynamic precondition checks in APIs.
before :: Applicative m => m x -> api -> api
-- | Embeds an applicative action in a servant API, such that in each of API's
-- leaves, the given action is sequenced *after* the actual API endpoint.
-- This can be useful for appending dynamic postcondition checks to APIs.
after :: Applicative m => m x -> api -> api
-- | Short-circuit all of the API's leaves to return the specified value
-- instead of performing any other actions.
-- This can be used for producing errors in APIs when a static check fails.
override :: (forall x. m x) -> api
instance (ServantApi m l, ServantApi m r) => ServantApi m (l :<|> r) where
before m (l :<|> r) = before m l :<|> before m r
after m (l :<|> r) = after m l :<|> after m r
override m = override m :<|> override m
instance ServantApi m f => ServantApi m (b -> f) where
before m f b = before m (f b)
after m f b = after m (f b)
override m _ = override m
instance Applicative m => ServantApi m (m a) where
before m ma = m *> ma
after m ma = const <$> ma <*> m
override = id
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