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Last active May 17, 2022 04:02
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  • Save arthyn/e63c22922ca15cb755e85171165d17cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arthyn/e63c22922ca15cb755e85171165d17cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
=, scr:crypto
|_ [reg=@t secret=@t key=@t now=@da]
+$ purl purl:eyre
++ auth-dbg
|= =request:http
=/ canonical (canonical request)
=/ digest (hash (crip canonical))
=/ contract (contract request digest)
:* canonical=canonical
signer=(en:base16:mimes:html 32 signer)
sign=(sign contract)
++ auth
|= =request:http
^- request:http
=. header-list.request
(cred request)
++ cred
|= =request:http
^- header-list:http
=/ hydra (malt header-list.request)
%~ tap by
%+ ~(put by hydra)
%- crip
%+ weld
^. tape
%- zing
%+ join
", "
^. (list tape)
:~ ;: weld
(trip key)
%+ weld
%- facet
+:(crest header-list.request)
%+ weld
%- trip
%- sign
%+ contract
%- hash
%- crip
(canonical request)
++ sign
|= deal=@t
%+ en:base16:mimes:html 32
(hmc signer deal)
++ signer
%+ hmc
%+ hmc
%+ hmc
%+ hmc
(crip (weld "AWS4" (trip secret)))
(crip cal)
++ contract
|= [=request:http digest=@t]
^- @t
=/ hydra=(map @t @t) (malt header-list.request)
%- crip
%+ weld
%+ roll
^. (list tape)
:~ "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
%- trip
%+ ~(gut by hydra)
(crip clock)
(trip digest)
++ scope
^- tape
%+ join '/'
^. (list @t)
:~ (crip cal)
++ canonical
|= =request:http
=/ url=purl (need (de-purl:html url.request))
=/ crown (crest header-list.request)
%+ roll
^. (list tape)
:~ `tape`[method.request ~]
(trail url)
(quiz url)
(trip (pile body.request))
++ link
|= [item=tape pole=tape]
^- tape
(weld pole (snoc item '\0a'))
++ trail
|= url=purl
^- tape
=/ parts=(list tape) (turn q.q.url trip)
=/ road=tape `tape`(zing (join "/" `(list tape)`(turn parts en-urlt:html)))
(weld ~['/'] road)
++ quiz
|= url=purl
=/ quay r.url
^- tape
?~ quay ""
=/ squr %+ sort quay
|= [a=[@t @t] b=[@t @t]]
(gth -.a -.b)
=/ tqur %+ turn squr
|= item=[@t @t]
:(weld (en-urlt:html (trip -.item)) "=" (en-urlt:html (trip +.item)))
%+ roll `(list tape)`(join "&" tqur)
|= [item=tape pole=tape]
(weld pole item)
++ crest
|= heads=header-list:http
=/ hydra=(map @t @t) (malt heads)
%+ ~(rib by hydra) *tape
|= [[k=@t v=@t] acc=tape]
=/ key=tape (cass (trip k))
=/ value=tape (trimall v)
=/ combo=tape (weld (snoc key ':') value)
:- (link combo acc)
[(crip key) (crip value)]
++ facet
|= heads=(map @t @t)
^- tape
=/ hydra=(list @t) `(list @t)`~(tap in ~(key by heads))
(join ';' hydra)
++ pile
|= body=(unit octs)
^- @t
%- hash
?~ body ''
+:(need body)
++ hash
|= content=@t
^- @t
%+ en:base16:mimes:html 32
%^ rev 3
(shax content)
++ trimall
|= value=@t
|^ ^- tape
%+ rash value
%+ ifix [(star ws) (star ws)]
%- star
;~ less
;~(plug (plus ws) ;~(less next (easy ~)))
;~(pose (cold ' ' (plus ws)) next)
++ ws (mask " \0a\0d\09")
++ cal
(swag [0 8] clock)
++ clock
(esoo now)
:: ISO8601
++ esoo
|= d=@d
^- tape
=/ t (yore d)
;: welp
(scag 1 (scow %ud y.t))
(swag [2 3] (scow %ud y.t))
(double m.t)
(double d.t.t)
(double h.t.t)
(double m.t.t)
(double s.t.t)
:: ud to leading zero tape
++ double
|= a=@ud
^- tape
=/ x (scow %ud a)
?: (lth a 10)
(welp "0" x)
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