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Last active March 12, 2018 18:53
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  • Save artieziff/81a1d4dbae12c8946f2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save artieziff/81a1d4dbae12c8946f2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


Turn a directory into a git project

git init

Check the status of your changes

git status

Add a file to the staging area

git add <filename>

Add multiple files to the staging area with a single command

git add <filename_1> <filename_2>

Check the difference between the working directory and the staging area

git diff <filename>


Commit to permanently store changes from the staging area inside the repository

Message flag: -m give a message associated to the commit

git commit -m "Complete first line of dialogue"

Add flag: -a commit everything (Mix add and commit in a single step)

This only can be used if git is already tracking the file

git commit -am 'Updated the README'

--amend To add new changes to previews commit

git commit -a --amend 

Commits are stored chronologically in the repository and can be viewed with:


Used to view the history of the commits in a project.

git log

One line flag : --oneline to see commits in one line

To limit the number of commits logged

git log -2

You can combine the limit flag with the one line flag

git log -1 --oneline

To see all the information git has abourt logged commits

git log -p

To see the summary of the changes that you made

git log --stat

Shows Head and the branch where it is

git log --decorate

Show full commit hash and message

git log --pretty=oneline
git log --pretty=short
git log --pretty=full

Maximum amount of information possible

git log --pretty=fuller

To supply a custom format

git log --pretty=format:"%h | %an(%ae) : %s"

Show a commit graph (See branches presented visually)

git log --graph

Show the HEAD commit.

HEAD is at the most recent commit

git show HEAD

Restore the file in your working directory to look exactly as it did when you last made a commit

git checkout HEAD <filename>


You have to create an ingnore file

vim .gitignore
#Untracked folders
<folder name>

#Untracked files


This command resets the file in the staging area to be the same as the HEAD commit. It does not discard file changes from the working directory, it just removes them from the staging area.

git reset HEAD <filename>

Git enables you to rewind to the part before you made the wrong turn and create a new destiny for the project. This command works by using the first 7 characters of the SHA of a previous commit.

git reset <SHA>

git checkout HEAD <filename> Discards changes in the working directory.

git reset HEAD <filename> Unstages file changes in the staging area.

git reset SHA Can be used to reset to a previous commit in your commit history.


You can use the command below to answer the question: “which branch am I on?”

git branch

To create a new branch, use:

git branch <new_branch>

Branch names can’t contain whitespaces

To switch to another branch

git checkout <branch_name>

Create a new branch and checkout shortcut

git checkout -n <branch_name>

Delete branch

git branch -d <new_branch>

Force delete

git branch -D <new_branch>

To see last commit in a deleted branch

git cat-file -p <1201b5f>


Take content from one branch and merge it into another

To merge branches go to the branch you want to have the changes of another branch and then merge

git checkout master
git merge new_branch
  • Your goal is to update master with changes you made to new_branch
  • new_branch is the giver branch, since it provides the changes
  • master is the receiver branch, since it accepts those changes

The current branch is always the branch that receives the changes


The pull command results in a mege commit by default

git pull <repository> <branch>

The fetch command brings in changes but doesn't update our current branch Fetch is like a pull, but you have to merge manually and it doesn't add a merge commit automatically

git fetch <repository> <branch>


git diff FETCH_HEAD

We can compare files, branches or anything that has a hash

git diff master new-branch

to only see the names of the files that changed

git diff master new_branch --name-only

Shows names and insertions/deletions

git diff master new_branch --stat


Used to mark a particular point in a project's history as special, such as a release Tags cannot be changed To see existing tags

git tag

to create a tag

git tag <tag_name>

to see what commit a tag points to

git show <tag_name>

To point a tag to a particular commit

git tag -a <tag_name> <commit_hash>

to checkout the commit a tag points to

git checkout <tag_name>

To reattach tour HEAD you just need to checkout to master branch


A stash is a stack that can take any number of stashes stored in reverse chronological order Save changes without commiting

git stash

To see stashed changes

git stash list

To look at a particular stash The stash with the lowest index is the most recent stash

git stash show stash@{1}

To see actual changes

git stash show stash@{1} -p

To compare two stashed changes

git diff stash@{0}..stash@{1}

To remove a specific stash

git stash drop stash@{0}

To clear all stashed changes

git stash clear

To save changes with a description message

git stash save '<description>'

With apply you can specify wchich stash to apply

git stash apply

Take must recent stash, applies the changes and removes the stash from the list

git stash pop


Squash commits into one The i flag is used to make the rebase interactive: you see the commits that are about to be squashed and edit the commit message

git rebase -i <commit selected to squash after it>

Rebase HEAD of a branch underneath your current changes in your current branch

git rebase <branch_name>
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