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Created July 19, 2018 01:37
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Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Injecting /Library/TweakInject/cardboard.dylib into
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Changing color of status bar for apps...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Beginning to create rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Unhiding rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Rounded corners unhidden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13f154a10> [NonCellular](en3): isInterfaceUsable? NO reachable YES linkQuality -2 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13f154a10>: _flushStaleTransitionsOnIvarQueue: old: (
) new: (
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13f154a10> [NonCellular](en3): isInterfaceHistoricallyUsable? NO trackUsability YES offTransitions (
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(CommonUtilities)[510] <Notice>: Found cached network: 0x13f251250
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13df47e60> [NonCellular](en0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 100 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13df47e60>: _flushStaleTransitionsOnIvarQueue: old: (
) new: (
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13df47e60> [NonCellular](en0): isInterfaceHistoricallyUsable? YES trackUsability YES offTransitions (
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <private> adjust polling interval {pollingInterval: 3600.000000, adjustedPollingInterval: 3599.940845, lastElapsedInterval: 0.059155}.
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <private> scheduling next poll - isAdjustment YES. PushDate <private> is not valid - timeIntervalSinceNow 1223.985689. Last scheduled fire date <private>. TimeDiff = 3362.467103, pollingInterval 3599.940845
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <private> using nextPollInterval = 3362.467103.
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13f152130> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 50 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x13f1b1c40> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620> with fire date [2018-07-18 19:30:19 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I New CTServerConnection from pid 560 (conn=0x14705fe30)
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x13f1a1670> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x13f15d4a0> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 560[<private>] is named '<private>'.
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620> - 6 timers
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Sending keep alive message via conn: <private> onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 2 interfaces. Current link quality: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620> Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2018-07-18 19:30:04 -0700 with leeway of 0
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 1 date 2018-07-18 19:30:04 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier MailAutoFetch unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13f108620>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x13f152130> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 50 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x13f1b1c40> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x13f1b1c40> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Scheduling a wake for date <private> leeway 0 wake identifier <private>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x13f1b1c40> Calculated minimum fire date [2018-07-18 19:30:19 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2018-07-18 19:30:19 -0700], start date [2018-07-18 18:34:17 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes, early fire constant interval 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Wake schedule for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.002 seconds; result code 0)
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 560 has closed (conn=0x14705fe30)
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Outstanding data received: <private> (length 2) onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 2 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 2, parameters <private>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Received successful keep-alive ack on interface WWAN: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -65 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 30/10/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:17 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::registerWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "isBuildingGYTT":0, "client":"0x1d442a3c0", "info":"0x111d53950"}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: #Warning No cached registration message
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::onWatchdogTimerExpiry", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480d800", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x10480d800"}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480d800", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning PAUSE: BATCH: '<private>' (<private>, <private>) started in unexpected state: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client connected
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Background indicator enabled for <private> is now <private> (was <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x10480d800", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:19 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client (0x10480d800) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -70 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>:APSNetworkMonitor decaying cost (0 - 1) = 0 for 5.438515 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> wifi is historically cheap? NO awakePercentage = 0.505153, wifiGrowAttemptDelta 0 wifiKeepAliveInterval 900.000000
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: is WiFi associated? YES
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> we're allowed to piggyback - we will not associate to wifi ourselves.
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _toggleWiFiAutoAssociateIfNecessary disabling wifi auto association highEnoughPushCost NO wifiHistoricallyOK NO serverLoadIsOK YES criticalReliability NO serverSupportsDualMode YES _dualMode 0 enableDualMode YES disableCostDrivenDualMode NO
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Received delegate call: shouldUseDualMode is set to YES
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> resetting consecutive failures because we have at least one connection
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: handleDualModeState isDualChannelAllowed YES
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: APSCourier <private> adjusting connection. Connected on 2 interfaces. Current link quality: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> calling _connectStream with interface preference None
Jul 18 18:34:20 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _connectStream has None preference and dual channel is enabled.
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::unregisterWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480d800", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x10480d800", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::registerWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "isBuildingGYTT":0, "client":"0x1d442a3c0", "info":"0x111d53950"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: #Warning No cached registration message
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::onWatchdogTimerExpiry", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480c600", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x10480c600"}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480c600", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning PAUSE: BATCH: '<private>' (<private>, <private>) started in unexpected state: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client connected
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Background indicator enabled for <private> is now <private> (was <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x10480c600", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client (0x10480c600) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: copyTokenForDomain (null)
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone atc(AirTrafficDevice)[525] <Notice>: <ATLegacyMessageLink: 0x12ba02c40, wifi=0> ---> [Ping Request. id=442, Session=1, params=(null)]
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: __processStoredIncomingMessageForConnection: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -73 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 1/3/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:21 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -75 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 1/3/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -74 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 1/3/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received msg from server: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received new Link Preference Notification
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Sending out iRatChange event with appType kiRatTypeData, linkType kDataContextBB, reasonCode 512
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'iRatChange': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I iRatChanged_sync: Got iRat Change event with appType 0 and linkType kDataContextBB with reasonCode 512
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA: iRatChanged: appType=kiRatTypeData, linkType = kDataContextBB, reasonCode=512
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I isSwitchOverSupported: switchover is not supported
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I isSwitchOverSupported: switchover is not supported
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I isSwitchOverSupported: switchover is supported
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I isSwitchOverSupported: switchover is not supported
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'recalculateConnectionAvailability': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=5, size=1, reason = iRat Changed
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -75 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 1/3/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::unregisterWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10480c600", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x10480c600", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: immediate edge swipe: failed
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::registerWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "isBuildingGYTT":0, "client":"0x1d442a3c0", "info":"0x111d53950"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: #Warning No cached registration message
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::onWatchdogTimerExpiry", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x10383fc00"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Icon touch began: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Found a reasonable launch image for, not pre-warming SplashBoard.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning PAUSE: BATCH: '<private>' (<private>, <private>) started in unexpected state: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client connected
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Background indicator enabled for <private> is now <private> (was <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x10383fc00", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client (0x10383fc00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Icon tapped: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Activating from icon
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Running <SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction: 0x111f1c930> for transition request:
<SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x1cc2eab00; eventLabel: SBUIApplicationIconLaunchEventLabel; display: Main; source: HomeScreen> {
applicationContext = <SBWorkspaceApplicationSceneTransitionContext: 0x1cc149480; background: NO> entities = {
SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBDeviceApplicationSceneEntity: 0x1cc2817c0; ID:; layoutRole: primary>;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1c4058990; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: soft cancel on display:<main>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1cc0575e0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: SystemUI changed: 0x10 -> 0x0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: update start
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: app <private> (UIApplicationElement 1 hasKeyboardFocus 0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Created BKApplicationStateServerClient for [619:<private>] -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: 4. app got notification state: pid=0 for <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ActivationObserver: notifyAboutFrontAppChange : app: <private>; pid: 0; net: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: 5. app got notification state: new counter=517
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now []
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Foreground app changed\M-b\M^@\M^
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Removed BKApplicationStateServerClient for [619:<private>] -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[591] <Notice>: ATXUpdatePredictions: cache age 450.000000, reason 'app was launched'
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: adding status bar settings assertion: <SBAppStatusBarSettingsAssertion: 0x1d4c433f0> {
settings = <SBAppStatusBarSettings: 0x1d400ee60; alpha: 0.000000; style: 0x0; legibilitySettings: 0x0; styleOverridesToCancel: 0>;
level = app switcher;
reason = App Switcher Visible;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1c4058990; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Bootstrapping with intent foreground-interactive
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Icon touch canceled (tap gesture may still succeed): <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitting new job for "" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: _FGJetsamPriorityBand is 10 for <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Adding client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x107806090; pid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10000]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: CPUMON: Ignoring System App 5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 5508> with host <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(AssertionServices)[5508] <Notice>: [] Bootstrap complete with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; id: 5508-7900691F-36B8-43F8-B62C-854FD9D47085; name: UIApplicationLaunch; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x107900960 added: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; removed: (none))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] setpriority success for resource GPU to PRIO_DARWIN_GPU_ALLOW
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] setpriority success for resource CPU to default (0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; id: 5508-38B0378B-ADAE-4F4D-B490-5F4ADF6FE633; name: "Continuous Background Running"; state: active; reason: continuous; duration: infs> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1d044c8d0; timerMode: Automatic; quickUnwarnInterval: 42.0s; warnInterval: 40.0s; totalInterval: 60.0s> reason:"SBAppDidEnterForeground"]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: 0x1d08963f0 reconfigured attention timeouts:{
42 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: quickWarn";
40 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: warn";
60 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: expiration";
}, configuration generation: 431
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: setting configuration:<AWAttentionAwarenessConfiguration: 0x1d02910d0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 42.00000, 40.00000, 60.00000 mask Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 431 (tag 431))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid 88AEBA35-EFB5-3E2B-A433-D9EB52529DF5 pid 5587 isFront 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:260 : 9238.41285: Info: reset attention lost timeout for at 9238.41285
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:146 : 9238.41293: Info: updated config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 40, 42, 60 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 431), old config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 430)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: true
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 1 for net type 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0234aa0; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Eligible to go to broken
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 1 for net type 0, eligible for broken but constraints unsatisfied (1,0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -73 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 1/3/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Injecting /Library/TweakInject/cardboard.dylib into
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CydiaSubstrate)[5587] <Error>: libsubstrate-shim: Tried to hook non-existent selector statusBarStyle on class nil
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Created BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5587:<private>] -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #Power [App Startup]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] workspaceConnectedWithTaskPortRight: received task port
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(libAccessibility.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Retrieving resting unlock: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBSystemServiceServer] Client MobileMail:5587 connected to service
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; id: 5508-F38DA9E3-DC7E-4730-8AE0-F92A29574B0F; name: Resume; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; id: 5508-F613B1DE-C447-4B00-B304-CBB1106BB701; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x107900960 added: (none); removed: wantsForegroundResourcePriority)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x107900960>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8222440; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8223c80; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Changing color of status bar for apps...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for SpringBoard:5508: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&50B9DC5D5DC4>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; id: 5508-9099AAAA-8A21-446D-A86D-50B9DC5D5DC4; name:; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&50B9DC5D5DC4>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&50B9DC5D5DC4>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&50B9DC5D5DC4>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e1e440; "FBSystemApp" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&BCC2978A5EB2> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f15d70; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&2C73F0A0041D> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e24700; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&50B9DC5D5DC4>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105e24700>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #AccountStatusManager Updating status for all accounts based on network availability
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreTelephony)[5587] <Notice>: CCMonitor created
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I New CTServerConnection from pid 5587 (conn=0x1472412a0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I -- connection has entitlements: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Calling _CTServerConnectionGetPacketContextActiveByServiceType(): context id is 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 5587[<private>] is named '<private>'.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Calling _CTServerConnectionCopyDataStatus()
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreTelephony)[5587] <Notice>: Data status: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ==== client 5587 (<private>) registered for event kCTEventRegistrationDataStatus(55) (now total 1)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ==== client 5587 (<private>) registered for event kCTEventCallStatus(1) (now total 2)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #AccountStatusManager Data is available. Setting status of accounts with no connectivity to unknown.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Indexing Using budgetPeriod:21600s (6.0h) budget:150s (min:2.5m) overage:128 remaining:149.9904s
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: client <private> HWM increased to 1 because of <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; id: 5587-974E7AFE-8BE1-49A6-8CEA-952E95063BDF; name:; state: active; reason: finishTaskUnbounded; duration: infs> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105f1b710; MobileMail:5587; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x13300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[510] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5965 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(PairedSync)[5587] <Notice>: -[PSYSyncCoordinator initWithServiceName:serviceLookupPath:]:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[510] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5641 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library Time spent waiting on sqlite writer lock for reconciliation: 0.01 secs
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Suspend at connect 0x1d00f7f80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library DBJournalMergeResult Success
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Requesting connectionID 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created connection to service: 0x1c819f550
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library cleanupProtectedTables took 0.0004 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library Database reconciliation took 0.0154 seconds (result: Success)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105d15290>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Setting up connection to listener ID: bundle ID: setupInfo <private> entitlements <private> pid: 5587 name: MobileMail connection: 0x100c44b80 notificationServices <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[510] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Active device uniqueID: (null)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Granting access 1 to listener: pid: 5587 entitlements: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Port name request for: from pid: 5587 granted: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.5641 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Completed connection {connectionID 1, fatalError NO, relevantConnection: YES}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection complete
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Setup info is not complete, waiting...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Resume due to connect completion 0x1d00f7f80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Setup complete with info
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Deferred setup on ivar queue, got dependent devices <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Dependent devices all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection complete, notifying
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Cleaning up daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished blocking for daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680 (Success: YES)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished blocking for daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680 (Success: YES)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129d00c60)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129d00c60
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129e85ef0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129e85ef0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129e8b400)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129e8b400
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x1d01e5700)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x1d01e5700
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x12ba015c0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x12ba015c0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129d02f40)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(NanoMailKitServer)[5587] <Notice>: SyncProvider Created...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129d02f40
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(NanoMailKitServer)[5587] <Notice>: Is now disconnected. Initiating timer to suspend sync.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: registering for VIP kvstore at:
number of VIPs in current store: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: local store has 0 VIPs before updating from cloud
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: local store has 0 VIPs after updating from cloud
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: Client service "" is a UIApplication:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: invalidated 0 message with transaction ID > 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: is registering with BulletinBoard
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Indexing End Indexing : {
countOfItemsIndexed = 0;
elapsedTime = "0.0002460479736328125";
itemsPerSecond = 0;
pending = 0;
remainingIndexingBudget = "149.9901827573776";
remainingIndexingBudgetOverage = 128;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Warning deferring refresh request until we have determined our active non-local accounts
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnectionResolver received connection request from <NSXPCConnection: 0x1c010cd50> connection from pid 5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnectionResolver received checkin from [KNOWN]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: (null)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: told client is ready
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone analyticsd[563] <Notice>: [<private>] Note: AWD query handler added for metric 0x450001 ['<private>']
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: <_NSXPCDistantObject: 0x1d028c3a0>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy resuming proxy queue
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: <_NSXPCDistantObject: 0x1d4298650>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Invalidate bulletins in section for destinations 2
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Reload info for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreAnalytics)[5587] <Notice>: Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(WirelessDiagnostics)[5587] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N CCFG for cid 0x45 has # of profiles: 4
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Current bulletins in this section: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Current bulletins in this section: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(MailServices)[5587] <Error>: #MailServices Autosave error [(null)]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Beginning to create rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Unhiding rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Rounded corners unhidden.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Foundation)[5587] <Notice>: *** Assertion failure in -[MailAppController _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x184bbed8c 0x183d785ec 0x184bbebf8 0x1855aefa0 0x18e75bafc 0x18ed8ba0c 0x18e75ae4c 0x18e75ace8 0x18e759b78 0x18f3ef72c 0x18e759268 0x18f1d49b8 0x18f322ae8 0x18e758c88 0x18e758624 0x18e75565c 0x18e7553ac 0x1873bc470 0x1873c4d6c 0x1844b0ae4 0x1844ecb0c 0x1873f0878 0x1873f051c 0x1873f0ab8 0x184b67404 0x184b66c2c 0x184b6479c 0x184a84da8 0x186a67020 0x18ea6578c 0x10496ff08 0x184515fc0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Received signal 6
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter)[5508] <Error>: HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd(IMFoundation)[523] <Notice>: Message from client: 0x100c44b80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: peer(5587) received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: localObjectDiedNotification: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Removing listener ID:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Cleaning up session(s) for client ID: because it died
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105e0d970>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Removed BKApplicationStateServerClient for [5587:<private>] -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 5587 has closed (conn=0x1472412a0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Remote data provider XPC connection for service '' has been interrupted or invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: DISCONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: suspending access queue
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1cc0575e0; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; id: 5508-37ACD3D3-4A39-4BEE-B0EF-D5F73C5996E5; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105f228a0>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[5588] <Notice>: Trying to create CR directory structure as root
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[5588] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[5588] <Notice>: cr_update: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash[5588] <Notice>: __crash_info: [<private>] '(null)'
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash[5588] <Notice>: __crash_info: [<private>] '(null)'
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash[5588] <Notice>: __crash_info: [<private>] '<private>'
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash[5588] <Notice>: Formulating report for corpse[5587] MobileMail
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(MobileCoreServices)[5588] <Notice>: notify_register_check() failed with error 1000000
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CoreTelephony)[5588] <Notice>: CCMonitor created
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I New CTServerConnection from pid 5588 (conn=0x145f4db50)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I -- connection has entitlements: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 5588[<private>] is named '<private>'.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 5588 has closed (conn=0x145f4db50)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[5588] <Notice>: Saved type '109(<private>)' report (8 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileMail-2018-07-18-183422.ips
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: NO; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: NO,
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x1d41c97e0;>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: Stopping device motion, mode=0x22
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::unregisterWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:260 : 9238.93695: Info: reset attention lost timeout for at 9238.93695
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1c4258480; timerMode: Automatic; quickUnwarnInterval: 22.0s; warnInterval: 20.0s; totalInterval: 30.0s> reason:"SBAppDidEnterBackground"]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: 0x1d08963f0 reconfigured attention timeouts:{
30 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: expiration";
22 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: quickWarn";
20 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: warn";
}, configuration generation: 432
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: setting configuration:<AWAttentionAwarenessConfiguration: 0x1c409fae0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 30.00000, 22.00000, 20.00000 mask Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 432 (tag 432))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:146 : 9238.93700: Info: updated config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 432), old config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 40, 42, 60 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 431)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1c4058990; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion added.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; id: 5508-7262841E-D165-4387-96E6-881712C54DC1; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x107818310>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x10383fc00", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Will update scene - foregroundness changed to: Background
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: scene settings update - settings are NOT eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: saving suspend snapshot for this vc: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Deactivate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Generating image data for snapshot: <XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x111f24450; identifier: 76119D41-ECF6-4E36-A77F-E0E6E0740F5B; name: SBSuspendSnapshot; contentType: SceneContent> {
creationDate = July 18, 2018 at 6:34:22 PM PDT;
expirationDate = July 18, 2018 at 6:34:27 PM PDT;
keepsImageAccessUntilExpiration = YES;
hasGenerationContext = NO;
context = {
contentType = SceneContent;
fullScreen = YES;
referenceSize = {414, 736};
interfaceOrientation = Portrait;
additionalContext = {
statusBarSettings = <XBStatusBarSettings: 0x1cc00b8f0; hidden: NO; style: UIStatusBarStyleDefault; backgroundActivityEnabled: NO>;
imageContext = {
scale = 3.0;
opaque = YES;
fileRelativeLocation = none;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; id: 5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D; name:; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x105f289e0 added: preventIdleSleep; removed: (none))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12108]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Creating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Sleep revert state: 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Created SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Created PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587, sleep reverted
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; id: 5508-04B60D95-D7B8-441D-8A4B-FA385B3EBD18; name: Suspending; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12308]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x2308]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x2208]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: NO; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: NO,
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105d18d00>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 BackgroundRunning (most elevated: BackgroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: update start
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ActivationObserver: notifyAboutFrontAppChange : app: <private>; pid: 0; net: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: 5. app got notification state: new counter=518
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: SystemUI changed: 0x0 -> 0x10
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1c424edc0; timerMode: Automatic; quickUnwarnInterval: 22.0s; warnInterval: 20.0s; totalInterval: 30.0s> reason:"SBHomeScreen"]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: 0x1d08963f0 reconfigured attention timeouts:{
30 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: expiration";
22 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: quickWarn";
20 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: warn";
}, configuration generation: 433
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: setting configuration:<AWAttentionAwarenessConfiguration: 0x1c809a6d0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 30.00000, 22.00000, 20.00000 mask Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 433 (tag 433))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:260 : 9238.95782: Info: reset attention lost timeout for at 9238.95782
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:146 : 9238.95788: Info: updated config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 433), old config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 432)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now []
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Foreground app changed\M-b\M^@\M^T-
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: removing status bar settings assertion after 0.571345 seconds: <SBAppStatusBarSettingsAssertion: 0x1d4c433f0> {
settings = <SBAppStatusBarSettings: 0x1d400ee60; alpha: 0.000000; style: 0x0; legibilitySettings: 0x0; styleOverridesToCancel: 0>;
level = app switcher;
reason = App Switcher Visible;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: false
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 0 for net type 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Eligible to go to broken
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NBSM Current state: normal, changed: systemForeground to 0 for net type 0, eligible for broken but constraints unsatisfied (0,0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: Starting device motion, mode=0x22,useAccelerometer=0,useGyro=1,useCompass=0,fUseNorthRef=0,buildingGYTT=0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Front display did change: (null)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: 0x1d08963f0 reconfigured attention timeouts:{
30 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: expiration";
22 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: quickWarn";
20 = "SBAttentionAwareIdleTimerTimeoutContext - expectation: warn";
}, configuration generation: 434
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: setting configuration:<AWAttentionAwarenessConfiguration: 0x1d04908b0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 30.00000, 22.00000, 20.00000 mask Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 434 (tag 434))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:260 : 9238.96488: Info: reset attention lost timeout for at 9238.96488
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: RemoteClient.m:146 : 9238.96496: Info: updated config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 434), old config <AWRemoteClient: 0x103865bc0> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 20, 22, 30 mask AttentionLost|Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 433)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::registerWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "isBuildingGYTT":0, "client":"0x1d442a3c0", "info":"0x111d53950"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: #Warning No cached registration message
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x10383fc00"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::onWatchdogTimerExpiry", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning PAUSE: BATCH: '<private>' (<private>, <private>) started in unexpected state: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client connected
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Background indicator enabled for <private> is now <private> (was <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x10383fc00", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client (0x10383fc00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Enabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1c4058990; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Root transaction complete: <SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction: 0x111f1c930>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I SIM has not requested to be notified on entering idle screen, not processing
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0c23620; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Background>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -68 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Port death watcher fired.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: background; task: none; hostpid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Released SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Invalidating...
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Releasing PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587 from invalidate
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Got exit context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x105f22480; reason: (none)>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587> exited.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x1cc05fda0; exitReason: (none); terminationReason: (none)> {
stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x1cc22db60; pid: 5587; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: reconfigured lock button: <SBMutableHardwareButtonGestureParameters: 0x1c426ba80; maximumPressCount: 1; longPressTimeInterval: 2.50s; multiplePressTimeInterval: 0.30s>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for (null)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Deleted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deleted launchd job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Terminating because the job-submitter has disconnected.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Invalidation complete.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Checking for deferred bootstrap request for
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Removing client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x107806090; pid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] No clients remain.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: #Warning application was terminated: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105f289e0>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105d136f0>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105d14d10>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I BundleID: <private> is no longer a foreground app
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: EventStatistics.m:48 : 9239.23691: Info: 5 Digitizer since 9227.90384 (Wed Jul 18 18:34:11 2018)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::unregisterWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x10383fc00", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -70 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "", "" )
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Ignoring trigger because conditions are deteriorating
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Evaluating 0 activities based on triggers
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone nsurlsessiond[508] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone nsurlsessiond[508] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::registerWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "isBuildingGYTT":0, "client":"0x1d442a3c0", "info":"0x111d53950"}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending cached messages to daemon", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: #Warning No cached registration message
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::onWatchdogTimerExpiry", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x0", "new":"0x10383fc00"}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning PAUSE: BATCH: '<private>' (<private>, <private>) started in unexpected state: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client connected
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Background indicator enabled for <private> is now <private> (was <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x10383fc00", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client (0x10383fc00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageGyroBiasEstimation
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "Idle-exit-preventing transaction ended!"
Jul 18 18:34:24 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "Idle-exit-preventing transaction ended!"
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Received orientation. (FaceUp to Portrait) Timestamp 9241.323914
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Updating client handler: Orientation Portrait, Callback mode: -1
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Updating device orientation from CoreMotion to: portrait (1)
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Last effective interface orientation changed to: portrait (1)
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Effective device orientation changed to: portrait (1)
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Got a device orientation change, forwarding portrait (1) to apps
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -69 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone rtcreportingd[769] <Notice>: releaseXPCTransactions: XPC transaction ref count is 0, decremented by 1
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone rtcreportingd[769] <Notice>: releaseXPCTransactions: XPC transaction ended
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: [CompassCalibration] bias.x,<private>,.y,<private>,.z,<private>,scale.x,<private>,.y,<private>,.z,<private>,quality,0.977694,cost,0.475585,coverage,0.977234,earthDiffRatio,0.053138,pose.x,<private>,.y,<private>,.z,<private>,level,5,saturations,0
Jul 18 18:34:25 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -64 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Received orientation. (Portrait to FaceUp) Timestamp 9242.197404
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Updating client handler: Orientation FaceUp, Callback mode: -1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Updating device orientation from CoreMotion to: faceUp (5)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Effective device orientation changed to: faceUp (5)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Got a device orientation change, forwarding faceUp (5) to apps
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.txn]: ServerTransaction BYE 5cea0cd110 [Completed]: timer J fired
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.txn]: ServerTransaction BYE 5cea0cd110: transitioning to state [Terminated]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.dlg]: Dialog e53eb71b68: removing ServerTransaction BYE 5cea0cd110
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.dlg]: DialogManager: removed Dialog e53eb71b68 from map
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.dlg]: Dialog e53eb71b68: deleting dialog
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.txn]: removing connection user from IPSecTransport [ipsec4 56970 --> 6000, ipsec5 56971 <-- 32797]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -59 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Lock usagePage:0xc usage:0x30 downEvent:1 down
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: canceling volume button presses
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -60 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -59 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Lock usagePage:0xc usage:0x30 downEvent:0 up
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Lock button single press recognized.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: wake/sleep _performSleep
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: _playLockSound is playing the lock sound
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: activate generator <_UIFeedbackEventBehavior: 0x1d0116530: prepared=0> with style: TurnOn; activationCount: 0 -> 1; styleActivationCount: 0 -> 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: activate feedback engine 0x1d44bb780, clientCount: 0 -> 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: activating engine
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: feedback engine <_UIFeedbackSystemSoundEngine: 0x1d44bb780: state=0, numberOfClients=1, prewarmCount=0, _isSuspended=0> state changed: Inactive -> Activating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: feedback engine <_UIFeedbackSystemSoundEngine: 0x1d44bb780: state=3, numberOfClients=1, prewarmCount=0, _isSuspended=0> state changed: Activating -> Running
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBSoundController: played sound - environments=1 -> <SBUISound: 0x1c809b4e0>
{ SoundType: Feedback
eventType: 1002
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: performSleep: locking the device with lock button source and animating fade-out
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Enabling global orientation lock override for reason: SBLockForScreenFadeOut-7, new orientation: unknown (0), forced NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: YES; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: {(
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: performSleep: start sleep
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Animating backlight to factor 0.00 with duration 0.18 source:3 (lock button)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: suspend:YES backlight:YES objectInProximity:NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: add: <SBHIDUILockAssertion: 0x1cc246a80; suspendProximitySensor: YES; suspendMultitouch: YES; source: "lock button"; HIDInterface: 0x1d02238a0; reason: backlight>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: reevalute: <none> -> lockEnabled
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: set HID locked state to: lockEnabled source:lock button
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[522] <Notice>: 687: -> Incoming Request : actionID 1100, inClientPID 5508(SpringBoard), inBehavior 0, customVibeDataProvided 0, loop 0, loopPeriod 0.000000, inFlags 0, inClientCompletionToken 9
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSystSounds- cmsmSystemSoundShouldPlay_block_invoke: CMSession: Called for SSID 1100, returning flags 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[522] <Notice>: 126: mSSID 1100, mShouldPlayAudio 0, mShouldVibe 0, mAudioVolume 0.170000, mVibeIntensity 1.000000, mNeedsFinishCall 0, mSynchronizedSystemSound 0, mInterruptCurrentSystemSounds 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = <private> out md size 4
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:GetSKSLockState (39), value:0, inLength:12, outLength:4
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKDevice::bioLockoutState:forUser: 0x16f44bfe0 501 (_cid 7856254160)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKDevice::bioLockoutState:forUser: -> 1 1 (null)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKDeviceTouchID::enableBackgroundFingerDetection: 0 (_cid 7856254160)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: setUILockState:{lockEnabled} source:lock button
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMultitouchDriver)[0] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] AppleMultitouchDevice::setPowerEnabled entered
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = 0x0 out md size 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Effective prox mode:(BK:locked prox:off touch:off) Prevailing client:<BKProximityDetectionClient: 0x10cd83090; name: backboardd.5507; port: 0x0; requestedMode: 252 (locked)>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:EnableBackgroundFdet (69), value:0, inLength:8, outLength:0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKDeviceTouchID::enableBackgroundFingerDetection: -> 1 [0: Success] (null)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKOperation::cancel (_cid 7864608736)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BiometricKit)[5508] <Notice>: BKOperation::cancel -> void
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = 0x0 out md size 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:Cancel (12), value:0, inLength:8, outLength:0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricSensor)[0] <Notice>: handleCMDSync() entry: cmd=0x1, param0=0x0, param1=0x0, param2=0x0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricSensor)[0] <Notice>: handleInterrupt() entry: state=8
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: performSinglePressAction result: Sleep/wake interaction handled it
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: deactivate generator <_UIFeedbackEventBehavior: 0x1d0116530: prepared=0> with style: TurnOn; activationCount: 1 -> 0; styleActivationCount: 1 -> 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: deactivate feedback engine 0x1d44bb780, clientCount: 1 -> 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleChestnutDisplayPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleDisplayPMUFunctionLDOEnable: this=<private> _dpmuTarget=<private> dpmuLDOSelect=0x2 options=0x3 private_data=0x0 enable=0 result=0x0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: _deactivateEngineIfPossible <_UIFeedbackSystemSoundEngine: 0x1d44bb780: state=4, numberOfClients=0, prewarmCount=0, _isSuspended=0>, clientCount: 0, suspended: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: _deactivateEngineIfPossible <_UIFeedbackSystemSoundEngine: 0x1d44bb780: state=4, numberOfClients=0, prewarmCount=0, _isSuspended=0> tearedDown: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UIKit)[5508] <Notice>: feedback engine <_UIFeedbackSystemSoundEngine: 0x1d44bb780: state=4, numberOfClients=0, prewarmCount=0, _isSuspended=0> state changed: Running -> Inactive
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone biometrickitd(libBKDM1.dylib)[597] <Notice>: statusMessage:withData:timestamp: 99 0 221820002040
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone biometrickitd(libBKDM1.dylib)[597] <Notice>: statusMessage:withData:timestamp: 89 0 221820036066
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: update start
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: SystemUI changed: 0x10 -> 0x10
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ActivationObserver: notifyAboutFrontAppChange : app: <private>; pid: 0; net: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: 5. app got notification state: new counter=519
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(MultitouchHID)[5507] <Notice>: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::setPropertyInternal touch mode: 0->255 fromButton=1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleProxDriver)[0] <Notice>: Proximity detection mode : 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: set mode:(BK:locked prox:off touch:off) pocketTouchesExpected:NO source:lock button
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Locking device orientation for lock type: (system) to: faceUp (5)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation lock change handler fired! is locked: YES; performed update: YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1c4244bf0; timerMode: Disabled; quickUnwarnInterval: 0.0s> reason:"LayoutMonitorDidUpdateDisplayLayout"]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Ignoring undim from screenOff because only prox can do that
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: attention client SUSPEND <AWAttentionAwarenessConfiguration: 0x1d0292840> (identifier: samplingInterval: 0.00000 samplingDelay: 0.00000 attentionLostTimeouts: 30.00000, 22.00000, 20.00000 mask Button|Keyboard|Digitizer|GameController|MesaTouch tagIndex 434 (tag 434))
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: Scheduler.m:170 : 9242.52098: Info: 0 clients: (
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Got notification that a deferred screen unblank has completed
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1d104dfb0; reason: underLock; all scene levels; hasPredicate: YES>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received display status: is_on false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received call on Screen status: false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Setting from 0 to 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Stopping driver. Model requires inputs 0, controller is running 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Stopping radio signal reporting
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1c0097c50
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:volume
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Received system event 1; checking for expiration
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: Backlight level notification (0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: Update authentication state - needs authentication revoked; revoking for reason: remove authentication assertion: <SBFAuthenticationAssertion: 0x1c42530b0; reason: UI unlocked; type: KeybagUnlock; valid: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: Revoking authentication - reason: remove authentication assertion: <SBFAuthenticationAssertion: 0x1c42530b0; reason: UI unlocked; type: KeybagUnlock; valid: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: Stopping device motion, mode=0x22
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: State changed to Revoking
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Setup
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreMotion)[5508] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLGyroBiasEstimatorClientRemote::unregisterWithGyroBiasEstimatorPrivate", "event":"activity", "client":"0x1d442a3c0"}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleSEPKeyStore)[0] <Notice>: AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 5508 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2 '-536870174')
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: PearlAttentionSampler.m:519 : 9242.69023: Info: setDisplayState off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(VirtualAudio)[522] <Notice>: AggregateDevice_Common.cpp:2355:SetPropertyData: Setting buffer frame size of 4096 on aggregate device 245.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMotion)[522] <Notice>: Backlight level notification (0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: Scheduler.m:58 : 9242.69471: Info: attentionSampler state change (setDisplayState off)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone biometrickitd(CoreMotion)[597] <Notice>: Backlight level notification (0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Device blocked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Phone call
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: Failed to take MKBDeviceLockAssertion (<private>) due to error: 1 - <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Updating active destinations [ lockScreenVisible: 0 lostMode: 0 carPlay: 0 bannersActive : 1 ]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Wants orientation events is now NO, (message: Is in screen off mode)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for SpringBoard:5508: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&65A0762AAA94>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: The top thing is nil and it wants orientation events: NO _wantsOrientationEvents: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; id: 5508-82440124-59DC-4310-9421-65A0762AAA94; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105e0c080; SpringBoard:5508; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep;
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&65A0762AAA94>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Starting not animated presentation
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: cover sheet sliding view controller prepare for presentation transition
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Enabling global orientation lock override for reason: SBCoverSheetLockOrientationForInteractiveTransition, new orientation: unknown (0), forced NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: YES; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: {(
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: System did lock
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - Disabling idle timer for reason: SBCoverSheetDisableIdleTimerForGestureInProgress
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: BTLE scanning stopped
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone biometrickitd(libBKDM1.dylib)[597] <Notice>: SKS state: 501: 0x9 (<private>)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = 0x0 out md size 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Turning off orientation events.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Added: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1d104df50; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Stopping orientation updates, latest 5, last significant 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBCoverSheetSuspendIconRotationReason
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBDisableActiveInterfaceOrientationChangeAssertion
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Set wallpaper orientation source to LockScreen
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Not animating wallpaper orientation to portrait (1) in 0.00 because it's already in that orientation
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:DisplayStatusChanged (20), value:0, inLength:8, outLength:0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: Display status changed: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] invalidating hid service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] Refreshing service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: setEnabled:true
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = <private> out md size 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: media is not playing and not paused. Removing Now Playing.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:GetEnabledForUnlock (48), value:0, inLength:8, outLength:1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(RTBuddy)[0] <Notice>: [AOP:client1] CMSPUGestureService,Received Control Mode,5,Options,0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x10383fc00", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x10383fc00", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: ScreenOn changed: on -> off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Screen state changed to off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: BLE NearbyAction scanner stop
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: BLE Prox scanner stop
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Screen state changed to off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Disable radio signal reporting succeeded
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDriverState with 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Setting from 1 to 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I No change. Model requires inputs false, controller is running false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleBiometricServices)[0] <Notice>: AppleBiometricServicesUserClient::extPerform: in md = <private> out md = <private> out md size 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMesaSEPDriver)[0] <Notice>: performCommandGated: command:GetEnabledForUnlock (48), value:0, inLength:8, outLength:1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Discovery stop (screen off)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Screen state changed to off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone biometrickitd(libBKDM1.dylib)[597] <Notice>: displayStateChanged: (_lastDisplayState !=) 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: ScanEligible: yes -> no
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Discovery stop (shouldn't scan)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: WatchScan stop (shouldn't scan)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: TTF: Problem flags changed: 0x0 < >, AirPlay no
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: adding status bar settings assertion: <SBAppStatusBarSettingsAssertion: 0x1d02591d0> {
settings = <SBAppStatusBarSettings: 0x1d0203650; alpha: 1.000000; style: 0x0; legibilitySettings: <_UILegibilitySettings: 0x1d02b2fc0; style: Light> {
contentColor = 0x0;
primaryColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 1 1;
secondaryColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 1 0.45;
}; styleOverridesToCancel: 0>;
level = fullscreen alert;
reason = SBDashBoardStatusBar;
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: Nearby stop scanning: scan request of type 15, blob: <>, mask <>, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, rssi: -90, peers: (
) scan mode: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidate WPPairing
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: BTSession detach
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: heySiriScanActive: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending 'session detached' event for session "SFBLEScanner-Prox-36395"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 7 15 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - payload: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - mask: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - peers: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - payload: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - mask: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - peers: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan options changed: YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Nothing left to advertise, stopping
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: WPClient (0x101232840 - WPPairing) XPC Connection invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: State changed to 0 from 3
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: Advertiser state changed to 0 from 3
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: WPClient deallocing (0x101232840 - WPPairing)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Stop scanning for process sharingd (538) with scan request of type 15, blob: <>, mask <>, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, rssi: -90, peers: (
) scan mode: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing scan request scan request of type 15, blob: <>, mask <>, active: 0, duplicates: 0, screen on: No Scan, screen off: No Scan, rssi: -90, peers: (
) scan mode: 0 for client 0EFA95A7-4204-473C-A4CA-7F22BBF46727
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: heySiriScanActive: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 7 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - payload: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - mask: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - peers: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: BTSession detached: 310000/0x4BAF0 BT_SUCCESS
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - Updating idle timer for reason: CoverSheet (but not active)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Updating active destinations [ lockScreenVisible: 0 lostMode: 0 carPlay: 0 bannersActive : 1 ]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan options changed: YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: WPDClient XPC connection for process sharingd (538) is becoming invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing WPDClient 843A23C7-6DAA-4C34-8788-E676476B661A of process sharingd (538)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing all scan requests for client 843A23C7-6DAA-4C34-8788-E676476B661A
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: DeviceDiscovery stop
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "" - 0 advertisements delivered
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: heySiriScanActive: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdCheckOut" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Passively scanning for devices of types: 7 (Window: 30/Interval: 300)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: DeviceDiscovery stop
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - payload: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - mask: <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000> - peers: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidating
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan options changed: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan request no-op per <rdar://problem/36023927>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: WPClient (0x101230750 - WPAWDL) XPC Connection invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Unregistering session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing all peer tracking requests for client 843A23C7-6DAA-4C34-8788-E676476B661A
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: State changed to 0 from 3
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Nothing left to advertise, stopping
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: Advertiser state changed to 0 from 3
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending 'session detached' event for session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Current spy scan clients: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[538] <Notice>: WPClient deallocing (0x101230750 - WPAWDL)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdFinalized" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: WPDClient XPC connection for process sharingd (538) is becoming invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing WPDClient 19B1400D-9163-4A2E-9999-C5AE6695C08B of process sharingd (538)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing all scan requests for client 19B1400D-9163-4A2E-9999-C5AE6695C08B
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: heySiriScanActive: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreBluetooth)[538] <Error>: XPC connection invalid
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: No Scan requests that fit the current criteria, bailing
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Start Not Animation 1520 to presented
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request without duplicates for all UUIDs from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Ended Animation 1520 not retargeted -> putting us in a good state for presenting
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan options changed: YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling global orientation lock override for reason: SBCoverSheetLockOrientationForInteractiveTransition
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Removing all peer tracking requests for client 19B1400D-9163-4A2E-9999-C5AE6695C08B
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: YES; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: {(
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Nothing left to advertise, stopping
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - Reenabling idle timer as last reason removed: SBCoverSheetDisableIdleTimerForGestureInProgress
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Closed XPC connection to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Current spy scan clients: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1d4642280; timerMode: Disabled; quickUnwarnInterval: 0.0s> reason:"SBCoverSheetDisableIdleTimerForGestureInProgress"]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Ignoring undim from screenOff because only prox can do that
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Removed: <FBUIApplicationSceneDeactivationAssertion: 0x1d104df50; reason: systemAnimation; all scene levels; hasPredicate: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopAdvertising" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdAdvertisingStopped" to session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Scanning stopped successfully. 0 Advertising Events
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPlatform)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated: Set backlight off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: UILocked: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(ApplePinotLCD)[0] <Notice>: ApplePinotLCD::_lcdEnable: enable: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleProxDriver)[0] <Notice>: Proximity detection mode : 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Effective prox mode:(BK:locked prox:off touch:off) Prevailing client:<BKProximityDetectionClient: 0x10cd83090; name: backboardd.5507; port: 0x0; requestedMode: 252 (locked)>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: set mode:(BK:locked prox:off touch:off) pocketTouchesExpected:YES source:lock button
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Updating active destinations [ lockScreenVisible: 1 lostMode: 0 carPlay: 0 bannersActive : 0 ]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'start scan' request without duplicates for all UUIDs from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Disabled destination SBNotificationBannerDestination
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Starting passive scan (300.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter enabled
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Destination SBNotificationBannerDestination set to not ready
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsKit)[5508] <Notice>: Unregistering destination SBNotificationLegacyCarDestination for identifier BulletinDestinationCar
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:power
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Request for active behavior overrides considering system state 1; result 0 (raw 0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Request for active behavior overrides considering system state 0; result 0 (raw 0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Coalescing incoming section hidden preview notifications for SBDashBoardCombinedListViewController [section identifer:(null)]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Behavior overrides changed from 0 / 0 to 0 / 0 from source 2, notifying observers 6, utilities clients 7866783888 and settings gateways 7854179952
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Coalescing recents section hidden preview notifications for SBDashBoardCombinedListViewController [section identifer:(null)]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Request for active behavior overrides considering system state 1; result 0 (raw 0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I CTServerConnection from pid 5508 has closed (conn=0x14714b950)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileKeyBagLockState)[510] <Notice>: LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I SSS: <private>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Assertion '<private>' by <private> for 16460 ms removed; total assertion count is now 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Assertion '<private>' being relinquished, Calling 0 per assertion call back(s)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1d04492d0; timerMode: Disabled; quickUnwarnInterval: 0.0s> reason:"CoverSheetDidPresent"]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Ignoring undim from screenOff because only prox can do that
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Clearing Secure App View Controllers
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Received 'stop scan' request from session ""
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Stopping scan for session "<private>" - 0 advertisements delivered
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Scanning started successfully
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Stopping scan as there are no remaining scan agents permitted to scan
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone bluetoothd[542] <Notice>: Scanning stopped successfully. 0 Advertising Events
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sysdiagnose[987] <Notice>: Polling number of inflight diagnostics 0.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ScreenLockObserver: token=130, state = true, sequence = 127
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'displayLocked': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reset alerts to false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(WirelessDiagnostics)[619] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x160002 is skip
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received display status: is_on false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I No change. Model requires inputs false, controller is running false
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SoftwareUpdateServicesUIPlugin)[5508] <Notice>: UI lock state changed: isUILocked=YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SoftwareUpdateServicesUIPlugin)[5508] <Notice>: UI lock state changed: isUILocked=YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Lock screen status bar style overridden.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - Disabling idle timer for reason: SBDashBoardScreenOff
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: <private> - _setIdleTimerWithDescriptor:<SBIdleTimerDescriptor: 0x1d0241230; timerMode: Disabled; quickUnwarnInterval: 0.0s> reason:"SBDashBoardScreenOff"]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Ignoring undim from screenOff because only prox can do that
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Front display did change: (null)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: lock/volume priority is:power
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[521] <Notice>: ScreenLocked changed: no -> yes
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: performSleep: lockUI
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[521] <Notice>: HomeKit get identity
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: heySiriScanActive: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling global orientation lock override for reason: SBLockForScreenFadeOut-7
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: No Scan requests that fit the current criteria, bailing
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation locked: NO; user lock: NO, was stale: NO, orientation: <private> overrides: NO,
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[521] <Notice>: GetPairingIdentity 0x8 < HomeKit >
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Screen did lock (Was unlocked for 16.464888 seconds)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: System did lock
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan options changed: NO
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: UI locked state changed 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Delivering <private> to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: _processOutgoingNonUrgentInternetMessages
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd[526] <Notice>: Scan request no-op per <rdar://problem/36023927>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: Key manager received UI lock state changed (UI unlocked: NO)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> systemDidLock, refreshing state
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Checking _hasNonUrgentInternetSendingBudget, fireDate is (null), 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wifid[507] <Notice>: WiFi:[553656866.744308]: WiFiDeviceManagerLockStateDidChange: is locked ? 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: UI Lock Status changed. Device was unlocked once: yes
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Delivering <private> to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Non-urgent internet send probability windows are not specified in the server bag - returning 1.0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone callservicesd[584] <Notice>: Updating nearby device routes using devices: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Verifying state
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> systemDidLock, refreshing state
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Rolling die to attempt non-urgent internet send. Last check was 108 seconds ago. Probability = 1.000000.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone callservicesd[584] <Notice>: Not adding any nearby devices because currentCallsSupportNearbyDevices=<private>, supportsPrimaryCalling=<private>, and hasRelayiCloudAccount=<private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Delivering <private> to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Probability is >= 1, can send.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: GetPairingIdentity 0x8 < HomeKit >
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Delivering <private> to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> - systemDidLock and we're connected via noncellular, sending inactive ping to the server
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: Keybag state changed: <SBFMobileKeyBagState: 0x1d000ea90; lockState: Locking; isEffectivelyLocked: YES; permanentlyBlocked: NO; recoveryRequired: NO; recoveryPossible: YES; shouldWipe: NO>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(CoreFoundation)[510] <Notice>: Lock status changed.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[522] <Notice>: Locked with passcode : Locking
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(VoiceTrigger)[522] <Notice>: ::: Checking VTStateManager policy: Should be running? YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxEvent, Locked, 1, delta, 19.0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveMagicalMoments)[591] <Notice>: locking, clearing any now playing recommendations
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifiPositioningSystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":221825637848, "end_mach":221825645637, "elapsed_s":"0.000324542", "event":"System::EncryptedDataAvailability", "now_s":"553656866.753098011"}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreHAP)[538] <Notice>: Failed to get the local pairing identity with error: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=52 "Failed with OSStatus code -25300 (errSecItemNotFound)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed with OSStatus code -25300 (errSecItemNotFound), NSUnderlyingError=0x100758a90 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300 "errSecItemNotFound" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=errSecItemNotFound}}}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: ### GetPairingIdentity failed: 300252/0x494DC HMErrorCodeGenericError
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[521] <Notice>: ### Get HomeKit identity failed: HMErrorCodeGenericError
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SB orientation lock change handler fired! is locked: NO; performed update: YES
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Unlocking device orientation for lock type: (user, system)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Error>: WARNING: Attempting synchronous device orientation update while events disabled!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: OrientationCallbackMode,-1,EnableOrientationNotification,0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Starting orientation updates, callback mode -1, enable 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: State changed to Revoked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] invalidating hid service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Setup
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] Refreshing service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Device blocked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Phone call
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardFoundation)[5508] <Notice>: Enabling secure display mode.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Saved _foregroundAppPidsWhenDisplaySecureModeWasEnabled: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&65A0762AAA94>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [InCallService:5584] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Got cached orientation <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&65A0762AAA94>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: Stopping orientation updates, latest 0, last significant 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e1e440; "FBSystemApp" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&BCC2978A5EB2> [active]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f15d70; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&2C73F0A0041D> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileCal:5536] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] invalidating hid service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [LocalStorageFil:5530] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(CoreMotion)[5507] <Notice>: [CLIoHidInterface] Refreshing service refs
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SafariViewServi:5543] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backboardd[5507] <Notice>: Updating device orientation from CoreMotion to: faceUp (5)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MusicUIService:5540] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Display state: Off
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SiriViewService:5538] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Activity changes from 0x1 to 0x0. UseActiveState:0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: hidActive:1 displayOff:1 assertionActivityValid:0 now:0x2b6c hid_ts:0x1dc8 assertion_ts:0x0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MailCacheDelete:5565] pid_shutdown_sockets(2) success
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process mobile_assertion_agent.979 Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "" age:00:04:07 id:4295001958 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f0de30; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&65A0762AAA94>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Enabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBDisableActiveInterfaceOrientationChangeAssertion
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Summary SystemIsActive "SpringBoard:5508:5508-EEB8F4F4-840E-451A-83D7-BCC2978A5EB2 [FBSystemApp] [0x105e1e440]" age:00:00:19 id:51539642376 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Disabling home screen icon rotation for reason: SBDisableActiveInterfaceOrientationChangeAssertion
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] - <0x105f0de30>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Setup
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Device blocked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: SBLockScreenManager - Removing a wallet pre-arm disable assertion for reason: Phone call
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SoftwareUpdateServicesUI)[5508] <Notice>: Passcode locked state did change: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SoftwareUpdateServicesUI)[5508] <Notice>: Attempts reset
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [0]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [0]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: Keybag state changed 2
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: Keybag state changed 2
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone coreduetd(DuetKnowledgeMonitor)[570] <Notice>: Received notification event for nearby devices changed!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: screen is locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: update start
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I ActivationObserver: notifyAboutFrontAppChange : app: <private>; pid: 0; net: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I FBSDisplayLayoutUpdateHandler: 5. app got notification state: new counter=520
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: SystemUI changed: 0x10 -> 0x12
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone coreduetd(DuetKnowledgeMonitor)[570] <Notice>: Received notification event for nearby devices changed!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [1]
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Registering for powernap fetches (interval: 7200 seconds)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Canceling delayed fetch
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Validation record for is valid
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Outstanding data received: <private> (length 4) onInterface: NonCellular. Connected on 2 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 4, parameters <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Received keep-alive response 1 on interface NonCellular: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone coreduetd(DuetKnowledgeMonitor)[570] <Notice>: Received notification event for nearby devices changed!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: UI lock status changed to locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: UI lock status changed to locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: UI lock status changed to locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: UI lock status changed to locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: TTF: Problem flags changed: 0x0 < >, AirPlay no
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -59 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Certificate chain for is trusted
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Agent state: all good.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: (1)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: PDXPCEventStreamManager ( XPC wake for <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: (2)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[538] <Notice>: Updated meta info in the local database
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: PDXPCEventStreamManager ( XPC wake for <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd(WirelessDiagnostics)[526] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x28000a is skip
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd(WirelessDiagnostics)[526] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x28000b is skip
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd(WirelessDiagnostics)[526] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x28000f is skip
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone wirelessproxd(WirelessDiagnostics)[526] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x28000f is skip
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backupd[5569] <Notice>: Fetched the dateOfLastBackup from the cache:"7/18/18, 3:58:04 PM"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone backupd[5569] <Notice>: Scheduling next backup at "7/19/18, 3:58:04 PM", reason:2
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[658] <Notice>: Key bag transitioning from unlocked to locking
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[658] <Notice>: Got content protection state change notification unlocked (available) -> locking (unavailable).
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[615] <Notice>: locking from delegate
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Power: screen is dark
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone akd[595] <Notice>: Lockscreen state: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Processing pending notifications...
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: PDNotificationStreamManager ( Observers existed to handle notification <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Registering criteria for xpc activity id
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: PDNotificationStreamManager ( Observers existed to handle notification <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: End delaying exit: (1)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: End delaying exit: (0)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Does not match XPC Activity with name
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[510] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.4971 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Executing query: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Executing query: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Rows changed: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Executing query: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[658] <Notice>: Notifying observers of protected data availability change: unavailable
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthKit)[658] <Notice>: database-protected-data: Notifying observers
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Found notification: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Rows changed: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Rows changed: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[658] <Notice>: Protected data did become available: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[658] <Notice>: Ignoring no-op keybag transition (locking -> locking)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy[657] <Notice>: keybagStateChange! was locked: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd(CoreFollowUp)[648] <Notice>: Item approved: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Deliverying notification for item with identifier: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone followupd[648] <Notice>: Processed pending notifications...
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone akd[595] <Notice>: Checking lock state
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Updating saved prediction data: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: PDRemoteInterfacePresentationPreheat (1)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy[657] <Notice>: updateIsLocked: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone coreduetd(DuetKnowledgeMonitor)[570] <Notice>: Received notification event for nearby devices changed!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone akd(AuthKit)[595] <Notice>: MKB reported lock state: 2
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleChestnutDisplayPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleDisplayPMUFunctionLDOEnable: this=<private> _dpmuTarget=<private> dpmuLDOSelect=0x1 options=0x3 private_data=0x0 enable=0 result=0x0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMobileDispH10P)[0] <Notice>: IOReturn IOMFB::UPPipe_H10P::set_run_mode_safe(AppleRegisterStream *, IOMFB::UPPipe_H10P::RunMode): deferring: 4 -> 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMobileDispH10P)[0] <Notice>: virtual IOReturn IOMFB::UPPipe_H10P::ready_for_run_mode_change(AppleRegisterStream *): initiating deferred run mode change: 4 -> 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMobileDispH10P)[0] <Notice>: IOReturn IOMFB::UPTSQManager::power_down_M3(AppleRegisterStream *, UPTSQManager::ModeChangeWaiter *): request mode change: Auto
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMobileDispH10P)[0] <Notice>: IOReturn IOMFB::UPTSQManager::power_down_M3(AppleRegisterStream *, UPTSQManager::ModeChangeWaiter *): disabling M3
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone kernel(AppleMobileDispH10P)[0] <Notice>: IOReturn IOMFB::UPPipe_H10P::set_run_mode_safe(AppleRegisterStream *, IOMFB::UPPipe_H10P::RunMode): no need to defer: 1 -> 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Starting as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: keybag changed!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: osactivity initiated
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Finished as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: keybagDidUnlock
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Starting as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Finished as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Starting as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: CircleStatus 0 -> 0{1} (s=0x12fd22f20)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Finished as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: account not icdp
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: notifyd event: <dictionary: 0x12ff13750> { count = 3, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x12ff0fae0, contents =
"_State" => <uint64: 0x12ff021d0>: 0
"XPCEventName" => <string: 0x12ff0fec0> { length = 36, contents = "" }
"Notification" => <string: 0x12ff11720> { length = 36, contents = "" }
Alert (0x0) for applicants !KO
debugState: processEvents A
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: Time until pendingApplicationReminder (4001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000) 62560247133.095932
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested(CoreCDP)[5589] <Notice>: "Checking iCDP status for DSID <private> (checkWithServer=0)"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone cdpd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[592] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone cdpd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[592] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone cdpd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[592] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: on
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested(CoreCDP)[5589] <Notice>: "iCDP status for DSID <private> is ENABLED"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested(CoreCDP)[5589] <Error>: "Daemon connection invalidated!"
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: iCDP: PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP returning TRUE
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: account is icdp: 1
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: follow up should be resolved
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested(Accounts)[5589] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Starting as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone securityd[512] <Notice>: Finished as:member v:{(AccessoryPairing, AppleTV, BackupBagV0, ContinuityUnlock, HomeKit, NanoRegistry, PCS-Backup, PCS-CloudKit, PCS-Escrow, PCS-FDE, PCS-Feldspar, PCS-Maildrop, PCS-MasterKey, PCS-Notes, PCS-Photos, PCS-Sharing, PCS-iCloudDrive, PCS-iMessage, WatchMigration, iCloudIdentity)}
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: ACC token 34, status 0
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: No applicants
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone CircleJoinRequested[5589] <Notice>: Done
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(cardboard.dylib)[5508] <Notice>: Cardboard: Status bar color override beginning.
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone backboardd(AttentionAwareness)[5507] <Notice>: EventStatistics.m:48 : 9243.34304: Info: 2 Button since 9239.23711 (Wed Jul 18 18:34:23 2018)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I IBINetConnectionInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetConnectionInfoIndCb: connection status = 0, domain = 2
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetConnectionInfoIndCb: connection status = 0, domain = 2
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetConnectionInfoIndCb: connection status = 0, domain = 2
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetConnectionInfoIndCb: connection status = 0, domain = 2
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetConnectionInfoIndCb: connection status = 0, domain = 2
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I IBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I updated=0 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=0 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=3 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kLTE->kLTE is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=0 gsm_band=112 bandType=0
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1531964067384
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I received event kEventCTCellularTrasmitState
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I contents <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection", "event":"activity", "this":"0x102836400", "registrationRequired":0, "registrationReceived":0}
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter (0x102836400) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Received CT notification for key kCTCellularTransmitStateNotification, cellTransmitState = kStateIdle
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: eLQM: Updated cell states (payload = (null)): (LQM = 0, RRC = 0, INTF = 0)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: eLQM: Posting RRC change notification with label = kNotificationCellLinkStateChange, state = 0, bitmask = 0, info = {
Detail = 0;
State = 0;
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I kRatLTE serving sytem: 310-410 kRegisteredHome
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Location connection invalid!
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Recieved LTE cell information in Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLConnection::handleDisconnection", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter disconnected
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Is device roaming: kNotRoaming, with overrides: kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Network presence in Carrier Bundle: kPLMNNotPresent, for key: <private>, for PLMN: 310-410
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PLMN 310-410's presence in data roaming exception: kPLMNNotPresent, In Home Country: True
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Intermediate result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Final result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry for instance kOne: mode=?, inHome=true, result=kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x102836400", "property":"lifecycle", "old":"0x102836400", "new":"0x0"}
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'dataModeChanged': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataModeChanged_sync: kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: due to DataModeChanged force=false
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivationRequired: reactivation might be required BB, id=0, priority=3400
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I prepareToReactivate: can reactivate: t(OK )
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: trying to reactivate Internet
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activateConnection: activateConnection called in kDataConnectionStateActive no need to do anything
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: RRC State change
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatLTE and current DataMode set to kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: RRC Update to OFF. mach time: 221840952744 <0x13fd23f70> (NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed since cell monitor update: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I serviceMask = 3
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 1, 2, 131072 (0x20000) [S], imsServiceMask=3, dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Going from kActive to kActive
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleHandover: Pdp is already active on Cellular
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=0, size=3, reason = posting DataStatus due to sendActivationEvent
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: _lastDisconnectTimestamp: 221840952744
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I IMS mode same: <private> -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd23f70 foreground: 0 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: AWD RRC Metric: noi.isAny with no foregroundActivity flag became OFF (plugged in)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I RAT is kRatUnknown for Current, but it is being ignored
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Timestamping current TAC <private> with 16336973
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: New RRC 0 when previous 0 from pdp_ip0, epoch interface pdp_ip0
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 12, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 5110, PID: 38, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 12
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"709000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 58.7, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Now allowing system idle sleep.
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Update assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e1e440; "FBSystemApp" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&BCC2978A5EB2>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x105e1e440 added: (none); removed: preventIdleSleep)
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Releasing PowerAssertion on SpringBoard:5508 from update
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Released SystemIsActive "SpringBoard:5508:5508-EEB8F4F4-840E-451A-83D7-BCC2978A5EB2 [FBSystemApp] [0x105e1e440]" age:00:00:20 id:51539642376 [System: PrevIdle]
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Destination SBNotificationBannerDestination is now ready to receive notifications
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1531964067804
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1531964067805
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1531964067805
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone useractivityd(Sharing)[650] <Notice>: client process changing types to scan for to None
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone sharingd[538] <Notice>: Skipping request for enabled: YES, state: PoweredOn, shouldStart: NO, scanForCopyPaste: NO, scanForHandoff: NO
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone coreduetd[570] <Notice>: CDDBatteryMonitor: received batterycallback, currentPercentage:53.000000!
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I IBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Received long name (<private>) short name (<private>) name source (kOPL) from PLMN (310-410)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I updated=0 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=0 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=3 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kLTE->kLTE is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=0 gsm_band=102 bandType=0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Using PLMN (310-410) from baseband
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Not overriding the operator name for <private> and source kOPL
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I kRatLTE serving sytem: 310-410 kRegisteredHome
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Recieved LTE cell information in Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Changing registered network info:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Is device roaming: kNotRoaming, with overrides: kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Network presence in Carrier Bundle: kPLMNNotPresent, for key: <private>, for PLMN: 310-410
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PLMN 310-410's presence in data roaming exception: kPLMNNotPresent, In Home Country: True
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Intermediate result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell has changed
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Final result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry for instance kOne: mode=?, inHome=true, result=kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 1:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: RegisteredNetworkInfo
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'dataModeChanged': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Data for Roaming Info 3GPP is valid
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PNR can be performed over WiFi
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataModeChanged_sync: kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: Change Item : kLteCellChanged
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Invalidating data Roaming Info 3GPP2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: due to DataModeChanged force=false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleCellChanged_sync: DataMode = kLTE, RF Band Type = FDD
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Carrier Info, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivationRequired: reactivation might be required BB, id=0, priority=3400
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface names: { <private> }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP2, valid: false, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I fillNetworkAccessInfo_sync: <private>: IWLAN Access Type = <private> Access Info = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I createUpdatedNetworkServices: Updated IMS Network Services information: appId= 32, services= Voice+Sms, context= true, iface= <private>, wifi= false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I prepareToReactivate: can reactivate: t(OK )
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I sendAccessNetworkInfoUpdate_sync: Sent Access IMS Network Services Update request (services=5u)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: trying to reactivate Internet
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: servicesChanged= false contextUp= true isEmergency= false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activateConnection: activateConnection called in kDataConnectionStateActive no need to do anything
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: Access network has changed
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:28 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating camped access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:28 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: not on WiFi. Clearing last access network info.
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I serviceMask = 3
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 1, 2, 131072 (0x20000) [S], imsServiceMask=3, dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Going from kActive to kActive
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces before update (xXx)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleHandover: Pdp is already active on Cellular
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=0, size=3, reason = posting DataStatus due to sendActivationEvent
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I IMS mode same: <private> -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: updating policy for pdp_ip1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces: ipsec4[1100] ipsec5[1200] pdp_ip1[1000]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 12, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 5110, PID: 38, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 12
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1000
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: InterfaceName: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 2:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1010
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Address: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: SubnetPrefix: 128
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I LTE cell changed
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: false
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: true
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces after update (xXx)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: setAPMediaManager to enable: No appId: 32
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: BambiClient::setAPMediaManager to Disable
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: BambiClient::setAPMediaManager currently Baseband
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.stack]: SipStack: updating appId from: 32 to: 32
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: W [ibi.stackcontroller]: AppId : 32 is already initialized
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: 172786953
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [rtp]: Not changing active stack type, leaving it as: kRTPStackTypeBaseband
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: handleRTPManagerInitializationStatus appId: 32 result: 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: sip stack media initialized
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.stack]: SipStack: setMediaInitialized called when we are in state: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: 36110
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatLTE and current DataMode set to kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed since cell monitor update: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"1870000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"20000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"updated kCTRegistrationInHomeCountry from", "notification":"kCTRegistrationCellChangedNotification", "fInHomeCountry":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Actor handleInHomeCountryStatus", "fInHomeCountry":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTRegistrationCellChangedNotification
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I RAT is kRatUnknown for Current, but it is being ignored
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Timestamping current TAC <private> with 16336974
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, refresh cell monitor
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, ctnotify, force, 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"1870000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"20000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: CT cell change notification on interface = pdp_ip0, roaming = 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctmonitor, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private> refreshing cell info
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Radio technology set to LTE on network type 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 59.5, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Cell network change on pdp_ip0, carrier name = <private>, cell id = <private>, primary key = <private>, roaming = 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: _primaryKeyChange new (<private>,pdp_ip0) on currentCell, roaming, old (<private>,pdp_ip0)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: retiring incumbent: Epoch: 0x13fd157f0 on pdp_ip0, new (<private>,pdp_ip0) vs old (<private>,pdp_ip0)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd157f0 retired epoch on pdp_ip0 for <private>: stay time accrued = 18.050621, total epochs = 2, LQM transitions = 6.000000, low LQM stay = 223.704674, low RSSI stay = 0.000000, data stalls total: 0.000000, adminDisables total: 0.000000, defroutes 0x13fd51c60 0x13fe7d0a0, loi: 259
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: Cell, found LOI from concurrent epoch with primary key = <private>, LOI = 259
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: slow path for epoch w/ primary key = <private>, old LOI = 259
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x141843e80 created epoch for <private>, total epochs=3
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enabling support for IPv4, interface = pdp_ip0, primaryKey = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Created default route on pdp_ip0, family = 2, src = 0x141852380, index = 3
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enabling support for IPv6, interface = pdp_ip0, primaryKey = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Created default route on pdp_ip0, family = 30, src = 0x13fe7f760, index = 3
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: CoreLocation Authorization Status for MobileWiFi is kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"markAsHavingReceivedLocation", "self":"0x13fe46360"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: inserting new epoch (0x141843e80) primary key: <private>, def routes count: 6, lqm: 50
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Requesting location from MobileWiFiLocationManager
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageMarkAsHavingReceivedLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"setDesiredAccuracy:", "self":"0x13fe46360", "accuracy":"1000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"desiredAccuracy", "old":"1000.000000", "new":"1000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"requestLocation", "self":"0x13fe46360"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"requestingLocation", "old":0, "new":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Determine if pdp_ip0 has DNS server
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' authorized for location; starting now
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' authorized for location; starting now, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0, distanceFilter, -1.0, operatingMode 0, dynamicAccuracyReductionEnabled 0, allowsAlteredAccessoryLocations 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"1870000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"20000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, register, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework, accuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 0, 1, level, Coarse, reg?, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"requestingLocation", "old":1, "new":0}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: delivering locations to client's delegate
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Location received at Wed Jul 18 18:34:28 2018: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Just marked MobileWiFi has having received location
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "is interested":1}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "include motion":0}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' unsubscribing from location
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, unsubscribe, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Client '<private>' is not interested in <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 0, 0, level, None, reg?, 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Replying LOI for location requested at Wed Jul 18 18:34:28 2018 (location determined at Wed Jul 18 18:33:38 2018)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: loi is null with error = (null)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "include motion":0}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "is interested":0}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"1870000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"20000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd(CoreLocation)[529] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 59.5, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1021ee340> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0> with fire date [2018-07-18 18:34:58 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x102179fd0> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x102137a10> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0> - 10 timers
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x1024b8aa0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 50 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1021ee340> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1021ee340> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1021ee340> Calculated minimum fire date [2018-07-18 18:34:58 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2018-07-18 18:34:58 -0700], start date [2018-07-18 18:34:28 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes, early fire constant interval 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, register, force, 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctmonitor, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private> refreshing cell info
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 59.5, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x109d40f50>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10217a680>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10217a680> - 9 timers
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: no way to know that pdp_ip0 has DNS server
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Computing loaded LQM for newly created Epoch on interface pdp_ip0, LQM(old/new) = (50/50)
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: loaded LQM last updated on interface type 2 at 1531964068234.572998, delta t = 402861.430908 ms
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"1870000000.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"20000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: ioctl sets overall LIM state 0 with UL/DL (0/0) for interface pdp_ip0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Cell epoch change
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, fastpath, current elig: 1, new elig: 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:1, fastpath, current elig: 1, new elig: 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enter, epochs {
currentCell = "Epoch: 0x141843e80 on pdp_ip0";
currentWiFi = "Epoch: 0x13fe508e0 on en0";
}, lastEpochRemoved 0x0 idleExitSuppressed 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 59.5, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Exit, epochs {
currentCell = "Epoch: 0x141843e80 on pdp_ip0";
currentWiFi = "Epoch: 0x13fe508e0 on en0";
}, lastEpochRemoved 0x0 idleExitSuppressed 1
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: progress on pdp_ip0 for <private>: deltaBytesIn: 105.000000
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: progress on pdp_ip0 for <private>: deltaBytesIn: 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: route source 0x141852380 description callback has snapshot NWRouteSnapshot Scoped Default->pdp_ip0->
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing a partial for IPv4 on cell
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing _partial on cell
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Initializing rtt avg and rtt var
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: route source 0x13fe7f760 description callback has snapshot NWRouteSnapshot Scoped Default->pdp_ip0->fe80::30:977f:3b40%pdp_ip0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing a partial for IPv6 on cell
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: CoreRoutine has not assigned LOI to the current location yet, setting LOI for NA with primary key = <private> to 259
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:0, flags:0, slowpath, current elig: 0, new elig: 0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: default route 0x13fd51c60 is closing, epoch 0x13fd157f0 with v4 route 0x0, v6 route 0x0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: default route 0x13fe7d0a0 is closing, epoch 0x13fd157f0 with v4 route 0x0, v6 route 0x0
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd157f0 collecting epoch, total epochs=2
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone sosd[649] <Notice>: Submitting metric: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "", "", "" )
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Ignoring trigger because conditions are deteriorating
Jul 18 18:34:28 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Evaluating 187 activities based on triggers
Jul 18 18:34:29 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "Idle-exit-preventing transaction ended!"
Jul 18 18:34:29 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I IBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I updated=0 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=0 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=3 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kLTE->kLTE is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=0 gsm_band=130 bandType=0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Received long name (<private>) short name (<private>) name source (kOPL) from PLMN (310-410)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Using PLMN (310-410) from baseband
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Not overriding the operator name for <private> and source kOPL
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell has changed
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 1:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 2:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I kRatLTE serving sytem: 310-410 kRegisteredHome
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Recieved LTE cell information in Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Changing registered network info:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I LTE cell changed
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Is device roaming: kNotRoaming, with overrides: kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Network presence in Carrier Bundle: kPLMNNotPresent, for key: <private>, for PLMN: 310-410
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PLMN 310-410's presence in data roaming exception: kPLMNNotPresent, In Home Country: True
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Intermediate result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Final result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry for instance kOne: mode=?, inHome=true, result=kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'dataModeChanged': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: RegisteredNetworkInfo
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataModeChanged_sync: kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Data for Roaming Info 3GPP is valid
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: Change Item : kLteCellChanged
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PNR can be performed over WiFi
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleCellChanged_sync: DataMode = kLTE, RF Band Type = FDD
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Invalidating data Roaming Info 3GPP2
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: due to DataModeChanged force=false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Carrier Info, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivationRequired: reactivation might be required BB, id=0, priority=3400
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface names: { <private> }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I fillNetworkAccessInfo_sync: <private>: IWLAN Access Type = <private> Access Info = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP2, valid: false, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I createUpdatedNetworkServices: Updated IMS Network Services information: appId= 32, services= Voice+Sms, context= true, iface= <private>, wifi= false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I sendAccessNetworkInfoUpdate_sync: Sent Access IMS Network Services Update request (services=5u)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I prepareToReactivate: can reactivate: t(OK )
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: trying to reactivate Internet
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: servicesChanged= false contextUp= true isEmergency= false
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activateConnection: activateConnection called in kDataConnectionStateActive no need to do anything
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: Access network has changed
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:30 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating camped access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:30 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: not on WiFi. Clearing last access network info.
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces before update (xXx)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I serviceMask = 3
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 1, 2, 131072 (0x20000) [S], imsServiceMask=3, dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Going from kActive to kActive
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleHandover: Pdp is already active on Cellular
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=0, size=3, reason = posting DataStatus due to sendActivationEvent
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: updating policy for pdp_ip1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces: ipsec4[1100] ipsec5[1200] pdp_ip1[1000]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I IMS mode same: <private> -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1000
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: InterfaceName: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: true
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: 171933078
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1010
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Address: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: SubnetPrefix: 128
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private>: 36110
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces after update (xXx)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: setAPMediaManager to enable: No appId: 32
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: BambiClient::setAPMediaManager to Disable
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: BambiClient::setAPMediaManager currently Baseband
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.stack]: SipStack: updating appId from: 32 to: 32
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: W [ibi.stackcontroller]: AppId : 32 is already initialized
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [rtp]: Not changing active stack type, leaving it as: kRTPStackTypeBaseband
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: handleRTPManagerInitializationStatus appId: 32 result: 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: sip stack media initialized
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [sip.stack]: SipStack: setMediaInitialized called when we are in state: 2
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatLTE and current DataMode set to kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed since cell monitor update: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I RAT is kRatUnknown for Current, but it is being ignored
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Timestamping current TAC <private> with 16336976
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"updated kCTRegistrationInHomeCountry from", "notification":"kCTRegistrationCellChangedNotification", "fInHomeCountry":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Actor handleInHomeCountryStatus", "fInHomeCountry":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTRegistrationCellChangedNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, refresh cell monitor
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, ctnotify, force, 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: CT cell change notification on interface = pdp_ip0, roaming = 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctmonitor, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private> refreshing cell info
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 62.0, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Radio technology set to LTE on network type 2
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Cell network change on pdp_ip0, carrier name = <private>, cell id = <private>, primary key = <private>, roaming = 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: _primaryKeyChange new (<private>,pdp_ip0) on currentCell, roaming, old (<private>,pdp_ip0)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: retiring incumbent: Epoch: 0x141843e80 on pdp_ip0, new (<private>,pdp_ip0) vs old (<private>,pdp_ip0)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x141843e80 retired epoch on pdp_ip0 for <private>: stay time accrued = 2.481701, total epochs = 2, LQM transitions = 1.000000, low LQM stay = 13.032830, low RSSI stay = 0.000000, data stalls total: 1.000000, adminDisables total: 0.000000, defroutes 0x141852380 0x13fe7f760, loi: 259
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: Cell, found LOI from concurrent epoch with primary key = <private>, LOI = 259
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: slow path for epoch w/ primary key = <private>, old LOI = 259
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 62.0, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13ff5c1c0 created epoch for <private>, total epochs=3
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: CoreLocation Authorization Status for MobileWiFi is kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"markAsHavingReceivedLocation", "self":"0x13fe46360"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Requesting location from MobileWiFiLocationManager
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageMarkAsHavingReceivedLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"setDesiredAccuracy:", "self":"0x13fe46360", "accuracy":"1000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"desiredAccuracy", "old":"1000.000000", "new":"1000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"requestLocation", "self":"0x13fe46360"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"requestingLocation", "old":0, "new":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' authorized for location; starting now
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' authorized for location; starting now, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0, distanceFilter, -1.0, operatingMode 0, dynamicAccuracyReductionEnabled 0, allowsAlteredAccessoryLocations 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, register, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework, accuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 0, 1, level, Coarse, reg?, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enabling support for IPv4, interface = pdp_ip0, primaryKey = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x13fe46360", "property":"requestingLocation", "old":1, "new":0}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 62.0, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "is interested":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[583] <Notice>: delivering locations to client's delegate
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Location received at Wed Jul 18 18:34:30 2018: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Just marked MobileWiFi has having received location
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "include motion":0}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x106b465a0> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x109f0dd10>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x109f0dd10> with fire date [2018-07-18 18:35:00 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, <private>, granularity, 0, active, -1, desiredAccuracy, 1000.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x109f0dd10> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x10210f080> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x1021af8d0> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "event":"activity", "this":"0x1028a8e00", "registrationRequired":1, "registrationReceived":1}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCInterfaceUsabilityMonitor: 0x1024b8aa0> [WWAN](pdp_ip0): isInterfaceUsable? YES reachable YES linkQuality 50 isNetworkCaptive? NO
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x106b465a0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = YES = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(YES) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x106b465a0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x109f0dd10> - 10 timers
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x106b465a0> Calculated minimum fire date [2018-07-18 18:35:00 -0700] (100%) with fire date [2018-07-18 18:35:00 -0700], start date [2018-07-18 18:34:30 -0700], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes, early fire constant interval 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, register, force, 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework (0x1028a8e00) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctmonitor, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework' unsubscribing from location
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, dpc, force, 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Replying LOI for location requested at Wed Jul 18 18:34:30 2018 (location determined at Wed Jul 18 18:33:38 2018)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: loi is null with error = (null)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private> refreshing cell info
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "include motion":0}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctmonitor, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, unsubscribe, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1021ee340>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I <private> refreshing cell info
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[555] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1021f7ce0> - 9 timers
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 0, 0, level, None, reg?, 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationCoarse", "is interested":0}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: #Warning Client '<private>' is not interested in <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, granularity, -1, active, 0, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd(CoreLocation)[529] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: Sending location to client </System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd(CoreLocation)[529] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Created default route on pdp_ip0, family = 2, src = 0x13fd157f0, index = 3
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enabling support for IPv6, interface = pdp_ip0, primaryKey = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Created default route on pdp_ip0, family = 30, src = 0x13fd42980, index = 3
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: inserting new epoch (0x13ff5c1c0) primary key: <private>, def routes count: 6, lqm: 50
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Determine if pdp_ip0 has DNS server
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 62.0, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"#imd,gnss,onTelephonyNotification", "valid":1, "isCacheValid":1, "gotUplinkFreq":1, "uplinkFreq(Hz)":"2310000128.000000", "gotUplinkBw":1, "uplinkBw(Hz)":"10000000.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctupdate, list, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, received kCTCellMonitorUpdateNotification
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, recalculating current cell location, handleCellRefresh
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, convertCells, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, adding, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellLoc, current cells, 1, serving, 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, force, 0, clients, 0, 0, last, 62.0, prevLocation, <private>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, delay
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: no way to know that pdp_ip0 has DNS server
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Computing loaded LQM for newly created Epoch on interface pdp_ip0, LQM(old/new) = (50/50)
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: loaded LQM last updated on interface type 2 at 1531964070725.019043, delta t = 405351.876953 ms
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: ioctl sets overall LIM state 0 with UL/DL (0/0) for interface pdp_ip0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Cell epoch change
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Enter, epochs {
currentCell = "Epoch: 0x13ff5c1c0 on pdp_ip0";
currentWiFi = "Epoch: 0x13fe508e0 on en0";
}, lastEpochRemoved 0x0 idleExitSuppressed 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, fastpath, current elig: 1, new elig: 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:1, fastpath, current elig: 1, new elig: 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Exit, epochs {
currentCell = "Epoch: 0x13ff5c1c0 on pdp_ip0";
currentWiFi = "Epoch: 0x13fe508e0 on en0";
}, lastEpochRemoved 0x0 idleExitSuppressed 1
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: progress on pdp_ip0 for <private>: deltaBytesIn: 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: progress on pdp_ip0 for <private>: deltaBytesIn: 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: LOI: CoreRoutine has not assigned LOI to the current location yet, setting LOI for NA with primary key = <private> to 259
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: route source 0x13fd157f0 description callback has snapshot NWRouteSnapshot Scoped Default->pdp_ip0->
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing a partial for IPv4 on cell
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing _partial on cell
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Initializing rtt avg and rtt var
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: route source 0x13fd42980 description callback has snapshot NWRouteSnapshot Scoped Default->pdp_ip0->fe80::30:977f:3b40%pdp_ip0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Establishing a partial for IPv6 on cell
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x13fd2b860 event: kNotificationNewConnectivityEpochCell, noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:0, flags:0, slowpath, current elig: 0, new elig: 0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: default route 0x141852380 is closing, epoch 0x141843e80 with v4 route 0x0, v6 route 0x0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: default route 0x13fe7f760 is closing, epoch 0x141843e80 with v4 route 0x0, v6 route 0x0
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 0x141843e80 collecting epoch, total epochs=2
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: SimpleTimer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x145ebde50> has fired
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: SimpleTimer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1472474e0> has fired
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1472474e0>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: SimpleTimer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13dd435d0> has fired
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13dd435d0>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x145ebde50>
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x1472474e0> - 1 timers
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(PersistentConnection)[510] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x13dd435d0> - 5 timers
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x145ebde50> - 0 timers
Jul 18 18:34:30 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(PersistentConnection)[619] <Notice>: PCSimpleTimer - no timers left, disabling power monitoring
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>:APSNetworkMonitor decaying cost (0 - 3) = 0 for 11.026937 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> wifi is historically cheap? NO awakePercentage = 0.505153, wifiGrowAttemptDelta 0 wifiKeepAliveInterval 900.000000
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> system is locked YES or too soon since last piggyback NO - not allowing piggybacking
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _toggleWiFiAutoAssociateIfNecessary disabling wifi auto association highEnoughPushCost NO wifiHistoricallyOK NO serverLoadIsOK YES criticalReliability NO serverSupportsDualMode YES _dualMode 0 enableDualMode NO disableCostDrivenDualMode NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> should use dual mode changed to NO!
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Received delegate call: shouldUseDualMode is set to NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> resetting consecutive failures because we have at least one connection
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: handleDualModeState isDualChannelAllowed NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> dual channel is no longer allowed
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> WWAN is connected; to be consistent, closing the non-cellular connection
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x101517da0>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10152b580>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Canceling system wake for simpletimer [2018-07-18 18:49:35 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 0 date 2018-07-18 18:49:35 -0700 leeway 0 service identifier unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10152b580>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x101528c80> with fire date [2018-07-18 18:35:31 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10152b580> - 4 timers
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x101528c80> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x10154eab0> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x101527620> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10162f750> with fire date [2018-07-18 18:35:31 -0700]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10162f750> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x101637ad0> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x101614860> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x101528c80> - 5 timers
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10162f750> - 6 timers
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Cancelling scheduled wake for <private> wake identifier <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> courierConnection <private> asked us to disconnect stream on interface NonCellular. Connected on 2 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: submitted metric <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _disconnectStream for interface: NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> asked to change isSuspended=NO to NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: Wake cancel for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.004 seconds; result code 0)
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Closing <private> with environment <private>[production]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CFNetwork)[560] <Notice>: TCP Conn 0x10151dbf0 canceled
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Closing <private> with environment <private>[production]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(libnetwork.dylib)[560] <Notice>: [71 <private> stream, pid: 560, no cellular] cancelled
[71.1 3F9EF64B-AC42-48B1-9815-4171C43080EA <private>.49641<-><private>]
Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
Duration: 16.456s, DNS @0.001s took 0.128s, TCP @0.131s took 0.045s
bytes in/out: 3680/3928, packets in/out: 7/9, rtt: 0.040s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: <private>: enableNonCellularConnections changed to NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: informed that second channel closed - NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Moving 0 unsent messages to the end of queue
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: un-disabling fast dormancy.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Client token: APSDFastDormancyDisableToken being removed from fast dormancy clients (<private>)
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> Resending any pending messages that had been sent over our now dead interface NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Moving 0 unsent items to the end of queue
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Connection closed production NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> received courierConnectionStatusDidChange from <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> updating network guidance isConnected? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> providing network guidance <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(libsystem_network.dylib)[560] <Notice>: network_config_set_persistent_interface Setting persistent interface to "pdp_ip0"
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(libsystem_network.dylib)[560] <Notice>: nw_network_agent_open_control_socket Requesting netagent socket from helper
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Created metric container: 0x130002 succeeded? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(Network)[546] <Notice>: -[NWPrivilegedHelper handleRequest:onConnection:] Handling obtain_kernel_netagent_socket from pid 560
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(Network)[546] <Notice>: internalHandleCreateKernelSocket Successfully created kernel socket 5 with name "" for pid 560
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(Network)[546] <Notice>: -[NWPrivilegedHelper handleRequest:onConnection:] Returning 0 for obtain_kernel_netagent_socket to pid 560
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(libsystem_network.dylib)[560] <Notice>: nw_network_agent_open_control_socket Received netagent socket 8 from helper
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(Network)[546] <Notice>: -[NWPrivilegedHelper handleRequest:onConnection:] Handling set_persistent_agent_on_interface from pid 560
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on ifname en0: rssi: -57 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 2/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_network.dylib)[546] <Notice>: nw_network_agent_add_to_interface_internal Successfully added agent to "pdp_ip0"
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone nehelper(Network)[546] <Notice>: -[NWPrivilegedHelper handleRequest:onConnection:] Returning 0 for set_persistent_agent_on_interface to pid 560
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(libsystem_network.dylib)[560] <Notice>: network_config_set_persistent_interface successfully added persistent agent on interface "pdp_ip0"
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Submitted metric: 0x130002 succeeded? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> courierConnection <private> asked us to disconnect stream on interface NonCellular. Connected on 1 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Calling into AWD for ConnectionDisconnected
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: submitted metric <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: AWD for ConnectionDisconnected finished
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _disconnectStream for interface: NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Connection closed production NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> received courierConnectionStatusDidChange from <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> updating network guidance isConnected? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> WWAN's connection manager is running. To be consistent, stopping WiFi's manager
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(WirelessDiagnostics)[560] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x130002 is skip
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: APSCourier <private> adjusting connection. Connected on 1 interfaces. Current link quality: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> calling _connectStream with interface preference None
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> attempting to _connectStream. currently onInterface WWAN consecutiveFailures 0 preference None shouldUseDualChannel NO. Connected on 1 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: _getClientIdentity: already had identity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _connectStream - caller is ensuring that we are connected. We are so there's nothing to do here. - Connected on 1 interfaces.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>:APSNetworkMonitor decaying cost (0 - 4) = 0 for 16.480298 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> wifi is historically cheap? NO awakePercentage = 0.505153, wifiGrowAttemptDelta 0 wifiKeepAliveInterval 0.000000
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> system is locked YES or too soon since last piggyback NO - not allowing piggybacking
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _toggleWiFiAutoAssociateIfNecessary disabling wifi auto association highEnoughPushCost NO wifiHistoricallyOK NO serverLoadIsOK YES criticalReliability NO serverSupportsDualMode NO _dualMode 0 enableDualMode NO disableCostDrivenDualMode NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: Received delegate call: shouldUseDualMode is set to NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Created metric container: 0x130002 succeeded? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private>: handleDualModeState isDualChannelAllowed NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> dual channel is no longer allowed
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: APSCourier <private> adjusting connection. Connected on 0 interfaces. Current link quality: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[560] <Notice>: PCConnectionManager was stopped by client
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _disconnectStream for interface: NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Connection closed development NonCellular
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> received courierConnectionStatusDidChange from <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Submitted metric: 0x130002 succeeded? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> updating network guidance isConnected? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> _disconnectStream for interface: WWAN
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: Connection closed development WWAN
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> received courierConnectionStatusDidChange from <private>.
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> updating network guidance isConnected? YES
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd[560] <Notice>: <private> canUseProxy? NO deviceConfiguration NO isNearby NO
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(WirelessDiagnostics)[560] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N Random sample for 0x130002 is skip
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone apsd(CommonUtilities)[560] <Notice>: Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process apsd.560 Released NoIdleSleepAssertion "APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)" age:00:00:05 id:4295002141 [System: PrevIdle]
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I On WiFi: true On Cellular: false
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Internet available checking to send report to the server
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PNR can be performed over WiFi
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Same subscriber identity, not reporting again
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I No need to send activation report
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'dataInterfaceAvailable': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Activation activity report result: kAlreadySent
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Internet available, checking to send phone number report to the server
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Own phone number read attempted: 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1, status = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Calling _CTServerConnectionCopyDataStatus()
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Own phone number: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Same phone numbers, saved: <private>, current phone number: <private>, not reporting again
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone atc(CoreTelephony)[525] <Notice>: Data status: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I No need to send phone number report
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Calling _CTServerConnectionCopyDataStatus()
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I operator(): observeValueForKeyPath: NWAgent <private> Observe: DataConnectionAgentInterfaceObserver agent domain = <private>, type = <private>: fAvailability = 1, check satisfied path = 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleActivatedIfReady:
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: kDataContextBB is set activated, reason: probation is over
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: Settings:0 activated with kDataContextBB
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone assistantd(CoreTelephony)[612] <Notice>: Data status: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I setDataSettingsState: (change states) kDataSettingsStateActive to kDataSettingsStateActive (for kDataContextBB)
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I adjustDataSettingsAPNFallback: newState = kDataSettingsStateActive; old state = kDataSettingsStateActive; startTime = true; isSet = false; internetMask = true; ipv6only = false; tentative = false
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: Activation succeeded from on kDataContextBB. Notifying other context kDataContextTech
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activationOfOtherDone: Activation of other context is done for <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleActivatedIfReady:
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: kDataContextBB is set activated, reason: probation is over
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: Settings:0 activated with kDataContextBB
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I setDataSettingsState: (change states) kDataSettingsStateActive to kDataSettingsStateActive (for kDataContextBB)
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I adjustDataSettingsAPNFallback: newState = kDataSettingsStateActive; old state = kDataSettingsStateActive; startTime = true; isSet = false; internetMask = true; ipv6only = false; tentative = false
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataContextActivated: Activation succeeded from on kDataContextBB. Notifying other context kDataContextTech
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activationOfOtherDone: Activation of other context is done for <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I notifyConnectionReady: true
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=5, size=2, reason = posting DataStatus due to sendActivationEvent
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NWPath: kNetworkCell NWPathStatusSatisfied interface pdp_ip0 index 3
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NWPath: kNetworkPrimary NWPathStatusSatisfied interface en0 index 8
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: primary interface change to en0, type 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: NWPath: kNetworkWiFi NWPathStatusSatisfied interface en0 index 8
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Primary change
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: noi: NOI: v:0 type:Wifi, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, event: kNotificationNewPrimaryInterface, oldLoadedLqm: 100, rawLoadedLqm: 100, newLoadedLqm: 100, not posting
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Calling _CTServerConnectionCopyDataStatus()
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone itunescloudd(CoreTelephony)[532] <Notice>: Data status: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: proposing ssid <private>, bssid <private> for interface en0
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Radio technology set to 802.11n on network type 1
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: _primaryKeyChange new (<private>,en0) on currentWiFi, noroam, old (<private>,en0)
Jul 18 18:34:31 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: duplicate call, bailing out
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Delaying relevance update 1, 1, 1
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: RelevantCardSearch (2)
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/PassKitCore.framework"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/PassbookRelevancy.bundle"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Time profile: find relevant cards: 0.0675928 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Unscheduling exit fences and background timers.
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(CoreLocation)[639] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"monitoredRegions", "self":"0x1024414b0"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/PassbookRelevancy.bundle"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Searching for pass locations in region: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Bounding box: {38.648137, 38.676255, -121.236184, -121.200175}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Nearby pass locations: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: <private>:<private> card location <private> does NOT match because 813.206 meters away. r: 165
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Sending cards to SB: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Time profile: update relevant cards: 0.01297 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(PassKitUI)[5508] <Notice>: Pass snapshotter deallocating
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Starting location search (eager)
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: LocationSearch (3)
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(CoreLocation)[639] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"setDesiredAccuracy:", "self":"0x1024414b0", "accuracy":"100.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(CoreLocation)[639] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x1024414b0", "property":"desiredAccuracy", "old":"100.000000", "new":"100.000000"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBSystemServiceServer] Client passd:639 connected to service
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(CoreLocation)[639] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x1024414b0"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone locationd[555] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "clientName":"", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/PassbookRelevancy.bundle"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Handling new location from 'CLLocationManager cache': <private>
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Good enough, stopping search
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: End delaying exit: LocationSearch (2)
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd[639] <Notice>: Stopping location search
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [0]
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: End delaying exit: RelevantCardSearch (1)
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[554] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(Accounts)[639] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone passd(PassKitCore)[639] <Notice>: Failed to find devicePrimaryPaymentApplication for seids: <private> in payment applications: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:32 Rileys-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[540] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I IBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I updated=0 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=0 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=3 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kLTE->kLTE is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=0 gsm_band=102 bandType=0
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Received long name (<private>) short name (<private>) name source (kOPL) from PLMN (310-410)
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Using PLMN (310-410) from baseband
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Not overriding the operator name for <private> and source kOPL
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I LTE Serving Cells:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_NORMAL_SERVICE) (kRegisteredHome) full service (true)
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I kRatLTE serving sytem: 310-410 kRegisteredHome
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Recieved LTE cell information in Serving System Update
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Changing registered network info:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Is device roaming: kNotRoaming, with overrides: kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Network presence in Carrier Bundle: kPLMNNotPresent, for key: <private>, for PLMN: 310-410
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PLMN 310-410's presence in data roaming exception: kPLMNNotPresent, In Home Country: True
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Intermediate result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Final result for is in home country: True
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry for instance kOne: mode=?, inHome=true, result=kNotRoaming
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'dataModeChanged': with params= <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: RegisteredNetworkInfo
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I [kRatLTE, kLTE, kRegisteredHome]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 0, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, PID: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 0
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Data for Roaming Info 3GPP is valid
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleDataModeChanged_sync: kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Invalidating data Roaming Info 3GPP2
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleRegisteredNetworkInfo_sync: Change Item : kLteCellChanged
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I PNR can be performed over WiFi
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: due to DataModeChanged force=false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Carrier Info, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleCellChanged_sync: DataMode = kLTE, RF Band Type = FDD
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivationRequired: reactivation might be required BB, id=0, priority=3400
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP, valid: true, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Roaming Info 3GPP2, valid: false, needs submission: false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I network interface names: { <private> }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I prepareToReactivate: can reactivate: t(OK )
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I fillNetworkAccessInfo_sync: <private>: IWLAN Access Type = <private> Access Info = <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I reactivateAsserted_sync: trying to reactivate Internet
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I createUpdatedNetworkServices: Updated IMS Network Services information: appId= 32, services= Voice+Sms, context= true, iface= <private>, wifi= false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I activateConnection: activateConnection called in kDataConnectionStateActive no need to do anything
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I sendAccessNetworkInfoUpdate_sync: Sent Access IMS Network Services Update request (services=5u)
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I DATA.DATA.Collocation:0:: checkRank: fPdpId: 0, highestRank: kDefault, defaultRank: true
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: servicesChanged= false contextUp= true isEmergency= false
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 0, 2, 1 (0x1) [I], dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[529] <Notice>: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [ipt]: IPTelephonyManager: updateNetworkServices: Access network has changed
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I serviceMask = 3
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Firing event 'connectionStateChange': with params= 1, 2, 131072 (0x20000) [S], imsServiceMask=3, dataMode = kLTE
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Going from kActive to kActive
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I handleHandover: Pdp is already active on Cellular
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I recalculateConnectionAvailabilityProcessQueue_sync: forceSend=false, level=0, size=3, reason = posting DataStatus due to sendActivationEvent
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:33 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I IMS mode same: <private> -> <private>
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: updating camped access network info to [type: 3GPP-E-UTRAN-FDD, info: xXx, timestamp: Wed Jul 18 18:34:33 2018]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [bambi]: BambiClient: not on WiFi. Clearing last access network info.
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces before update (xXx)
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: updating policy for pdp_ip1
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: policy interfaces: ipsec4[1100] ipsec5[1200] pdp_ip1[1000]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1000
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: InterfaceName: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell has changed
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 1:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: adding DROP ALL policy at 1010
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 30, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 9820, PID: 442, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 30
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: conditions: [
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Address: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I Cell 2:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: SubnetPrefix: 128
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: UID: 25
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[619] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 310, MNC: 410, Band info: 2, Area code: 36110, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 800, PID: 502, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>, Bandwidth: 2
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ConditionType: "xXx"
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: IsNegative: true
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: }
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: ]
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]:
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: results: {
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter[619] <Notice>: #I LTE cell changed
Jul 18 18:34:33 Rileys-iPhone CommCenter(libIPTelephony.dylib)[619] <Notice>: [policy]: Result: "
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Found a reasonable launch image for, not pre-warming SplashBoard.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Activating from icon
SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBDeviceApplicationSceneEntity: 0x1cc2817c0; ID:; layoutRole: primary>;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now []
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Foreground app changed\M-b\M^@\M^
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Bootstrapping with intent foreground-interactive
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitting new job for "" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 5508> with host <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(AssertionServices)[5508] <Notice>: [] Bootstrap complete with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid 88AEBA35-EFB5-3E2B-A433-D9EB52529DF5 pid 5587 isFront 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: true
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0234aa0; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Injecting /Library/TweakInject/cardboard.dylib into
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8222440; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8223c80; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Setting up connection to listener ID: bundle ID: setupInfo <private> entitlements <private> pid: 5587 name: MobileMail connection: 0x100c44b80 notificationServices <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Granting access 1 to listener: pid: 5587 entitlements: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Port name request for: from pid: 5587 granted: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: Client service "" is a UIApplication:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: is registering with BulletinBoard
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnectionResolver received checkin from [KNOWN]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: told client is ready
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Invalidate bulletins in section for destinations 2
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Reload info for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Removing listener ID:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Cleaning up session(s) for client ID: because it died
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Remote data provider XPC connection for service '' has been interrupted or invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: DISCONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: suspending access queue
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x1d41c97e0;>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion added.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Will update scene - foregroundness changed to: Background
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: scene settings update - settings are NOT eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Deactivate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Generating image data for snapshot: <XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x111f24450; identifier: 76119D41-ECF6-4E36-A77F-E0E6E0740F5B; name: SBSuspendSnapshot; contentType: SceneContent> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; id: 5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D; name:; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Created SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 BackgroundRunning (most elevated: BackgroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: false
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0c23620; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Background>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: background; task: none; hostpid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Released SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587> exited.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x1cc05fda0; exitReason: (none); terminationReason: (none)> {
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for (null)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Deleted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deleted launchd job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Checking for deferred bootstrap request for
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Registering criteria for xpc activity id
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Does not match XPC Activity with name
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Found a reasonable launch image for, not pre-warming SplashBoard.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Activating from icon
SBLayoutRolePrimary = <SBDeviceApplicationSceneEntity: 0x1cc2817c0; ID:; layoutRole: primary>;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now []
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Foreground app changed\M-b\M^@\M^
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Bootstrapping with intent foreground-interactive
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitting new job for "" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Submitted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Adding client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x107806090; pid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10000]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 5508> with host <BKProcess: 0x1078169f0; SpringBoard;; pid: 5508; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(AssertionServices)[5508] <Notice>: [] Bootstrap complete with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; id: 5508-7900691F-36B8-43F8-B62C-854FD9D47085; name: UIApplicationLaunch; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x107900960 added: preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, wantsForegroundResourcePriority, preventSuspendOnSleep; removed: (none))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x10100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] setpriority success for resource GPU to PRIO_DARWIN_GPU_ALLOW
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] setpriority success for resource CPU to default (0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; id: 5508-38B0378B-ADAE-4F4D-B490-5F4ADF6FE633; name: "Continuous Background Running"; state: active; reason: continuous; duration: infs> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d14d10; "Continuous Background Running" (continuous:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&5F4ADF6FE633>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid 88AEBA35-EFB5-3E2B-A433-D9EB52529DF5 pid 5587 isFront 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: true
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0234aa0; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Injecting /Library/TweakInject/cardboard.dylib into
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CydiaSubstrate)[5587] <Error>: libsubstrate-shim: Tried to hook non-existent selector statusBarStyle on class nil
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #Power [App Startup]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] workspaceConnectedWithTaskPortRight: received task port
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(libAccessibility.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Retrieving resting unlock: 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBSystemServiceServer] Client MobileMail:5587 connected to service
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; id: 5508-F38DA9E3-DC7E-4730-8AE0-F92A29574B0F; name: Resume; state: active; reason: activation; duration: infs> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; id: 5508-F613B1DE-C447-4B00-B304-CBB1106BB701; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x107900960 added: (none); removed: wantsForegroundResourcePriority)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107900960; "UIApplicationLaunch" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&854FD9D47085>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8222440; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1c8223c80; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Changing color of status bar for apps...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #AccountStatusManager Updating status for all accounts based on network availability
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreTelephony)[5587] <Notice>: CCMonitor created
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreTelephony)[5587] <Notice>: Data status: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail[5587] <Notice>: #AccountStatusManager Data is available. Setting status of accounts with no connectivity to unknown.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Indexing Using budgetPeriod:21600s (6.0h) budget:150s (min:2.5m) overage:128 remaining:149.9904s
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; id: 5587-974E7AFE-8BE1-49A6-8CEA-952E95063BDF; name:; state: active; reason: finishTaskUnbounded; duration: infs> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x105f1b710; MobileMail:5587; valid: YES>;
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x13300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(PairedSync)[5587] <Notice>: -[PSYSyncCoordinator initWithServiceName:serviceLookupPath:]:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library Time spent waiting on sqlite writer lock for reconciliation: 0.01 secs
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Suspend at connect 0x1d00f7f80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library DBJournalMergeResult Success
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Requesting connectionID 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created connection to service: 0x1c819f550
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library cleanupProtectedTables took 0.0004 seconds
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Library Database reconciliation took 0.0154 seconds (result: Success)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d15290; "" (finishTaskUnbounded:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&952E95063BDF>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Setting up connection to listener ID: bundle ID: setupInfo <private> entitlements <private> pid: 5587 name: MobileMail connection: 0x100c44b80 notificationServices <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Granting access 1 to listener: pid: 5587 entitlements: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Port name request for: from pid: 5587 granted: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Completed connection {connectionID 1, fatalError NO, relevantConnection: YES}
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection complete
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Setup info is not complete, waiting...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Resume due to connect completion 0x1d00f7f80
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Setup complete with info
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Deferred setup on ivar queue, got dependent devices <private>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Dependent devices all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection complete, notifying
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Cleaning up daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished blocking for daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680 (Success: YES)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished blocking for daemonConnectedGroup 0x1d0286680 (Success: YES)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129d00c60)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129d00c60
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129e85ef0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129e85ef0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129e8b400)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129e8b400
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x1d01e5700)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x1d01e5700
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x12ba015c0)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: !setState
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x12ba015c0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: <private> enabledAccountsForService
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Updating delegates of account changes
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Finished processing accounts set.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IDS)[5587] <Notice>: Connection map:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Created XPC service with name: <private> (Connection: 0x129d02f40)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(NanoMailKitServer)[5587] <Notice>: SyncProvider Created...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(IMFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: Connection went invalid: 0x129d02f40
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(NanoMailKitServer)[5587] <Notice>: Is now disconnected. Initiating timer to suspend sync.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: registering for VIP kvstore at:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: local store has 0 VIPs before updating from cloud
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Email)[5587] <Notice>: local store has 0 VIPs after updating from cloud
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: Client service "" is a UIApplication:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: invalidated 0 message with transaction ID > 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: is registering with BulletinBoard
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Indexing End Indexing : {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Message)[5587] <Notice>: #Warning deferring refresh request until we have determined our active non-local accounts
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnectionResolver received checkin from [KNOWN]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: (null)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: told client is ready
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: <_NSXPCDistantObject: 0x1d028c3a0>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy resuming proxy queue
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderConnection: CONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(BulletinBoard)[5587] <Notice>: BBDataProviderProxy setting server proxy: <_NSXPCDistantObject: 0x1d4298650>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: updating data provider proxy for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Error>: already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Invalidate bulletins in section for destinations 2
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBDataProvider: Reload info for section
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreAnalytics)[5587] <Notice>: Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(WirelessDiagnostics)[5587] <Notice>: client.trigger:#N CCFG for cid 0x45 has # of profiles: 4
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Update bulletins in section for feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBServer: Section responded with 0 bulletin requests to feed 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Updating section with 0 new bulletins
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(MailServices)[5587] <Error>: #MailServices Autosave error [(null)]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Beginning to create rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Unhiding rounded corners...
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(cardboard.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Cardboard: Rounded corners unhidden.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(Foundation)[5587] <Notice>: *** Assertion failure in -[MailAppController _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(CoreFoundation)[5587] <Notice>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch'
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone MobileMail(TweakInject.dylib)[5587] <Notice>: Received signal 6
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Removing listener ID:
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone identityservicesd[523] <Notice>: Cleaning up session(s) for client ID: because it died
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105e0d970; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&CBB1106BB701>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: Remote data provider XPC connection for service '' has been interrupted or invalidated
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection: DISCONNECTED
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[5508] <Notice>: suspending access queue
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; id: 5508-37ACD3D3-4A39-4BEE-B0EF-D5F73C5996E5; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f228a0; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&D5F73C5996E5>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash[5588] <Notice>: Formulating report for corpse[5587] MobileMail
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone ReportCrash(CrashReporterSupport)[5588] <Notice>: Saved type '109(<private>)' report (8 of max 25) at /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileMail-2018-07-18-183422.ips
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x1d41c97e0;>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion added.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; id: 5508-7262841E-D165-4387-96E6-881712C54DC1; name: "Deliver Message"; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12300]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12100]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x107818310; "Deliver Message" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&881712C54DC1>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Will update scene - foregroundness changed to: Background
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: scene settings update - settings are NOT eligible for deactivation reasons.
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Sending scene action [Logical Deactivate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x1d028c490
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [] Generating image data for snapshot: <XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x111f24450; identifier: 76119D41-ECF6-4E36-A77F-E0E6E0740F5B; name: SBSuspendSnapshot; contentType: SceneContent> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; id: 5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D; name:; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] New process assertion state; preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep (assertion 0x105f289e0 added: preventIdleSleep; removed: (none))
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12108]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Creating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Created SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Created PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587, sleep reverted
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [SpringBoard:5508] Attempting to acquire assertion for MobileMail:5587: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; id: 5508-04B60D95-D7B8-441D-8A4B-FA385B3EBD18; name: Suspending; state: active; reason: suspend; duration: 10.0s> {
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d136f0; "Suspending" (suspend:10s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&FA385B3EBD18>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 10 [0x12308]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x2308]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] dump all assertions HWM:4 (deactivateAssertion): {
<BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D> [active]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Scheduling allow-idle-sleep timer with interval: 180.0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Setting jetsam priority to 3 [0x2208]
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105d18d00; "Resume" (activation:inf); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&F92A29574B0F>
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Updating PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: YES
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 BackgroundRunning (most elevated: BackgroundRunning)
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Continue with bundle name, is front 0
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Foreground: false
Jul 18 18:34:22 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x1d0c23620; pid: 5587; taskState: Running; visibility: Background>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Port death watcher fired.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x10790bed0; MobileMail;; pid: 5587; agency: SystemApp; visibility: background; task: none; hostpid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone powerd[515] <Notice>: Process assertiond.534 Released SystemIsActive "MobileMail:5587:5508-9C966F9F-A98D-4973-895F-4FB3635EF75D [] [0x105f289e0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642394 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Invalidating...
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Releasing PowerAssertion on MobileMail:5587 from invalidate
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x105f289e0; "" (finishTask:180s); id:\M-b\M^@\M-&4FB3635EF75D>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Ignoring assertion remove, because we are terminated or pending termination
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Got exit context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x105f22480; reason: (none)>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587> exited.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[5508] <Notice>: [FBProcessManager] Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: 5587>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x116362930; MobileMail (; pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x1cc05fda0; exitReason: (none); terminationReason: (none)> {
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard[5508] <Notice>: Application process state changed for (null)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Deleted job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Deleted launchd job with label:[0x74c1][534]
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Terminating because the job-submitter has disconnected.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Invalidation complete.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: Checking for deferred bootstrap request for
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] Removing client: <BKProcessInfoServerClient: 0x107806090; pid: 5508>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone assertiond[534] <Notice>: [MobileMail:5587] No clients remain.
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: 5587 Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: #Warning application was terminated: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreMedia)[522] <Notice>: -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '5587' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone SpringBoard(WiFiPicker)[5508] <Notice>: WIFI PICKER []: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[583] <Notice>: Entry, display name uuid (null) pid 5587 isFront 0
Jul 18 18:34:23 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: screen is locked
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Registering for powernap fetches (interval: 7200 seconds)
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Canceling delayed fetch
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent(MobileMailUEA)[510] <Notice>: Registering criteria for xpc activity id
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Does not match XPC Activity with name
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone UserEventAgent([510] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity:
Jul 18 18:34:26 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: <private>
Jul 18 18:34:27 Rileys-iPhone dasd(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[569] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
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