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Eric Han artishan

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Domain Modeling with Tagged Unions in GraphQL, ReasonML, and TypeScript

GraphQL has exploded in popularity since its open-source announcement in 2015. For developers who had spent a lot of time managing data transformations from their back-end infrastructure to match front-end product needs, GraphQL felt like a tremendous step forwards. Gone were the days of hand-writing BFFs to manage problems of over-fetching.

A lot of value proposition arguments around GraphQL have been about over/under fetching, getting the data shape you ask for, etc. But I think GraphQL provides us more than that—it gives us an opportunity to raise the level of abstraction of our domain, and by doing so allow us to write more robust applications that accurately model the problems we face in the real world (changing requirements, one-off issues).

An underappreciated feature of GraphQL is its type system, and in particular features like [union types](https:

redism /
Created April 26, 2017 16:20
macOS Sierra에서 원화(₩) 대신 백 쿼트(`) 입력하기
if [ -f ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultkeyBinding.dict ]; then
echo "~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultkeyBinding.dict already exists"
exit -1
mkdir -p ~/Library/KeyBindings
cat << EOF > ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultkeyBinding.dict
"₩" = ("insertText:", "\`");

Kinesis로 App 로그 다루기

글쓴이: 김정주(

이 글은 AWS 블로그를 참고하고 추가/보완하여 작성되었습니다.

Kinesis는 아마존 웹서비스(AWS)에서 제공하는 실시간 데이터 처리기이다.

BlizzardBlue /
Last active April 26, 2016 07:01
Shouts out "모닝모닝" at the speed of light.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import json
import time
from decimal import *
token = 'place your Web API token here' #
api_url = ''
data = {
'token': token,
marocchino /
Last active July 19, 2022 14:25
ES6시대의 JavaScript

ES6시대의 JavaScript

안녕하세요. 사원사업부의 마루야마@h13i32maru입니다. 최근의 Web 프론트엔드의 변화는 매우 격렬해서, 조금 눈을 땐 사이에 점점 새로운 것이 나오고 있더라구요. 그런 격렬한 변화중 하나가 ES6이라는 차세대 JavaScript의 사양입니다. 이 ES6는 현재 재정중으로 집필시점에서는 Draft Rev31이 공개되어있습니다.

JavaScript는 ECMAScript(ECMA262)라는 사양을 기반으로 구현되어있습니다. 현재 모던한 Web 브라우저는 ECMAScript 5.1th Edition을 기반으로 한 JavaScript실행 엔진을 탑재하고 있습니다. 그리고 다음 버전인 ECMAScript 6th Edition이 현재 재정중으로, 약칭으로 ES6이라는 명칭이 사용되고 있습니다.

jasonlong /
Last active January 29, 2024 21:37
Nicer Vimium link hint styling. What's Vimium? See This awesome yellow is courtesy of @mrmrs colors: