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Last active February 24, 2017 19:45
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Configuration IIS {
# SSL Thumbprint to bind
[string] $sslThumbprint
Import-DscResource -ModuleName "PSDesiredStateConfiguration"
Import-DSCResource -moduleName "xWebAdministration", "cNtfsAccessControl"
node localhost {
WindowsFeature Web-DAV-Publishing {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Web-DAV-Publishing"
IncludeAllSubFeature = $true
WindowsFeature Web-Net-Ext45 {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Web-Net-Ext45"
IncludeAllSubFeature = $true
Service WebManagementService {
Name = "WMSVC"
StartupType = "Automatic"
State = "Running"
DependsOn = "[Registry]EnableIISManagerAuthentication"
Registry EnableIISManagerAuthentication {
Key = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server"
ValueName = "RequiresWindowsCredentials"
ValueData = 0
ValueType = "Dword"
cNtfsPermissionEntry 'FilePermissionDirectory' {
Ensure = 'Present'
Principal = 'builtin\IIS_IUSRS'
Path = 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config'
ItemType = 'Directory'
AccessControlInformation = @(
cNtfsAccessControlInformation {
AccessControlType = 'Allow'
FileSystemRights = 'Read'
Inheritance = 'ThisFolderOnly'
#NoPropagateInherit = $true
cNtfsPermissionEntry 'FilePermissionGetClean' {
Ensure = 'Present'
Principal = 'builtin\IIS_IUSRS'
Path = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\getclean\'
ItemType = 'Directory'
AccessControlInformation = @(
cNtfsAccessControlInformation {
AccessControlType = 'Allow'
FileSystemRights = 'Modify'
cNtfsPermissionEntry 'FilePermissionFiles' {
Ensure = 'Present'
Principal = 'builtin\IIS_IUSRS'
Path = 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\administration.config'
ItemType = 'File'
AccessControlInformation = @(
cNtfsAccessControlInformation {
AccessControlType = 'Allow'
FileSystemRights = 'Read'
Inheritance = 'None'
#NoPropagateInherit = $true
cNtfsPermissionEntry 'FilePermissionFiles1' {
Ensure = 'Present'
Principal = 'builtin\IIS_IUSRS'
Path = 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\redirection.config'
ItemType = 'File'
AccessControlInformation = @(
cNtfsAccessControlInformation {
AccessControlType = 'Allow'
FileSystemRights = 'Read'
Inheritance = 'None'
#NoPropagateInherit = $true
xWebsite RemoveDefaultWebsite {
Name ="Default Web Site"
Ensure = 'Absent'
File GetCleanFolder {
Type= 'Directory'
DestinationPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\getclean"
Ensure = 'Present'
xWebSite GetClean {
State ='Started'
Ensure = "Present"
PhysicalPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GetClean"
BindingInfo = @(
MSFT_xWebBindingInformation {
Protocol = 'HTTP'
Port = '80'
IPAddress = '*'
MSFT_xWebBindingInformation {
Protocol = 'HTTPS'
Port = '443'
CertificateThumbprint = $sslThumbprint
CertificateStoreName = 'My'
IPAddress = '*'
$iisusers = @{"username" = "password"}
IIS -sslThumbprint (Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My\)[0].Thumbprint -Outputpath (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "BasicIIS")
Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "BasicIIS") -Force
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Web.Management") | Out-Null
foreach ($user in $IISusers.Keys){
[Microsoft.Web.Management.Server.ManagementAuthentication]::CreateUser($user, $IISusers[$user])
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -location 'GetClean' -filter "system.webServer/webdav/authoring" -name "enabled" -value "True"
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -filter "system.webServer/modules" -name "." -value @{name='IISManagerAuthentication';type='Microsoft.Web.Management.Server.WebManagementBasicAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.Web.Management, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'}
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -filter "system.webServer/modules" -name "runManagedModulesForWebDavRequests" -value "True"
foreach ($user in $IISusers.Keys){
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -location 'GetClean' -filter "system.webServer/webdav/authoringRules" -name "." -value @{users="$user";path='*';access='Read,Write'}
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