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AndersonIncorp /
Created June 29, 2018 16:36
Install any linux distro on VPS with low RAM, locked ISO boot



  • Your VPS provider doesn't support ISO mount
  • Your VPS has low RAM and cannot load whole ISO image
  • Your current /boot is to small to contain ISO file


  • Boot low memory ISO (CorePure64.iso ~ 14MB)
  • Create new partition ~1GB / size of your ISO
  • dd your ISO into that partition
jablair /
Last active July 17, 2022 11:39 — forked from lisamelton/
From source: Transcode video file (works best with Blu-ray or DVD rip) into MP4 (or optionally Matroska) format, with configuration and at bitrate similar to popluar online downloads. Adds a dry-run option to print out the HandbrakeCLI command so it can be customized - for instance, including additional audio tracks. A stop-gap to adding better …
# Copyright (c) 2013 Don Melton
# This script is a wrapper for `HandBrakeCLI` (see: <>).
# The purpose of this script is to transcode a video file into a format and
# size similar to a video available for download from the iTunes Store.
eugeneiiim / gist:6322717
Created August 23, 2013 18:50
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Starting And Running A Business (James Altucher)

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Starting And Running A Business

by James Altucher (Original)

No joke. This is going be a bullet FAQ on starting a business. If you're a lawyer, feel free to disagree with me so you can charge someone your BS fees to give the same advice.

If you can think of anything to add, please do so. I might be missing things. If you want to argue with me, feel free. I might be wrong on any of the items below.

There are many types of business. Depending on your business, some of these won't apply. All of these questions come from questions I've been asked.

The rules are: I'm going to give no explanations. Just listen to me.