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systemd-nspawn container architecture

systemd-nspawn container architecture

This short document will show how to turn systemd-nspawn into a usable containeration system.

Those instructions here should work under Arch Linux and Debian 10 (Buster)

Host requirements

  • systemd-nspawn and machinectl (systemd-container package under Debian)
  • dnsmasq
  • debootstrap


  1. We need to create a network bridge device where systemd-nspawn can connect all the containers. Using systemd-networkd you can create those two files under /etc/systemd/network/.


     # Tell systemd-networkd to create a bridge device


     # Configure ip address for the bridge

    After creating those configuration files and running command below you should be good.

     systemctl enable --now systemd-networkd

    If you need to make any changes to the network configuration then you can just restart systemd-networkd to reload the config.

     systemctl restart systemd-networkd
  2. So that all of our containers would always get a static ip address we are gona use dnsmasq.

Next we are going to tell dnsmasq to do static leases based on container hostname. In this config file im using as the container network.


    #no-poll # don't constanly poll /etc/resolv.conf
    # Force bind only on interfaces that are listed in listen-address, allows systemd-resolve to work at the same time
    # When systemd-networkd or some other dhcp client requests for a ip address
    # they will be given a address based on their hostname.
    # This section can be moved to seperate file using dhcp-hostsfile option
  1. systemd-nspawn@.service must be told to use the br0 bridge For that we have to edit ExecStart line in the service file and add --network-bridge=br0 to the end of it.

    First get the currently used ExecStart value by running

     systemctl cat systemd-nspawn@.service

    After that we need to create a override.conf file that changes that file. You can do that either by using command systemctl edit systemd-nspawn@.service or by manualy creating a file called /etc/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service.d/override.conf

    Contents of the override file should be something like this:

     ExecStart=<current execstart line> --network-bridge=br0

    For Arch Linux the contents would be

     ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn --quiet --keep-unit --boot --link-journal=try-guest --network-veth -U --settings=override --machine=%i --network-bridge=br0

    NB: nspawn service by default adds -U argument that turns on private users support and shifts all UID/GID-s up some random amount. If you plan on sharing files between containers then this will mess up yout file owners.

    You can enable mymachines nsswitch module that will do user and group id translation between host and container private users.

Creating containers

That part is quite simple, just create a folder /var/lib/machines/<name> where name is your container hostname and deboostrap into it. machinectl start <name> should boot your container up and after staring systemd-networkd you should have a working network.

I have created some scripts automate container creation part

  • - Creates a Arch Linux container

  • - Creates a Ubuntu 16.04 container, but you can change it quite easily by changing SUITE argument from xenial to something else

  • - Creates a Debian 10 container on a ZFS pool, also configures locale and timezone inside the container.

    NB: debootstrap copies your host /etc/hostname file into the container, remove it or replace it with your container hostname

Administrating nspawn containers

  • machinectl start <name> - Boot container named name

  • machinectl poweroff <name> - Poweroff the container

  • machinectl shell <name> [/bin/sh] - Run a command in the container, by default the command is /bin/sh. For Debian/Ubuntu containers you probably want to tell it to use /bin/bash

  • machinectl restart <name> - this will probably break nspawn because on startup it will try to register with machined and fail because it takes some time to release a container name in machined. (there is bug report about it somewhere)

  • Port forwarding If there is a file /etc/systemd/nspawn/<name>.nspawn then systemd-nspawn will load additional configuration options from it.

    To do port forwarding you can do something like this:

      # /etc/systemd/nspawn/http.nspawn 

    You can add many more options from systemd.nspawn(5) man page

Things that are broken under Debian

Debian 10 (Buster) defaults to modern nftables but systemd still uses legacy iptables framework for firewall configuration. Don't mix those two.

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