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Last active June 23, 2021 14:00
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Generate WireGuard IP Addresses from public key, compatible with wg-ip bash script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# need at least python3.6+ for blake2
from base64 import b64decode
from hashlib import sha256, blake2s
from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_network
def gen_ip(pubkey, subnet=ip_network('fe80::/64')):
"""Generate wg-ip compatible addresses from WireGuard public key.
Uses sha256 over base64 encoded newline terminated publickey string.
prefix_bytes = subnet.network_address.packed
mask_bytes = subnet.netmask.packed
suffix_bytes = sha256(pubkey.encode('ascii')+b'\n').digest()
address = b''
for prefix, suffix, mask in zip(prefix_bytes, suffix_bytes, mask_bytes):
address += ((prefix & mask) | (suffix & (mask^255))).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
return ip_address(address)
def gen_lla(pubkey, subnet=ip_network('fe80::/10')):
"""Calculates cryptographically-bound IPv6 Link-Local Addresses from WireGuard public keys.
Uses blake2s hash over public key as bytes.
prefix_bytes = subnet.network_address.packed
mask_bytes = subnet.netmask.packed
suffix_bytes = blake2s(pubkey).digest()
address = b''
for prefix, suffix, mask in zip(prefix_bytes, suffix_bytes, mask_bytes):
address += ((prefix & mask) | (suffix & (mask^255))).to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
return ip_address(address)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("# sha256 based address calculation")
pubkey = "foo"
subnet = ip_network("fd1a:6126:2887::/48")
exp_result = ip_address("fd1a:6126:2887:f9b1:d61e:21e7:96d7:8dcc")
real_result = gen_ip(pubkey, subnet)
print(exp_result, real_result, exp_result==real_result)
print("# blake2s based address calculation")
pubkey = b"\x00"*32 # 32byte public key fo all zeroes
exp_result = ip_address("fe8b:5ea9:9e65:3bc2:b593:db41:30d1:0a4e")
real_result = gen_lla(pubkey)
print(exp_result, real_result, exp_result==real_result)
pubkey = b64decode("hTvlXzX5ZoTg6BxbWHYWSZo6pkLGPdQwVoXZYqrMMgs=")
exp_result = ip_address("fe80:3fe9:4d26:adc4:1953:7b20:314a:3167")
real_result = gen_lla(pubkey)
print(exp_result, real_result, exp_result==real_result)
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