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# /etc/nginx/wordpress.conf
# Contains a common configuration for use by nginx on a WordPress
# installation. This file should be included in any WordPress site
# nginx virtual host config located in sites-available with the following line:
# include /etc/nginx/wordpress.config;

I've had the opertunity to try a variety of different server configurations but never really got around to trying HHVM with Magento until recently. I thought I would share a detailed walkthrough of configuring a single instance Magento server running Nginx + Fast CGI + HHVM / PHP-FPM + Redis + Percona. For the purpose of this blog post I'm assuming you are using Fedora, CentOS, or in my case RHEL 6.5.

Please note: I'm 100% open to suggestions. If you see something I did that needs to be done a different way, please let me know. I haven't included my Perconca my.conf file yet. I will shortly. Also I plan on trying this same test with HHVM 3.3 and PHP 7.

Install the EPEL, Webtatic, and REMI repos

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
; Enable Zend OPcache extension module
; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled
; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled for the CLI version of PHP
; The OPcache shared memory storage size.
failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:
If you are getting the above error in nginx logs running in from of upstream servers you may consider doing this as it worked for me:
check the ulimit on the machines and ensure it is high enough to handle the load coming in. 'ulimit' on linux, I am told determines the maximum number of open files the kernel can handle.
The way I did that?
modifying limits: for open files:
add or change this line in /etc/systcl.conf
fs.file-max = <limit-number>

I've had the opertunity to try a variety of different server configurations but never really got around to trying HHVM with Magento until recently. I thought I would share a detailed walkthrough of configuring a single instance Magento server running Nginx + Fast CGI + HHVM / PHP-FPM + Redis + Percona. For the purpose of this blog post I'm assuming you are using Fedora, CentOS, or in my case RHEL 6.5.

Please note: I'm 100% open to suggestions. If you see something I did that needs to be done a different way, please let me know. I haven't included my Perconca my.conf file yet. I will shortly. Also I plan on trying this same test with HHVM 3.3 and PHP 7.

Install the EPEL, Webtatic, and REMI repos

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
artmouse / yoast-nulled.php
Created October 16, 2015 19:54 — forked from mihdan/yoast-nulled.php
Занулить yoast-seo-premium
* 1. В таблице wp_options находим ключ yoast-seo-premium_license или wordpress-seo-premium_license
* и меняем его значение на `a:3:{s:3:"key";s:6:"zalupa";s:6:"status";s:5:"valid";s:11:"expiry_date";s:19:"2970-01-01 00:00:00";}`
* 2. Чтобы не слетали все ваши махинации после захода на страницу обновления или проверки лицензии,
* достаточно запретить плагину ломиться по своему АПИ на свой сайт.
* Я это сделал просто: в файле \wordpress-seo-premium\vendor\yoast\license-manager\class-update-manager.php
artmouse / performance.patch
Created November 5, 2015 13:27 — forked from DimaSoroka/performance.patch
Performance improvement for Magento Patch SUPEE-6788
Index: app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Variable.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Variable.php (revision 2bd128c1f190cd9ea63269824f09789199565251)
+++ app/code/core/Mage/Admin/Model/Variable.php (revision )
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@
class Mage_Admin_Model_Variable extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
artmouse / amshopby-ajax.js
Created November 6, 2015 11:11 — forked from dangtrinhtran/amshopby-ajax.js
Add ajax loading
Amasty_Shopby Extension: js\amasty\amshopby\amshopby-ajax.js
<script type="text/javascript">
//Line 116
//Call function at here
artmouse / local.xml
Created November 9, 2015 23:17 — forked from MikeWilkie/local.xml
Magento – Disable Excessive Logging and Reporting in app/etc/local.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- license -->
<!-- global config -->
<!-- disble logs -->