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#!/bin/bash | |
exec 5<> /dev/hidraw1 | |
echo -e '\x00\x01\x80\x33\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\c' >&5 | |
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=8 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p) | |
HEX4=${OUT:4:4} | |
DVAL=$((16#$HEX4)) | |
# handle negative temperatures | |
if [[ $DVAL -gt 32767 ]]; then | |
DVAL=$(($DVAL-65536)) | |
fi | |
CTEMP=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $DVAL/100") | |
echo $CTEMP |
Great! Reading the temperature works!
Can you help me, to read the humidy-value from the device?
Unfortunetely my device doesn't have humidity sensor so I cannot actually test. I can check how it is read elsewhere and make equivalent
I can test things for you when you need input?
Add this lines at the end of script and check with any know humidity sensor if value makes sense
HUM=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $DVAL/100")
echo $HUM
exec 5<> /dev/hidraw1
echo -e '\x00\x01\x80\x33\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\c' >&5
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=8 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p)
HUM=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $DVAL/100")
echo $HUM
Works! that gives me an value of 39 at the moment, i'm verifing that with an analog meter.
Ok, i measured the humidity with an analog hygrometer, it seems to have an offset of 5%RH. (negative)
But it works, yeah!
modified a bit to work under openwrt 19.07 (only kmod-usb-hid && xxd added to default build - tested on ath79 tl-wr703n with only 4mb flash)
exec 5<> /dev/hidraw1
echo -e '\x00\x01\x80\x33\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\c' >&5
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=8 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p)
DVAL=$(printf "%d\n" 0x$HEX4)
awk "BEGIN {print $DVAL/100}"
The code does not read correctly subzero temerature
The code does not read correctly subzero temerature
exec 5<> /dev/hidraw1
echo -e '\x00\x01\x80\x33\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\c' >&5
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=8 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p)
echo $OUT
Can you send output you get to see what values you get for negative temperatures?
The script reads the hex-values correctly. When the value is converted to decimal, the subzero temp comes wrong. I have a remote system with a temper device outdoors. Now the ambiet temp is -13.62 degrees. The code gives 641.74 !! My son from the Silicon Valley proposed the following revision, which appears to work.
exec 5<> /dev/hidraw3
echo -e '\x00\x01\x80\x33\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\c' >&5
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=8 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p)
if [[ $DVAL -gt 32767 ]]; then
CTEMP=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $DVAL/100")
echo $CTEMP
The point is that negative values in hex are coded in a peculiar way. BTW my temper is in /dev/hidraw3
OUT -reading is 8080faae4e200000
Device name can depend on number of USB device you have connected to your host device, it is not stable number unless you setup udev.d to always assign identical symbolic name, I myself using it in embedded device (openwrt router) so hidraw1 is stable on my device. Thanks for example fix, modified gist to accompany your improvements.
Tks for the reply. As I mentioned, I only recognized the problem with negative temperatures, but my son solved it. Might be, not too many users monitor frosty environment. I notized that the devices may exhibit a systematic error, in my case about 2 degrees centigrade. The offset can be easily corrected in the scripts. Now I monitor correctly wheather in our cottage 600 kms away and also log a graph with a reading every hour. But that script is another issue.
I am attempting to use the TEMPerX232 in serial mode with some of the code above, and it seems to work, but is giving me some weird values:
After snooping the COM port with the included Windows software, it seems all you have to do is send the command "READTEMP" to get data from it.
I came up with this and it seems to work fine.
exec 5<> /dev/ttyUSB0
echo -e '\x52\x65\x61\x64\x54\x65\x6D\x70\c' >&5
OUT=$(dd count=1 bs=64 <&5 2>/dev/null | xxd -p)
echo " "
echo "Hex Out:"
echo $OUT
echo " "
echo "ASCII Out:"
echo $OUT | xxd -r -p
echo " "
echo "Temperature (C):"
echo $TEMPC | xxd -r -p
echo " "
echo " "
echo "Temperature (F):"
TEMPX=$(echo $TEMPC | xxd -r -p)
TEMPF=$(echo "1.8 * $TEMPX + 32" | bc)
echo $TEMPF
echo " "
echo "Humidity:"
echo $HUM | xxd -r -p
echo " "
echo " "
Great! Reading the temperature works!
Can you help me, to read the humidy-value from the device?