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Last active June 16, 2024 12:02
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Godot 4 3D RTS Camera Controller

Godot 4.x 3D RTS Camera Controller


  • Dynamic scroll when mouse is on edge of screen (faster when closer to the edge of the screen)
  • Zoom to mouse point
  • WASD camera movement
  • Right-click drag on plane intersect point
  • Scroll Zoom with easing
  • Camera Bounds (configurable)
  • Middle mouse button rotate on mouse point (orbit controls w/ elevation)
  • Zoom and Rotate clamped values
  • All constants available at runtime for adjustment
  • Works for web and desktop exports

Credit to Indie Quest for the Godot 3.3 version RTS Camera controller - Pan & Signals - Godot 3D tutorial


World (Node3D)
|- RTSController (Node3D)
|- Elevation (Node3D)
|- MainCamera (Camera3D)
extends Node3D
# movement params
@export_range(0,1000) var movement_speed: float = 15
@export_range(0,1000) var camera_bounds_margin: int = 100
# rotation params
@export_range(0,90) var min_elevation_angle: int = 10
@export_range(0,90) var max_elevation_angle: int = 90
@export_range(0,1000, 0.1) var rotation_speed: float = 5
# zoom
@export_range(0,1000) var min_zoom: int = 5
@export_range(0,1000) var max_zoom: int = 20
@export_range(0,1000, 0.1) var zoom_speed: float = 50
@export_range(0,1000, 0.1) var zoom_speed_damp: float = 0.5
@export_range(0,1000) var edge_margin: float = 50
@export_range(0,10, 0.5) var edge_speed: float = 3
@export_range(0,10, 0.01) var pan_speed: float = 2
# flags
@export var allow_rotation: bool = true
@export var inverted_y: bool = false
@export var zoom_to_cursor: bool = true
@export var allow_pan: bool = true
# movement
var _last_mouse_position = Vector2()
var _is_rotating = false
@onready var Elevation: Node3D = $Elevation
# zoom
var _zoom_direction = 0
@onready var Camera: Camera3D = $Elevation/Camera3D
const GROUND_PLANE = Plane(Vector3.UP, 0)
const RAY_LENGTH = 1000
# pan
var _is_panning = false
var _last_drag_point = Vector3()
func _process(delta) -> void:
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# test if we are rotating
if event.is_action_pressed("camera_rotate"):
_is_rotating = true
_last_mouse_position = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
if event.is_action_released("camera_rotate"):
_is_rotating = false
# test if we are zooming
if event.is_action_pressed("camera_zoom_in"):
_zoom_direction = -1
if event.is_action_pressed("camera_zoom_out"):
_zoom_direction = 1
# test if we are rotating
if event.is_action_pressed("camera_pan"):
_is_panning = true
_last_mouse_position = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
_last_drag_point = _get_ground_click_location()
if event.is_action_released("camera_pan"):
_is_panning = false
_last_drag_point = position
func _move(delta: float) -> void:
# initialize a velocity vector
var velocity = Vector3()
# populate it
if Input.is_action_pressed("camera_forward"):
velocity -= transform.basis.z
if Input.is_action_pressed("camera_backward"):
velocity += transform.basis.z
if Input.is_action_pressed("camera_left"):
velocity -= transform.basis.x
if Input.is_action_pressed("camera_right"):
velocity += transform.basis.x
# normalize and clamp speed
velocity = velocity.normalized()
# translate
global_translate(velocity * delta * movement_speed)
position = position.clamp(
Vector3(float(camera_bounds_margin),float(max_zoom),float(camera_bounds_margin)) * -1,
func _rotate(delta: float) -> void:
if !_is_rotating || !allow_rotation:
# calculate mouse movement
var displacement = _get_mouse_displacement()
# use horizontal displacement to rotate
_rotate_left_right(delta, displacement.x)
# use the vertical displacement to elevate
_elevate(delta, displacement.y)
func _edge_move(delta: float) -> void:
# initialize a velocity vector
var velocity = Vector3()
var viewport = get_viewport()
var visible_rect = viewport.get_visible_rect()
# get mouse position
var m_pos = viewport.get_mouse_position()
# populate it
if m_pos.x < edge_margin:
velocity.x = lerp(
velocity.x - abs(m_pos.x - edge_margin)/edge_margin * edge_speed,
edge_speed * delta
elif m_pos.x > visible_rect.size.x - edge_margin:
velocity.x = lerp(
velocity.x + abs(m_pos.x - visible_rect.size.x + edge_margin)/edge_margin * edge_speed,
edge_speed * delta
if m_pos.y < edge_margin:
velocity.z = lerp(
velocity.z - abs(m_pos.y - edge_margin)/edge_margin * edge_speed,
edge_speed * delta
elif m_pos.y > visible_rect.size.y - edge_margin:
velocity.z = lerp(
velocity.z + abs(m_pos.y - visible_rect.size.y + edge_margin)/edge_margin * edge_speed,
edge_speed * delta
global_translate(velocity.rotated(Vector3(0,1,0), rotation.y))
func _pan(delta: float) -> void:
if !_is_panning || !allow_pan:
# get the mouse displacement
var new_position = position + _last_drag_point - _get_ground_click_location()
# we transform the displacement into velocity
position = position.lerp(new_position,0.5)
func _zoom(delta: float) -> void:
# calculate the new zoom and clamp zoom between min and max
var new_zoom = clamp(
Camera.position.z + zoom_speed * delta * _zoom_direction,
# save 3d position
var pointing_at = _get_ground_click_location()
# zoom
Camera.position.z = new_zoom
# move the camera such that we are pointing at the same location
if zoom_to_cursor && pointing_at != null:
# stop scrolling
_zoom_direction *= zoom_speed_damp
if abs(_zoom_direction) <= 0.0001:
_zoom_direction = 0;
func _get_mouse_displacement() -> Vector2:
var current_mouse_position = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
var displacement = current_mouse_position - _last_mouse_position
_last_mouse_position = current_mouse_position
return displacement
func _rotate_left_right(delta: float, val: float) -> void:
rotation.y += deg_to_rad(val * delta * rotation_speed) * -1
func _elevate(delta: float, val: float) -> void:
# calculate new elevation
var new_elevation = rad_to_deg(Elevation.rotation.x)
if inverted_y:
new_elevation += val * delta * rotation_speed
new_elevation -= val * delta * rotation_speed
# clamp the new elevation
new_elevation = clamp(
Elevation.rotation.x = deg_to_rad(new_elevation)
# set the new elevation based on the clamped value
func _get_ground_click_location():
var mouse_pos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
var ray_from = Camera.project_ray_origin(mouse_pos)
var ray_to = ray_from + Camera.project_ray_normal(mouse_pos) * RAY_LENGTH
return GROUND_PLANE.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_to)
func _realign_camera(location: Vector3) -> void:
# calculate where we need to move
var new_location = _get_ground_click_location()
var displacement = location - new_location
# move the camera based on that calculation
position += displacement
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