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Created December 6, 2021 13:26
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Generated by
// "Spartan" Grid System
// version: 6.1.2
// License: MIT
// Copyright 2015 Simon Harte <>
$spartan-config: () !global;
// _pow() - Raise number to the nth power
// @param {number} $base The base number
// @param {number} $exponents The exponent to which to raise $base
@function _pow($base, $exponents) {
$raised: 1;
@for $i from 1 through $exponents {
$raised: $raised * $base;
@return $raised;
// _strip-unit() - from
@function _strip-unit($number) {
@if type-of($number) == 'number' and not unitless($number) {
@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
@return $number;
@function _get-rounded($val, $type: 'round') {
// Float precision used for rounding is the most important variable because we get different behaviours over browsers
// and certain grid container widths. Note that rounding issues only exist for width and padding style properties.
// There are two factors to consider when adjusting the precision:
// - precision value itself
// - using round(), floor() or ceil() to calculate width and padding (cell gutter)
// Tests have shown these behaviours:
// - Using precision < 3:
// - We get inaccurate values with round(), floor(), and ceil()
// - Using precision = 3:
// - We get inaccurate values in Safari when using floor(),
// - We get inaccurate values with round() and ceil() which leads to jumping cells,
// with round() starting in containers larger than ~800px (FF)
// - Using precision = 4:
// - We get inaccurate values in Safari when using round() and floor()
// - We get an overall good behaviour when using ceil(),
// cells will start jumping in containers larger than ~2200px (FF)
// - Using precision > 4:
// - We get inaccurate values in Safari with round() and floor()
// - We get an overall good behaviour when using ceil()
// Recommendation:
// Using a float precision of 5 together with ceil() seems to be the smallest possible,
// most accurate amount for a future-proof grid system.
$precision: 5;
@if $type == 'ceil' {
@return ceil($val * _pow(10, $precision)) / _pow(10, $precision);
} @else if $type == 'floor' {
@return floor($val * _pow(10, $precision)) / _pow(10, $precision);
} @else {
@return round($val * _pow(10, $precision)) / _pow(10, $precision);
@function grid-config-get($setting) {
@return map-get($spartan-config, $setting);
@function get-formatted-namespace() {
$namespace: map-get($spartan-config, 'namespace');
@return if($namespace != '', #{$namespace}-, $namespace);
@mixin _spartan-span-width($num) {
width: _get-rounded(map-get($spartan-config, 'singleCell') * $num, 'ceil');
@mixin _spartan-indent($num) {
margin-left: _get-rounded(map-get($spartan-config, 'singleCell') * $num) !important;
@mixin _spartan-push($num) {
position: relative;
left: _get-rounded(map-get($spartan-config, 'singleCell') * $num);
@mixin _spartan-pull($num) {
position: relative;
right: _get-rounded(map-get($spartan-config, 'singleCell') * $num);
@mixin _spartan-container-gutter($gutter) {
margin-left: _get-rounded(-$gutter) !important;
// assuming px, em
@mixin _spartan-cell-gutter($gutter) {
@if unit($gutter) == '%' {
// cell gutter has to be slightly smaller with percentage value because container is bigger
padding-left: _get-rounded(percentage($gutter / (100% + $gutter)), 'ceil') !important;
} @else {
padding-left: _get-rounded($gutter, 'ceil') !important;
@mixin _spartan-cf {
&:after {
content: '';
display: table;
&:after {
clear: both;
@mixin _spartan-box-sizing($sizing: border-box) {
box-sizing: $sizing;
@mixin _spartan-base-style($item) {
@if $item == 'both' {
display: block;
// make sure no shorthand properties interfere with grid styles
margin-right: 0 !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
@if $item == 'container' {
@include _spartan-cf;
padding-left: 0 !important;
@if $item == 'cell' {
@include _spartan-box-sizing;
float: left;
margin-left: 0 !important;
// cells should per default span the whole width if none is set
width: map-get($spartan-config, 'width');
min-height: 1px;
// clear every new grid line, see issue in "before" state here:
@mixin grid-cell-clear($cells) {
$cell-integer: floor($cells);
& > .#{get-formatted-namespace()}cell:nth-of-type(#{$cell-integer}n+1) {
clear: left;
@mixin _grid-cell-vertical-spacing($cells, $spacing: false, $direction: 'between') {
@if $spacing {
@if $direction == 'between' {
@if ($cells > 0) {
$cell-integer: floor($cells);
&:nth-of-type(n+#{$cell-integer + 1}) {
margin-top: $spacing;
@if $direction == 'before' {
margin-top: $spacing;
@if $direction == 'after' {
margin-bottom: $spacing;
@mixin _spartan-gutter-styles($container-gutter, $cell-gutter) {
&.#{get-formatted-namespace()}container {
@include _spartan-container-gutter($container-gutter);
> .#{get-formatted-namespace()}cell {
@include _spartan-cell-gutter($cell-gutter);
// base grid layout styles, valid for every grid setup
@mixin _spartan-core-selectors {
.#{get-formatted-namespace()}cell {
@include _spartan-base-style('both');
.#{get-formatted-namespace()}container {
@include _spartan-base-style('container');
.#{get-formatted-namespace()}cell {
@include _spartan-base-style('cell');
@mixin _spartan-apply($selector, $index) {
@if $selector == 'span' {
@include grid-span($index);
@if $selector == 'offset' {
@include grid-offset($index);
@if $selector == 'push' {
@include grid-push($index);
@if $selector == 'pull' {
@include grid-pull($index);
@mixin _update-spartan-config($settings) {
$spartan-config: map-merge($spartan-config, $settings) !global;
@mixin grid-config-set($setting, $value: false) {
@if type_of($setting) != map {
$setting: ($setting: $value);
@include _update-spartan-config($setting);
// always try to recalculate singleCell value
@if map_has_key($spartan-config, 'width') and map_has_key($spartan-config, 'cells') {
@include _update-spartan-config((singleCell: (map-get($spartan-config, 'width') / map-get($spartan-config, 'cells'))));
@mixin grid-unlock($width: 100%, $gutter: 0, $cells: 12, $namespace: 'g') {
$config: $width;
$base-config: (width: 100%, gutter: 0, cells: 12, namespace: 'g');
$target-config: ();
$config-type: type_of($config);
// check config type and handle settings accordingly
@if $config-type == list {
$settings: map-keys($base-config);
@each $setting in $settings {
$index: index($settings, $setting);
@if $index and length($config) >= $index {
$keyword: nth(map-keys($base-config), $index);
$target-config: map-merge($target-config, ($keyword: nth($config, $index)));
} @else if $config-type == map {
$target-config: map-merge($target-config, $config);
} @else if $config-type == number {
$target-config: map-merge($target-config, (width: $width, gutter: $gutter, cells: $cells, namespace: $namespace));
// add fallback notices
@if $target-config != $base-config {
@if not map_has_key($target-config, 'width') {
@warn 'No maximum grid width given, falling back to default (#{map-get($base-config, 'width')})';
@if not map_has_key($target-config, 'gutter') {
@warn 'No gutter width given, falling back to default (#{map-get($base-config, 'gutter')})';
@if not map_has_key($target-config, 'cells') {
@warn 'No cells amount given, falling back to default (#{map-get($base-config, 'cells')})';
} @else {
@warn 'No configuration parameters given. falling back to defaults (#{map-remove($base-config, 'namespace')})';
$target-config: map-merge($base-config, $target-config);
$width: map-get($target-config, 'width');
$cells: map-get($target-config, 'cells');
// check final settings types
@if type_of($width) != number {
@error 'Maximum grid width is not a number'
@if type_of($gutter) != number {
@error 'Gutter width is not a number'
@if type_of($cells) != number {
@error 'Cells amount is not a number'
$single-cell: $width / $cells;
$target-config: map-merge($target-config, (singleCell: ($width / $cells)));
@include grid-config-set($target-config);
@mixin grid-span($num: 0) {
@if $num > 0 {
@include _spartan-span-width($num);
@mixin grid-offset($num: 0) {
@include _spartan-indent($num);
@mixin grid-push($num: 0) {
@if $num > 0 {
@include _spartan-push($num);
@mixin grid-pull($num: 0) {
@if $num > 0 {
@include _spartan-pull($num);
@mixin grid-reorder($num: 0) {
@if $num >= 0 {
@include grid-push($num);
} @else {
@include grid-pull(abs($num));
@mixin grid-gutter($arg1: map-get($spartan-config, 'gutter'), $arg2: null) {
$_width: null;
$_gutter: null;
@if $arg2 {
$_width: $arg1;
$_gutter: $arg2;
} @else {
$_gutter: $arg1;
@if $_width {
@if unit($_gutter) == '%' {
// width is given but gutter is percentage anyway
@include _spartan-gutter-styles($_gutter, $_gutter);
} @else {
@if comparable($_width, $_gutter) {
// width is given and gutter is the same unit
@include _spartan-gutter-styles(percentage(_strip-unit($_gutter) / _strip-unit($_width)), percentage(_strip-unit($_gutter) / _strip-unit($_width + $_gutter)));
} @else {
@error 'width and gutter units must be the same to calculate percentage';
} @else {
// take gutter as is
@include _spartan-gutter-styles($_gutter, $_gutter);
@mixin grid-core($namespace: 'g') {
$config: ();
@if type_of($namespace) == map {
$config: $namespace;
} @else {
$config: map-merge($spartan-config, (namespace: $namespace));
@include grid-config-set($config);
@include _spartan-core-selectors;
// all necessary container styles with gutter
@mixin grid-container($gutter: map-get($spartan-config, 'gutter')) {
@include _spartan-base-style('both');
@include _spartan-base-style('container');
@include _spartan-container-gutter($gutter);
// all necessary cell styles with gutter
@mixin grid-cell($gutter: map-get($spartan-config, 'gutter')) {
@include _spartan-base-style('both');
@include _spartan-base-style('cell');
@include _spartan-cell-gutter($gutter);
@mixin grid-generate($prefix: '', $cells: map-get($spartan-config, cells)) {
@if $prefix != '' {
$prefix: '#{$prefix}-';
$selector: #{get-formatted-namespace()}#{$prefix};
$classes: span offset push pull;
@each $class in $classes {
@for $i from 1 through $cells {
.#{$selector}#{$class}-#{$i} {
@include _spartan-apply($class, $i);
// do everything at once
@mixin grid-bundle($config...) {
@include grid-unlock($config...);
@include grid-core();
@include grid-gutter();
@include grid-generate();
// standard mixin for setting cell styles
@mixin grid-cell-set($cell-name, $cell-span: 0, $offset: 0, $reorder: 0, $spacing-opts: (false)) {
& > .#{get-formatted-namespace()}#{$cell-name} {
@if $cell-span > 0 {
@include grid-span($cell-span);
@if $offset != 0 {
@include grid-offset($offset);
@if $reorder != 0 {
@include grid-reorder($reorder);
@if $spacing-opts {
@include _grid-cell-vertical-spacing(nth($spacing-opts, 1), nth($spacing-opts, 2), nth($spacing-opts, 3));
// predefined cell class with width, proper clearing and optional vertical spacing
@mixin grid-cell-set-equal($cell-span, $vertical-spacing: false, $spacing-direction: 'between') {
$cell-clear: map-get($spartan-config, 'cells') / $cell-span;
// use default cell-set mixin to generate selector
@include grid-cell-set('cell', $cell-span, $spacing-opts: (($cell-clear, $vertical-spacing, $spacing-direction)));
// with equal cells, clear every nth element for proper alignment
@include grid-cell-clear($cell-clear);
// Grid Config
$grid-width: 100%;
$grid-gutter: 12px;
$grid-gutter-large: 32px;
$grid-cols: 12;
$grid-config: $grid-width, $grid-gutter, $grid-cols;
$grid-width-full : $grid-cols;
$grid-width-half : $grid-cols/2;
$grid-width-third : $grid-cols/3;
$grid-width-quarter : $grid-cols/4;
$grid-width-sixth : $grid-cols/6;
$grid-width-one : $grid-cols/$grid-cols;
@include grid-bundle($grid-config);
.g-cell {
display: block;
margin-right: 0 !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
.g-container {
padding-left: 0 !important;
.g-container:before, .g-container:after {
content: "";
display: table;
.g-container:after {
clear: both;
.g-cell {
box-sizing: border-box;
float: left;
margin-left: 0 !important;
width: 100%;
min-height: 1px;
.g-container {
margin-left: -12px !important;
.g-container > .g-cell {
padding-left: 12px !important;
.g-span-1 {
width: 8.33334%;
.g-span-2 {
width: 16.66667%;
.g-span-3 {
width: 25%;
.g-span-4 {
width: 33.33334%;
.g-span-5 {
width: 41.66667%;
.g-span-6 {
width: 50%;
.g-span-7 {
width: 58.33334%;
.g-span-8 {
width: 66.66667%;
.g-span-9 {
width: 75%;
.g-span-10 {
width: 83.33334%;
.g-span-11 {
width: 91.66667%;
.g-span-12 {
width: 100%;
.g-offset-1 {
margin-left: 8.33333% !important;
.g-offset-2 {
margin-left: 16.66667% !important;
.g-offset-3 {
margin-left: 25% !important;
.g-offset-4 {
margin-left: 33.33333% !important;
.g-offset-5 {
margin-left: 41.66667% !important;
.g-offset-6 {
margin-left: 50% !important;
.g-offset-7 {
margin-left: 58.33333% !important;
.g-offset-8 {
margin-left: 66.66667% !important;
.g-offset-9 {
margin-left: 75% !important;
.g-offset-10 {
margin-left: 83.33333% !important;
.g-offset-11 {
margin-left: 91.66667% !important;
.g-offset-12 {
margin-left: 100% !important;
.g-push-1 {
position: relative;
left: 8.33333%;
.g-push-2 {
position: relative;
left: 16.66667%;
.g-push-3 {
position: relative;
left: 25%;
.g-push-4 {
position: relative;
left: 33.33333%;
.g-push-5 {
position: relative;
left: 41.66667%;
.g-push-6 {
position: relative;
left: 50%;
.g-push-7 {
position: relative;
left: 58.33333%;
.g-push-8 {
position: relative;
left: 66.66667%;
.g-push-9 {
position: relative;
left: 75%;
.g-push-10 {
position: relative;
left: 83.33333%;
.g-push-11 {
position: relative;
left: 91.66667%;
.g-push-12 {
position: relative;
left: 100%;
.g-pull-1 {
position: relative;
right: 8.33333%;
.g-pull-2 {
position: relative;
right: 16.66667%;
.g-pull-3 {
position: relative;
right: 25%;
.g-pull-4 {
position: relative;
right: 33.33333%;
.g-pull-5 {
position: relative;
right: 41.66667%;
.g-pull-6 {
position: relative;
right: 50%;
.g-pull-7 {
position: relative;
right: 58.33333%;
.g-pull-8 {
position: relative;
right: 66.66667%;
.g-pull-9 {
position: relative;
right: 75%;
.g-pull-10 {
position: relative;
right: 83.33333%;
.g-pull-11 {
position: relative;
right: 91.66667%;
.g-pull-12 {
position: relative;
right: 100%;
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.32.12",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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