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keyczar util class for keyczar.jar
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.keyczar.Crypter;
import org.keyczar.DefaultKeyType;
import org.keyczar.Encrypter;
import org.keyczar.GenericKeyczar;
import org.keyczar.KeyMetadata;
import org.keyczar.KeyVersion;
import org.keyczar.KeyczarKey;
import org.keyczar.SessionCrypter;
import org.keyczar.enums.KeyPurpose;
import org.keyczar.enums.KeyStatus;
import org.keyczar.enums.RsaPadding;
import org.keyczar.exceptions.KeyczarException;
import org.keyczar.i18n.Messages;
import org.keyczar.interfaces.KeyczarReader;
import org.keyczar.keyparams.KeyParameters;
import org.keyczar.keyparams.RsaKeyParameters;
import org.keyczar.util.Base64Coder;
public final class Util {
private Util() {
* Returns a GenericKeyczar containing a new generated key of type.
public static GenericKeyczar createKey(DefaultKeyType type, KeyPurpose purpose)
throws KeyczarException {
return createKey(type, purpose, type.applyDefaultParameters(null).getKeySize());
* Returns a GenericKeyczar containing a new generated key of type.
public static GenericKeyczar createKey(DefaultKeyType type, KeyPurpose purpose, final int size)
throws KeyczarException {
KeyMetadata metadata = new KeyMetadata("Key", purpose, type);
KeyczarReader reader = new MemoryKeyReader(metadata, null);
GenericKeyczar keyczar = new GenericKeyczar(reader);
keyczar.addVersion(KeyStatus.PRIMARY, new RsaKeyParameters() {
public RsaPadding getRsaPadding() throws KeyczarException {
return RsaPadding.OAEP;
public int getKeySize() throws KeyczarException {
return size;
return keyczar;
* Returns a KeyczarReader containing a new generated key of type.
public static KeyczarReader generateKeyczarReader(DefaultKeyType type, KeyPurpose purpose)
throws KeyczarException {
return generateKeyczarReader(type, purpose, type.applyDefaultParameters(null).getKeySize());
* Returns a KeyczarReader containing a new generated key of type.
public static KeyczarReader generateKeyczarReader(
DefaultKeyType type, KeyPurpose purpose, int size) throws KeyczarException {
return readerFromKeyczar(createKey(type, purpose, size));
* Writes input to a JSON file at path.
public static void writeJsonToPath(GenericKeyczar input, String path) {
try {
FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(path);
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, "UTF-8"));
JsonWriter.write(input, writer);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static Crypter crypterFromJson(String json) throws KeyczarException {
KeyczarReader key = new KeyczarJsonReader(json);
return new Crypter(key);
* Encrypts plaintext with a new session key, which is encrypted using crypter. The encrypted session
* key and encrypted message are packed together using lenPrefixPack().
public static byte[] encryptWithSession(Encrypter crypter, byte[] plaintext) throws KeyczarException {
// Create a session crypter
SessionCrypter session = new SessionCrypter(crypter);
byte[] rawEncrypted = session.encrypt(plaintext);
byte[][] input = {session.getSessionMaterial(), rawEncrypted};
return org.keyczar.util.Util.lenPrefixPack(input);
* Decrypts message as a session by unpacking the encrypted session key, decrypting it with crypter,
* then decrypting the message.
public static byte[] decryptWithSession(Crypter crypter, byte[] ciphertext) throws KeyczarException {
byte[][] unpacked = org.keyczar.util.Util.lenPrefixUnpack(ciphertext);
SessionCrypter session = new SessionCrypter(crypter, unpacked[0]);
return session.decrypt(unpacked[1]);
public static String encryptWithSession(Encrypter crypter, String plaintext) throws KeyczarException {
try {
return Base64Coder.encodeWebSafe(encryptWithSession(crypter, plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8")));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen", e);
public static String decryptWithSession(Crypter crypter, String ciphertext) throws KeyczarException {
try {
return new String(decryptWithSession(crypter, Base64Coder.decodeWebSafe(ciphertext)), "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen", e);
// Hack to get access to KeyczarPrivateKey.getPublic(); see exportPublicKeys
static final Method getPublicMethod;
static {
Class<?> iface;
try {
iface = Util.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.keyczar.KeyczarPrivateKey");
getPublicMethod = iface.getMethod("getPublic");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Returns a new Keyczar with public keys in privateKey.
* @throws KeyczarException
// This is basically copied from GenericKeyczar.publicKeyExport, which is not public.
// TODO: Get this into GenericKeyczar upstream?
public static KeyczarReader exportPublicKeys(GenericKeyczar privateKey) throws KeyczarException {
KeyMetadata kmd = privateKey.getMetadata();
// Can only export if type is *_PRIV
KeyMetadata publicKmd = null;
if (kmd.getType() == DefaultKeyType.DSA_PRIV) {
if (kmd.getPurpose() == KeyPurpose.SIGN_AND_VERIFY) {
publicKmd = new KeyMetadata(kmd.getName(), KeyPurpose.VERIFY,
} else if (kmd.getType() == DefaultKeyType.RSA_PRIV) {
switch (kmd.getPurpose()) {
publicKmd = new KeyMetadata(kmd.getName(), KeyPurpose.ENCRYPT,
publicKmd = new KeyMetadata(kmd.getName(), KeyPurpose.VERIFY,
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key purpose: " + kmd.getPurpose());
if (publicKmd == null) {
throw new KeyczarException(
kmd.getType(), kmd.getPurpose()));
HashMap<Integer, KeyczarKey> keys = new HashMap<Integer, KeyczarKey>();
for (KeyVersion version : privateKey.getVersions()) {
// hack to work around keyczar's accessibility limits
try {
KeyczarKey key = privateKey.getKey(version);
KeyczarKey publicKey = (KeyczarKey) getPublicMethod.invoke(key);
keys.put(version.getVersionNumber(), publicKey);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return new MemoryKeyReader(publicKmd, keys);
* Create a KeyczarReader from an existing key. Useful for creating a GenericKeyczar
* to manipulate a keyset, then "re-open" the key as the correct type to use it
* Example: Crypter crypter = new Crypter(Util.readerFromKeyczar(keyczar));
* @param keyczar
* @return
public static KeyczarReader readerFromKeyczar(GenericKeyczar keyczar) {
HashMap<Integer, KeyczarKey> keys = new HashMap<Integer, KeyczarKey>();
for (KeyVersion v : keyczar.getVersions()) {
keys.put(v.getVersionNumber(), keyczar.getKey(v));
return new MemoryKeyReader(keyczar.getMetadata(), keys);
* Basically a copy of ImportedKeyReader which is not public.
public static final class MemoryKeyReader implements KeyczarReader {
private final KeyMetadata metadata;
private final Map<Integer, KeyczarKey> keys;
public MemoryKeyReader(KeyMetadata metadata, Map<Integer, KeyczarKey> keys) {
this.metadata = metadata;
this.keys = keys;
assert keys == null || metadata.getVersions().size() == keys.size();
public String getKey(int version) throws KeyczarException {
return keys.get(version).toString();
public String getKey() throws KeyczarException {
return keys.get(metadata.getPrimaryVersion().getVersionNumber()).toString();
public String getMetadata() throws KeyczarException {
return metadata.toString();
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