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Last active December 10, 2020 17:03
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type: object
description: |
Outcome of an operation that does not result in a resource or bundle being returned (e.g. error, async/batch submission).
There are a number of possible error codes that can be returned along with a more detailed description in the `display` field.
There are general outcomes:
| Code | Response Code | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| ACCESS_DENIED | 401 | Used when the user does not have permission for a particular request. e.g. when their ASID does not have the correct interactions attached to it. |
| FAILURE_TO_PROCESS_MESSAGE | 500 | A default message when something really bad has happened that the system could not handle. |
| UNABLE_TO_CALL_SERVICE | 408 | For a synchronous request, the downstream domain processing has not completed within the configured timeout period. |
| UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE | 400 | The service the user requested is an endpoint that does not exist - so is unsupported. e.g. /Patient/9999999999/Pets |
| RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | 404 | The resource was not found. |
| INVALID_RESOURCE_ID | 400 | The resource ID was not valid. For example a NHS Number is presented which is not a valid NHS Number. |
| INVALIDATED_RESOURCE | 404 | The resource has been invalidated so could not be returned. |
Search outcomes:
| Code | Response Code | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| INVALID_SEARCH_DATA | 400 | The search parameters are invalid. A description of what exactly is at fault will be added to the display. |
| TOO_MANY_MATCHES | 200 | Too many matches were found - user should be told to refine their search parameters. |
Update outcomes:
| Code | Response Code | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| PRECONDITION_FAILED | 412 | Request missing basic requirements such as If-Match header (or invalid headers). |
| RESOURCE_VERSION_MISMATCH | 409 | The resource version has changed since your last read, so the update has been rejected. |
| FORBIDDEN_UPDATE | 403 | The user is not permitted to update certain resources or elements - a detailed description will be added to the display. For example - updating a sensitive patient or adding a formal death notification is only permitted from certain systems. |
| VALIDATION_ERROR | 400 | This it the "default" error thrown when no others are applicable. |
| INVALID_UPDATE | 400 | The update was invalid - a detailed description will be added to the display. |
| MISSING_VALUE | 400 | There was a missing value in the request. For example - a name update that is missing the surname. The missing value will be presented in the display. |
| INVALID_VALUE | 400 | There was an invalid value in the request. For example - a name update where the surname is too long. The invalid value and field will be presented in the display. |
| UNSUPPORTED_VALUE | 400 | There was an unsupported value in the request. The value may be valid in the schema - however it could be a legacy value that we do not allow to be set anymore. For example - setting the death notification status to 'removed'. The invalid value and field will be presented in the display. |
| TOO_FEW_VALUES_SUBMITTED | 400 | The field in question has a minimum number of items and the user sent too few. |
| TOO_MANY_VALUES_SUBMITTED | 400 | The field in question has a maximum number of items and the user sent too many. |
| ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES | 400 | The user sent additional properties within the dictionary. For example sending a patient patch and attempting to add 'pets', which is not an allowed field within the patient resource. |
Polling outcomes
| Code | Response Code | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| POLLING_ID_NOT_FOUND | 404 | When polling the ID was not found - or it was not applicable such as a non polling ID. |
| POLLING_MESSAGE_FAILURE | 422 | When polling an ID, a message was found to be in a failed state, so there is nothing else to be done and should be considered a failure. |
type: string
description: FHIR Resource Type.
default: OperationOutcome
readOnly: true
type: array
description: List of issues that have occurred.
minItems: 1
type: object
- severity
- code
type: string
enum: [fatal, error, warning, information]
description: Severity of the error.
example: error
type: string
description: FHIR error code.
example: invalid
- invalid
- structure
- required
- value
- invariant
- security
- login
- unknown
- expired
- forbidden
- suppressed
- processing
- not-supported
- duplicate
- multiple-matches
- not-found
- deleted
- too-long
- code-invalid
- extension
- too-costly
- business-rule
- conflict
- transient
- lock-error
- no-store
- exception
- timeout
- incomplete
- throttled
- informational
type: string
description: Additional diagnostic information about the issue.
example: Invalid value - 2019-01 in field 'birthDate'
type: string
description: FHIRPath of element(s) related to the error.
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