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# In not working!!
# Validations are added, but errors are not in the errors list after valid
module AddChildValidations
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
# Example:
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :address
# add_child_validations_for :address do
class Array
# find_map
# example:
# [nil, 'hello '].find_map |n|
# n.try(:strip)
# end => 'hello'
def find_map(&block)
result = nil
self.each do |q|
result = yield(q)
# &&
'hello' unless true && false
#=> "hello"
'hello' unless false && true
#=> "hello"
'hello' unless false && false
#=> "hello"
'hello' unless true && true
#=> nil
class Hash
# merge_present
# examples:
# {hello: ''}.merge_present(hello: 'sd') #=> {hello: 'sd'}
# {hello: nil}.merge_present(hello: '') #=> {}
def merge_present(other_hash)
mapped = do |k, v|
if v.blank?

Example with translations:

  "response": [
        "translation": {
 "en":"do you need and hotel?",
if("hello") "hello";
if(0) "hello";
if('') "hello";
if(1) "hello";