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Last active May 2, 2018 10:35
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- line to ofBuffer::RLine
- _current to ofBuffer::RLine
- _rbegin to ofBuffer::RLine
- _rend to ofBuffer::RLine
- _rbegin to ofBuffer::RLines
- _rend to ofBuffer::RLines
- token to ofEventListener
- listeners to ofEventListeners
- seconds to ofTime
- nanoseconds to ofTime
- mode to ofTime
- then to ofFpsCounter
- filteredTime to ofFpsCounter
- filterAlpha to ofFpsCounter
- isRepeat to ofKeyEventArgs
- modifiers to ofKeyEventArgs
- modifiers to ofMouseEventArgs
- windowMoved to ofCoreEvents
- charEvent to ofCoreEvents
- modifiers to ofCoreEvents
- timeMode to ofCoreEvents
- fixedRateTimeNanos to ofCoreEvents
- body to ofHttpRequest
- contentType to ofHttpRequest
- done to ofHttpRequest
- timeoutSeconds to ofHttpRequest
- method to ofHttpRequest
- threadRunning to ofThread
- threadDone to ofThread
- mutexBlocks to ofThread
- name to ofThread
- condition to ofThread
- parents to ofParameterGroup::Value
- parameterChangedE to ofParameterGroup::Value
- parents to ofParameter::Value
- doc to ofXml::Search
- search to ofXml::Search
- attr to ofXml::Attribute
- doc to ofXml::Range
- range to ofXml::Range
- doc to ofXml
- xml to ofXml
- xml to ofXmlIterator
- node to ofXmlSearchIterator
- xml to ofXmlSearchIterator
- EStepperDataReceived to ofArduino
- EI2CDataRecieved to ofArduino
- EEncoderDataReceived to ofArduino
- ESerialDataReceived to ofArduino
- EPinStateResponseReceived to ofArduino
- _totalAnalogPins to ofArduino
- _i2cConfigured to ofArduino
- _numSteppers to ofArduino
- _numEncoders to ofArduino
- _encoderID to ofArduino
- _firstAnalogPin to ofArduino
- firmataInputSupported to ofArduino
- firmataOutputSupported to ofArduino
- firmataAnalogSupported to ofArduino
- firmataPwmSupported to ofArduino
- firmataServoSupported to ofArduino
- firmataI2cSupported to ofArduino
- firmataOnewireSupported to ofArduino
- firmataStepperSupported to ofArduino
- firmataEncoderSupported to ofArduino
- firmataSerialSupported to ofArduino
- pinCapabilities to ofArduino
- analogPinMap to ofArduino
- title to ofWindowSettings
- sizeSet to ofWindowSettings
- loopEvent to ofMainLoop
- windowPollEvents to ofMainLoop
- children to ofNode
- currentRenderSurface to ofMatrixStack
- modelMatrix to ofMatrixStack
- viewInverse to ofMatrixStack
- flipRenderSurfaceMatrix to ofMatrixStack
- buffer to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- stride to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- offset to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- numCoords to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- location to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- normalize to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- divisor to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- buffer to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- rendererP to ofLight::Data
- shaderFiles to ofShaderSettings
- shaderSources to ofShaderSettings
- intDefines to ofShaderSettings
- floatDefines to ofShaderSettings
- sourceDirectoryPath to ofShaderSettings
- bindDefaults to ofShaderSettings
- type to ofShader::Source
- source to ofShader::Source
- expandedSource to ofShader::Source
- directoryPath to ofShader::Source
- intDefines to ofShader::Source
- floatDefines to ofShader::Source
- shaderFiles to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- shaderSources to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- varyingsToCapture to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- intDefines to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- floatDefines to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- sourceDirectoryPath to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- bindDefaults to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- bufferMode to ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings
- index to ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding
- offset to ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding
- size to ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding
- buffer to ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding
- index to ofShader::TransformFeedbackBaseBinding
- buffer to ofShader::TransformFeedbackBaseBinding
- id to ofShader::Shader
- source to ofShader::Shader
- uniformBlocksCache to ofShader
- diffuse to ofMaterialSettings
- ambient to ofMaterialSettings
- specular to ofMaterialSettings
- emissive to ofMaterialSettings
- shininess to ofMaterialSettings
- postFragment to ofMaterialSettings
- customUniforms to ofMaterialSettings
- noTexture to ofMaterial::Shaders
- color to ofMaterial::Shaders
- texture2DColor to ofMaterial::Shaders
- textureRectColor to ofMaterial::Shaders
- texture2D to ofMaterial::Shaders
- textureRect to ofMaterial::Shaders
- numLights to ofMaterial::Shaders
- shaders to ofMaterial
- shadersMap to ofMaterial
- uniforms1f to ofMaterial
- uniforms2f to ofMaterial
- uniforms3f to ofMaterial
- uniforms4f to ofMaterial
- uniforms1i to ofMaterial
- uniforms4m to ofMaterial
- uniforms3m to ofMaterial
- uniformstex to ofMaterial
- accurate to ofImageLoadSettings
- exifRotate to ofImageLoadSettings
- grayscale to ofImageLoadSettings
- separateCMYK to ofImageLoadSettings
- begin to ofUnicode::range
- end to ofUnicode::range
- Space to ofUnicode
- IdeographicSpace to ofUnicode
- Latin to ofUnicode
- Latin1Supplement to ofUnicode
- Greek to ofUnicode
- Cyrillic to ofUnicode
- Arabic to ofUnicode
- ArabicSupplement to ofUnicode
- ArabicExtendedA to ofUnicode
- Devanagari to ofUnicode
- HangulJamo to ofUnicode
- VedicExtensions to ofUnicode
- LatinExtendedAdditional to ofUnicode
- GreekExtended to ofUnicode
- GeneralPunctuation to ofUnicode
- SuperAndSubScripts to ofUnicode
- CurrencySymbols to ofUnicode
- LetterLikeSymbols to ofUnicode
- NumberForms to ofUnicode
- Arrows to ofUnicode
- MathOperators to ofUnicode
- MiscTechnical to ofUnicode
- BoxDrawing to ofUnicode
- BlockElement to ofUnicode
- GeometricShapes to ofUnicode
- MiscSymbols to ofUnicode
- Dingbats to ofUnicode
- Hiragana to ofUnicode
- Katakana to ofUnicode
- HangulCompatJamo to ofUnicode
- KatakanaPhoneticExtensions to ofUnicode
- CJKLettersAndMonths to ofUnicode
- CJKUnified to ofUnicode
- DevanagariExtended to ofUnicode
- HangulExtendedA to ofUnicode
- HangulSyllables to ofUnicode
- HangulExtendedB to ofUnicode
- AlphabeticPresentationForms to ofUnicode
- ArabicPresFormsA to ofUnicode
- ArabicPresFormsB to ofUnicode
- KatakanaHalfAndFullwidthForms to ofUnicode
- KanaSupplement to ofUnicode
- RumiNumericalSymbols to ofUnicode
- ArabicMath to ofUnicode
- MiscSymbolsAndPictographs to ofUnicode
- Emoticons to ofUnicode
- TransportAndMap to ofUnicode
- EnclosedCharacters to ofUnicode
- Uncategorized to ofUnicode
- AdditionalEmoticons to ofUnicode
- AdditionalTransportAndMap to ofUnicode
- OtherAdditionalSymbols to ofUnicode
- Emoji to ofAlphabet
- Japanese to ofAlphabet
- Chinese to ofAlphabet
- Korean to ofAlphabet
- Arabic to ofAlphabet
- Devanagari to ofAlphabet
- Latin to ofAlphabet
- Greek to ofAlphabet
- Cyrillic to ofAlphabet
- fontName to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- fontSize to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- antialiased to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- contours to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- simplifyAmt to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- dpi to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- direction to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- ranges to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- fontUnitScale to ofTrueTypeFont
- props to ofTrueTypeFont::glyph
- pixels to ofTrueTypeFont::glyph
- settings to ofTrueTypeFont
- glyphIndexMap to ofTrueTypeFont
- invalidProps to ofTrueTypeFont
- api to ofSoundDevice
- sampleRate to ofSoundStreamSettings
- bufferSize to ofSoundStreamSettings
- numBuffers to ofSoundStreamSettings
- numInputChannels to ofSoundStreamSettings
- numOutputChannels to ofSoundStreamSettings
- inCallback to ofSoundStreamSettings
- outCallback to ofSoundStreamSettings
- inDevice to ofSoundStreamSettings
- outDevice to ofSoundStreamSettings
- api to ofSoundStreamSettings
- xim to ofAppGLFWWindow
- xic to ofAppGLFWWindow
- targetWindowMode to ofAppGLFWWindow
- currentW to ofAppGLFWWindow
- currentH to ofAppGLFWWindow
- windowRect to ofAppGLFWWindow
- tmpDeviceId to ofSoundStream
- bIsScrolling to ofEasyCam
- rot to ofEasyCam
- translate to ofEasyCam
- sensitivityTranslate to ofEasyCam
- sensitivityScroll to ofEasyCam
- lastPressAxisX to ofEasyCam
- lastPressAxisY to ofEasyCam
- lastPressAxisZ to ofEasyCam
- lastPressPosition to ofEasyCam
- lastPressOrientation to ofEasyCam
- lastPressMouse to ofEasyCam
- controlArea to ofEasyCam
- listeners to ofEasyCam
- bRelativeYAxis to ofEasyCam
- doInertia to ofEasyCam
- upAxis to ofEasyCam
- mouseAtScroll to ofEasyCam
- prevFarClip to ofEasyCam
- prevNearClip to ofEasyCam
- currentTransformType to ofEasyCam
- interactions to ofEasyCam
- pixelFormat to ofDirectShowPlayer
- bUseTextureCache to ofAVFoundationPlayer
- settings to ofRtAudioSoundStream
- mouseAbsXMin to ofAppEGLWindow
- mouseAbsXMax to ofAppEGLWindow
- mouseAbsYMin to ofAppEGLWindow
- mouseAbsYMax to ofAppEGLWindow
- buffer to ofxAndroidCircBuffer
- deviceOrientationChanged to ofxAndroidEventsClass
- settings to ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- defaultEventsPriority to ofxBaseGui
- value to ofxInputField
- bGuiActive to ofxInputField
- bMousePressed to ofxInputField
- bMouseOver to ofxInputField
- bg to ofxInputField
- textMesh to ofxInputField
- input to ofxInputField
- visibleInput to ofxInputField
- visibleInputStart to ofxInputField
- visibleInputEnd to ofxInputField
- mousePressedPos to ofxInputField
- selectStartX to ofxInputField
- selectionWidth to ofxInputField
- selectStartPos to ofxInputField
- selectEndPos to ofxInputField
- insideSlider to ofxInputField
- blinkingCursor to ofxInputField
- validValue to ofxInputField
- showLabelWhileEditing to ofxInputField
- overlappingLabel to ofxInputField
- errorTime to ofxInputField
- lastCursorMoveTime to ofxInputField
- originalColors to ofxInputField
- leftFocus to ofxInputField
- listeners to ofxInputField
- overlappingLabel to ofxSlider
- input to ofxSlider
- state to ofxSlider
- listener to ofxSlider
- errorTime to ofxSlider
- parameter to ofxButton
- colorPoint to ofxColorPicker_
- colorScale to ofxColorPicker_
- colorRadius to ofxColorPicker_
- colorAngle to ofxColorPicker_
- bSettingColor to ofxColorPicker_
- colorWheelRadius to ofxColorPicker_
- colorWheelPad to ofxColorPicker_
- rectBackground to ofxColorPicker_
- rectColorWheel to ofxColorPicker_
- rectColorScaleBar to ofxColorPicker_
- geometry to ofxColorPicker_
- color to ofxColorPicker_
- state to ofxColorPicker_
- listener to ofxColorPicker_
- originalHeaderBackground to ofxColorSlider_
- originalHeaderText to ofxColorSlider_
- picker to ofxColorSlider_
- address to ofxTCPSettings
- port to ofxTCPSettings
- blocking to ofxTCPSettings
- messageDelimiter to ofxTCPSettings
- serverReady to ofxTCPServer
- sendAddress to ofxUDPSettings
- sendPort to ofxUDPSettings
- bindAddress to ofxUDPSettings
- bindPort to ofxUDPSettings
- blocking to ofxUDPSettings
- reuse to ofxUDPSettings
- sendTimeout to ofxUDPSettings
- sendBufferSize to ofxUDPSettings
- receiveTimeout to ofxUDPSettings
- receiveBufferSize to ofxUDPSettings
- ttl to ofxUDPSettings
- broadcast to ofxUDPSettings
- multicast to ofxUDPSettings
- value to ofxOscArgMidiMessage
- value to ofxOscArgTimetag
- remoteHost to ofxOscMessage
- remotePort to ofxOscMessage
- host to ofxOscSenderSettings
- port to ofxOscSenderSettings
- broadcast to ofxOscSenderSettings
- settings to ofxOscSender
- sendSocket to ofxOscSender
- port to ofxOscReceiverSettings
- reuse to ofxOscReceiverSettings
- start to ofxOscReceiverSettings
- listenThread to ofxOscReceiver
- settings to ofxOscReceiver
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