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Created February 22, 2012 20:19
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Save artursapek/1886981 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basically all of the UI objects we were using for bandscape (the concert aggregator)
// DOM objects used in bandscape main view
// author: Artur Sapek
// bandscape 2011
// pre: nothing
// post: returns top-right control on the map, date and city (city doesn't do anything) and injects into DOM
function dateControl(){
var me = this;
this.dropdownFairGame = true;
this.keepopen = false;
this.keepDateOpen = this.keepCityOpen = false;
this.lastNonSpecifyOption = maptime_src;
var names = ['container', 'all', 'maptime_container', 'maptime_content'];
for (var x in names){
this[names[x]] = createC('div', { className: 'timeControl_' + names[x], id: 'timeControl_' + names[x] });
this._text_ = createC('div', { className: 'timeControl_regText padding_16'}, 'bands playing ');
this.maptime_content.innerHTML = maptime;
var textToValues = {'tonight':'tonight','tomorrow night':'tomorrow','this weekend':'weekend','this week':'week','next weekend':'nextweekend','next week':'nextweek'};
this.days = analyzeDates(maptime);
var findMaptime = this.days.indexOf(maptimeParse(maptime_src)[0]);
if (findMaptime >- 1){ this.days.splice(findMaptime, 1); }
appendobj([ [this.container, this.all], [this.all, this._text_], [this.all, this.maptime_container], [this.maptime_container, this.maptime_content]]); // must be in this order
$(this.maptime_container).mouseenter(function(){ // specify
if (me.dropdownFairGame){
me.maptime_content.className = 'timeControl_content_drained';
if (me.dropdownFairGame){
this.initSpecify = function(){
me.dropdownFairGame = false;
me.specify_inputbox = createC('input', { 'type' : 'text', 'className': 'specifyControl_textbox specifyControl_textbox_selected' } );
$(me.specify_inputbox).focus().autoGrowInput({ comfortZone: 0, minWidth: 25, maxWidth: 300 }).keydown(function(event){
if (event.which == 13){ // when they hit enter, commit it
me.maptime_content = new createC('div', { 'className': 'timeControl_maptime_content' }, $(me.specify_inputbox).val() );
me.dropdownFairGame = true;
me.maptime_content.innerHTML = '' = 'timeControl_maptime_content';
globals.loaderIMG = createC('img', {'src': '/media/img/date loader.gif'})
this.dropdown = function(){
var days = analyzeDates(me.maptime_content.innerHTML);
var findMaptime = this.days.indexOf(maptimeParse(maptime_src)[0]);
if (findMaptime >- 1){ this.days.splice(findMaptime, 1); } // remove current selection from options list
var co = me.dropdown_container = createC('div', { className: 'timeControl_dropdown_container'});
$(co).mouseenter(function(){ // the dropdown container
me.keepopen = true;
me.keepopen = false;
for (var d = 0; d < days.length; d ++){
co.appendChild(new this.dayOption(days[d]));
this.closeDropdown = function(){
me.keepopen = false;
me.maptime_content.className = 'timeControl_maptime_content';
this.dayOption = function(x){
var dayOptionContainer = createC('div', {className:'timeControl_dayOption_container'});
var dayOptionContent = createC('div', {className:'timeControl_dayOption_content'}, x);
if (x == 'specify...'){
me.days = analyzeDates('f');
} else {
me.lastNonSpecifyOption = textToValues[x];
me.days = analyzeDates(textToValues[x]);
var oldTimeSelection = me.maptime_content.innerHTML;
me.maptime_content.innerHTML = ''; = 'timeControl_maptime_content';
globals.loaderIMG = createC('img', {'src': '/media/img/date loader.gif'})
me.maptime_content.className = 'timeControl_content_drained'; // set styles to open button
return dayOptionContainer;
$('#map_container').prepend( this.container );
function bandFocus(x){
var me = this;
var container = this.container = createC('div', {className: 'focus_container'});
this.all = createC('div', {className: 'focus_main'});
this.bandname = createC('div', {className: 'focus_bandname'},;
this.subhead = createC('div', {className: 'focus_subhead'});
var info = = createC('div', {className: 'focus_info'});
if (x.cover){
this.albumcover = new Image();
this.albumcover.onload = function(){ = this.width + 30 + 'px';
this.albumcover.className = 'focus_cover';
this.albumcover.src = ('/media/img/covers/' + sanitize('The ','').substring(0,1)) + '/' + sanitize(, false) + '.jpg').split(' ').join('');
appendobj([ [this.all, this.albumcover] ]);
appendobj([ [this.container, this.all], [this.all,], [, this.bandname], [, this.subhead],
[this.subhead,createC('span', {className: '_bf_dark'}, x.genre)] ]);
if (x.origin != '') appendobj([ [this.subhead,createC('span', {className: '_bf_grey'}, ' from ')], [this.subhead,createC('span', {className: '_bf_dark'}, x.origin)] ])
if (x.listen){
var site = x.listen.match(/\w+\.com|\w+\.fm/gi).toString().replace('.com','').split('.').join('');
this.listen = createC('div', {className: 'focus_listen'});
this.listento = createC('div', {className: 'focus_listento'}, 'listen to ' +;
this.listenlink = createC('a', {className: 'focus_listenlink _ll_' + site, href: x.listen, target: '_blank'}, 'on ' + site + ' »');
appendobj([ [this.all, this.listen], [this.listen, this.listento], [this.listen, this.listenlink] ]);
return this.container;
function venueFocus(x){
this.saniname = sanitize(, false, false);
this.iconsrc = '/media/img/vmarkers/' + this.saniname + '.png';
var container = this.container = createC('div', {className: 'focus_container'});
this.all = createC('div', {className: 'focus_main'});
this.icon = new Image;
var info = = createC('div', {className: 'focus_info'});
this.icon.onload = function(){ = this.width + 40 + 'px';
this.icon.className = 'focus_vicon';
this.icon.src = this.iconsrc;
this.venuename = createC('div', {className: 'focus_bandname'},;
this.neighborhood = createC('div', {className: 'focus_subhead'}, x.neighborhood);
this.address = createC('div', {className: 'focus_address'}, x.address);
appendobj([ [this.all, this.icon], [this.container, this.all], [, this.venuename], [, this.neighborhood], [, this.address], [this.all,] ]);
return this.container;
// pre: pass in raw input from user
// post: hopefully return a parsed date object or the last valid option selected before
function parseSpecifyInput(x){
// this will probably be used a lot so it has to be thorough
var monthsWritten = { '01': ['jan', 'january'], '02': ['feb', 'febuary', 'february'], '03': ['mar', 'march'], '04': ['apr', 'april'], '05': ['may'], '06': ['jun', 'june'], '07': ['jul', 'july'],
'08': ['aug', 'august'], '09': ['sep', 'sept', 'september'], '10': ['oct', 'october'], '11': ['nov', 'november'], '12': ['dec', 'december'] }
var month = null;
var day = null;
// find seperator
var seperators = ['-', ' ', '.', '/', '\\']; // 99%
var confirmedSeperators = [ ];
for (var s in seperators){
if (x.indexOf(seperators[s]) != -1){
confirmedSeperators.push(seperators[s]); // this figures out what is seperating the entry. ex 1[.]12[.]11 or March[ ]12 etc.
if (confirmedSeperators.length == 1){ // else nothing for now, i dont imagine that will ever happen
var xSplit = x.split(confirmedSeperators[0]);
} else {
xSplit = new Array(x);
var foundNumbers = [ ];
var foundText = [ ];
if (xSplit.length > 1){
for (var p in xSplit){
var numberFound = false;
var matchNumbers = xSplit[p].match(/\d+/gi);
var matchText = xSplit[p].match(/[A-Z]/gi);
if (matchNumbers){
numberFound = true;
} else {
if (matchText){
if (!numberFound){
} else {
if (['th', 'st', 'rd'].indexOf(matchText.join('')) == -1){
} else {
} else {
} else {
var foundNumbers = new Array(xSplit[0].match(/\d+/gi).join(''));
var foundText = new Array(xSplit[0].match(/[A-Z]/gi).join(''));
var numberofKeywords = xSplit.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberofKeywords; i ++){
if (foundNumbers[i] != '' && foundText[i] == ''){ // number
if (!month && foundNumbers.length > i){
month = (parseInt(foundNumbers[i]) - 1).toString();
if (month.length == 1){
month = '0' + (parseInt(month) + 1).toString();
} else if (month && parseInt(foundNumbers[i]) <= {1:31, 2:28, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:31, 9:30, 10:31, 11:30, 12:31}[parseInt(month)] && !day){
day = foundNumbers[i];
} else if (foundNumbers[i] == '' && foundText[i] != ''){ // text
for (var m in monthsWritten){
if (monthsWritten[m].indexOf(foundText[i].toLowerCase()) != -1){
month = m;
} else {
// ,'>/
if (day && day.length == 1){
day = '0' + day;
if ((month + day).length == 4){
hash(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][parseInt(month) - 1] + day);
} else {
hash(dateControl.lastNonSpecifyOption); // resort to last good option
// pre: pass in the date option clicked, so as to exclude it
// post: return list of date options for dropdown list relative to day of the week
function analyzeDates(y){
var tonight = maptimeParse(0)[1][0].getDay();
var days = [ ];
var p = ['tonight', 'tomorrow night'];
for (var o in p){
if (y != p[o]){
var p = [[[0,5,6], 'this weekend'],[[0,5,6],'this week']];
for (var o in p){
if (p[o][0].indexOf(tonight) == -1 && p[o][1] != y){
var p = ['next weekend', 'next week']
for (var o in p){
if (p[o] != y){
days.push(p[o]); //always offer this
return days;
// pre: pass in maptime_src in mmddyy format
// post: return array of semantic version and Date object version of that particular day
function maptimeParse(x){
if (x.length >= 4){
var month = x.substring(0,2);
var day = parseInt(x.substring(2,4));
if (month.substring(0,1) == '0'){
month = parseInt(month.substring(1));
} else {
month = parseInt(month);
if (x[2] == '0'){ day = parseInt(x[3]); }
if (day <= {1:31, 2:28, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:31, 9:30, 10:31, 11:30, 12:31}[month]) {
var specific = new Date(); specific.setFullYear(2012, month - 1, day);
var string = 'Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat'.split(',')[specific.getDay()] + ', ' +
'Jan,Feb,March,April,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec'.split(',')[specific.getMonth()] + ' ' +
return [string,[specific]];
} else {
if (x == 0){ return ['tonight',[new Date()]]; }
if (x == 1){ var tomo = new Date(); tomo.setDate(tomo.getDate()+1); return ['tomorrow night',[tomo]]; }
if (x == 2){ var fri = new Date(), sat = new Date(); fri.setDate(sat.getDate()+(5 - fri.getDay())); sat.setDate(sat.getDate()+(6 - sat.getDay())); return ['this weekend',[fri, sat]]; }
if (x == 3){ var week = []; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < (8 - new Date().getDay()); i ++){var g = new Date(); g.setDate(g.getDate() + y); y ++; ;week.push(g);} return ['this week', week]; }
if (x == 4){ var fri = new Date(), sat = new Date(); fri.setDate(sat.getDate()+(12 - fri.getDay())); sat.setDate(sat.getDate()+(13 - sat.getDay())); return ['next weekend',[fri, sat]]; }
if (x == 5){ var week = []; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i ++){var g = new Date(); g.setDate(g.getDate() + (8 - g.getDay()) + y); y ++; week.push(g);} return ['next week', week]; }
// pre: pass in show information
// post: returns show listing object. simple :)
function showListing(show){
this.all = createC('div', {className: 'show_listing'}); = 'sl' +;
this.heading = createC('div', {className: '_sl_heading'}, maptimeParse([0] + ' <span class="_sl_grey">at</span> ' +;
for (var b in show.bands){
var band = show.bands[b];
var bt = new bandtab(band)
var codes = show.price.match(/[A-Z][a-z]*/gi);
price = parsePrice(show.price,;
} else {
price = show.price
} = createC('div', {className: '_sl_info'}, '<span class="_sl_price">' + price + '</span> / <span class="_sl_age">' + {true: '21+', false: 'all ages'}[show.twentyone] + '</span>');
return this.all
// pre: pass in name of neighborhood
// post: adds a neighborhood div to the swag
function neighborhoodGroup(name){
var container = createC('div', {id: name.match(/\w+/gi).join(''), className: 'neighborhood_group'});
var header = createC('div', {className: 'neighborhood_heading'}, name);
return container;
// pre: pass in price string with codes like ADV DAYOF UW
// post: spits out a semantic string to display
function parsePrice(x, showDate){
parts = x.match(/\$[\w\.]*/gi);
if (parts){
if (parts.length == 1){
return parts[0].match(/\$\d*/gi);
} else {
var today = new Date();
var d = today.getDate();
var m = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString();
var y = today.getFullYear().toString().substring(2,4);
if (d.length == 1){ d = '0' + d; }
if (m.length == 1){ m = '0' + m; }
var today = m + d + y;
var prices = { };
for (var p in parts){
prices[parts[p].match(/[A-Z][a-z]*/gi).join()] = parts[p].match(/\$\d*/gi);
if (today == showDate && prices['dayof'] !== undefined){
return prices['dayof']
} else if(prices['dayof'] !== undefined) {
return prices['adv']
} else {
return 'Free'
// pre: pass in array of info for band or venue
// post: return DOM infobox to be injected into header
function bandtab(data){
var name =, genre = data.genre, origin = data.origin, albumsrc = data.cover;
var coversrc = ('/media/img/covers/' + sanitize(name.replace('The ','').substring(0,1)) + '/' + sanitize(name, false) + '__.jpg').split(' ').join('');
var all = createC("div", {className: "bandtab_all", id:sanitize(name, false, false)});
var wrapper = createC("div", {className: "bandtab_wrapper"});
var bandname = createC("div", {className: "bandtab_bandname"});
var bandnamespan = createC("div", {className: "bandtab_bandnamespan"}, name);
var genrespan = createC("span", {className: "bandtab_genrespan"}, '');
if (genre != '') genrespan.innerHTML += genre;
if (origin != '') genrespan.innerHTML += ' <span class="_sl_grey">from</span> ' + origin;
if (albumsrc){
var album = createC("img", {className: "bandtab_album", src: coversrc});
preload(0, [('covers/' + sanitize(name.replace('The ','').substring(0,1)) + '/' + sanitize(name, false) + '.jpg').split(' ').join('')]);
appendobj([[bandname, bandnamespan]]);
if (genre != '' || origin != ''){ appendobj([[bandnamespan, genrespan]]); }
if (albumsrc) appendobj([[all, album]]);
if (genre == '' && origin == '' && !albumsrc){ ='42px'; ='42px'; ='42px';
appendobj([[wrapper, bandname], [all, wrapper]]);
if (genre != '' || origin != '' || albumsrc){
return all;
function URLsafe(x){
var R = {' ':'_'}
for (var r in R){
x = x.split(r).join(R[r]);
return x
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