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Last active May 25, 2023 11:04
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This Python script uploads cards from a given text file into Anki. More in comments ⬇️
import re
import sys
import getopt
import json
import urllib.request
def request(action, **params):
requestData = json.dumps(
{"action": action, "params": params, "version": 6}).encode("utf-8")
response = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(
urllib.request.Request('http://localhost:8765', requestData)))
return response
print("Can't connect. Make sure that you've AnkiConnect installed:")
def invoke(action, **params):
response = request(action, **params)
if len(response) != 2:
raise Exception('response has an unexpected number of fields')
if 'error' not in response:
raise Exception('response is missing required error field')
if 'result' not in response:
raise Exception('response is missing required result field')
if response['error'] is not None:
raise Exception(response['error'])
return response['result']
def list_deck_names():
return invoke("deckNames")
def list_model_names():
return invoke("modelNames")
def add_notes(deck, model, notes):
invoke("addNotes", notes=list(map(lambda note: {
"deckName": deck,
"modelName": model,
"fields": {
"Front": note[0],
"Back": note[1]
}, notes)))
def print_help():
This script uploads cards from a given text file into Anki.
AnkiConnect extension needs to be installed:
Every line in an input file should match this format:
- back - front
Fronts cannot be duplicated.
Available options:
-h, --help Prints this message.
-f, --file=FILENAME Sets the path to the input file. The default is "".
-d, --deck=DECK Sets output deck name to which cards are append. The default is "English".
-m, --model Sets model (type) of cards. The default is "Basic".
-r, --regex=PATTERN Changes regular expression used to read front and back from a line. The default is "-\s+(.*)\s+-\s+(.*)".
Example usage:
python --file="notes.txt" --deck="Spanish" --model="Basic (and reversed card)"
def main(argv):
regex = r"-\s+(.*)\s+-\s+(.*)"
file = ""
deck = "English"
model = "Basic"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
argv, "hf:r:d:m:", ["help", "file=", "regex=", "deck=", "model="])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-f", "--file"):
file = arg
elif opt in ("-r", "--regex"):
regex = arg
elif opt in ("-d", "--deck"):
deck = arg
elif opt in ("-m", "--model"):
model = arg
file = open(file, "r")
translations = {}
for line in file.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
search =, line)
if search is None:
print("Suspended, unparsable line:", line)
"Every line in an input file should match this format: \"- back - front\"")
(back, front) = search.groups()
if front in translations:
print(f"Suspended, duplicated card fronts:")
print(f" 1. {front} | {translations[front]}")
print(f" 2. {front} | {back}")
print("Please remove duplicated fronts and run the script again.")
translations[front] = back
print(f"Successfully loaded {len(translations)} translations!")
if deck not in list_deck_names():
f"You don't have a deck named {deck}.")
print("You can use another deck with --deck=\"your's deck name\" param.")
if model not in list_model_names():
f"You don't have a model named {model}.")
print("You can use another model with --model=\"your's model name\" param.")
add_notes(deck, model, translations.items())
print(f"Successfully added {len(translations)} notes to Anki!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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arturz commented May 25, 2023

I've wrote a CLI tool with the same functionality in Elixir: (scroll down to CLI section)
Updates and new features will be added to this Elixir package.

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