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Created May 21, 2014 14:40
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Using a csv and a template to generate computer record in DeployStudio, specifically creates users with password 'password'
import os
import csv
from Foundation import NSMutableDictionary
top_dict = NSMutableDictionary.dictionary()
# f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rt')
f = open('tehCSV.csv', 'rt')
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
tehSerial = row[0]
compyName = row[1]
lowerName = row[2]
camelName = row[3]
inner_dict = {}
userDict = {}
userDict['dstudio-user-admin-status'] = 'YES'
userDict['dstudio-user-hidden-status'] = 'NO'
userDict['dstudio-user-name'] = compyName
userDict['dstudio-user-password'] = 'U1Boa2trZUhLR2FKeFp2cDB3R095Zz09'
userDict['dstudio-user-shortname'] = camelName
inner_array = [userDict]
inner_dict['architecture'] = 'i386'
inner_dict['cn'] = compyName
inner_dict['dstudio-auto-started-workflow'] = '9AF04D45-C3BF-4504-9966-B6DC8BBCE3AF'
inner_dict['dstudio-host-primary-key'] = 'dstudio-host-serial-number'
inner_dict['dstudio-host-serial-number'] = tehSerial
inner_dict['dstudio-host-type'] = 'Mac'
inner_dict['dstudio-host-name'] = lowerName
inner_dict['dstudio-hostname'] = lowerName
inner_dict['dstudio-users'] = inner_array
top_dict[tehSerial] = inner_dict
print "finished generating block for " + tehSerial
success = top_dict.writeToFile_atomically_('dsImporterated.plist', 1)
if not success:
print "plist failed to write!"
serialnumber longUserName hostname shortusername
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