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Created May 21, 2015 19:33
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Docker Contributors by employers/hackers
Top changeset contributors by employer
(Unknown) 4520 (47.9%)
"Docker" 3821 (40.5%)
"Red Hat" 685 (7.3%)
"IBM" 232 (2.5%)
"Google" 119 (1.3%)
"Cisco" 49 (0.5%)
"Amadeus" 4 (0.0%)
"VMWare" 2 (0.0%)
"CoreOS" 1 (0.0%)
Top lines changed by employer
"Docker" 226176 (47.0%)
(Unknown) 192678 (40.1%)
"Red Hat" 37417 (7.8%)
"IBM" 14021 (2.9%)
"Cisco" 5508 (1.1%)
"Google" 5056 (1.1%)
"VMWare" 79 (0.0%)
"Amadeus" 69 (0.0%)
"CoreOS" 26 (0.0%)
Employers with the most hackers (total 1017)
(Unknown) 915 (90.0%)
"Red Hat" 42 (4.1%)
"Docker" 30 (2.9%)
"IBM" 12 (1.2%)
"Google" 12 (1.2%)
"Amadeus" 2 (0.2%)
"VMWare" 2 (0.2%)
"CoreOS" 1 (0.1%)
"Cisco" 1 (0.1%)
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