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Created March 19, 2017 02:31
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import gym
import numpy as np
from gym import wrappers
import random
from utils.TileCoding import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0')
env.max_episode_steps = 10000
numtilings = 8
maxtiles = 2048
thetas = np.zeros(maxtiles) # one for action
alpha = 0.01
gamma = 0.98
epsilon = 0.2
hashTable = IHT(maxtiles)
# get indices of active tiles for given state and action
def getActiveTiles(position, velocity, action):
global hashTable
global env
# I think positionScale * (position - position_min) would be a good normalization.
# However positionScale * position_min is a constant, so it's ok to ignore it.
max_position, max_velocity = tuple(env.observation_space.high)
min_position, min_velocity = tuple(env.observation_space.low)
activeTiles = tiles(hashTable, numtilings,
[numtilings * position / (max_position - min_position), numtilings * velocity / (max_velocity - min_velocity)],
return activeTiles
def take_action(observation):
eplison greedy
if random.random() > epsilon:
return np.argmax([qfunction(observation, action) for action in xrange(env.action_space.n)])
return random.randint(0,2)
def qfunction(observation, action):
global thetas
return np.matmul(features(observation, action), thetas)
def delta(observation, action):
return features(observation, action)
def features(observation, action):
tileIndices = getActiveTiles(observation[0], observation[1], action)
feature = [0] * maxtiles
for tile_index in tileIndices:
feature[tile_index] = 1
return feature
def maxaqdash(observation):
return np.argmax([qfunction(observation, action) for action in xrange(env.action_space.n)])
def sarsa_learn():
global thetas
global env
cost2Go = []
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, '/tmp/mountaincar-experiment-1')
for i_episode in range(5000):
"""Initial State"""
#print("Episode start thetas {}".format(thetas))
observation = env.reset()
reward_total = 0
action = take_action(observation)
for t in range(200):
observation_1, reward_1, done, info = env.step(action)
reward_total += reward_1
if done:
#change = alpha * (reward_1 - qfunction(observation, action))
#thetas += [change * d for d in delta(observation, action)]
action_1 = take_action(observation_1)
qdash = qfunction(observation_1, action_1)
q = qfunction(observation, action)
change = alpha * ((reward_1 + gamma * qdash) - q)
thetas += [change * d for d in delta(observation, action)]
observation = observation_1
action = action_1
if i_episode % 10 == 0:
cost2Go.append(-reward_total / 10)
print("Episode# {} finished with avg. rewards {}".format(i_episode, t + 1, reward_total / 10))
reward_total = 0
print("Episode# {} finished after {} timesteps with total rewards {}".format(i_episode, t + 1, reward_total))
#print("Learnt Theta{}".format(thetas))
q = raw_input("Want to upload your result to gym [Y/N]: ")
if q == 'Y':
gym.upload('/tmp/mountaincar-experiment-1', api_key='sk_nZENylvyQfaNih2pHP2qWA')
plt.ylabel('cost to go')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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