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Created August 23, 2016 07:13
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using Prototype.NetworkLobby;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class NetworkTimeManager : NetworkBehaviour
static public NetworkTimeManager i = null;
public IntUnityEvent UEventColorFlip = new IntUnityEvent();
public int secondsRemaining;
float _timeLeft; // how many msec left in the game
TimeSpan _timeSpan;
bool _clockRunning = false;
void Awake()
i = this;
public override void OnStartServer ()
// empty stub as of Unity 5.4 (NOTE: called by NetworkIdentity.UNetStaticUpdate – since all
// NetworkBehaviours must have a NetworkIdentity component, NetworkIdentity must implement a
// static Update function that finds (all?) NetworkBehaviour scripts on it's game object and
// makes all the callbacks at the appropriate times)
base.OnStartServer ();
_timeLeft = Constants.MATCH_LENGTH_SEC;
_clockRunning = true;
Debug.Log (string.Format("NetworkTimeManager.OnStartServer: ", ""));
ServerDebugUI.i.Log (string.Format("NetworkTimeManager.OnStartServer: player count = {0}",
void Update()
if (!_clockRunning)
// server keeps track of time
_timeLeft -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
_timeLeft = _timeLeft < 0f ? 0f : _timeLeft; // QUESTION: necessary safty-check?
var sec = Mathf.FloorToInt (_timeLeft);
// update secondsRemaining SyncVar
if (sec != secondsRemaining) {
// QUESTION: if we assign the same value to an int syncvar, will it become marked dirty?
secondsRemaining = sec;
// update colorIndex SyncVar every 60 sec (test network functionality via the GameTimeUI which will change its color)
if (secondsRemaining % 10 == 0)
int newIndex = Random.Range (0, 6);
ServerDebugUI.i.Log (string.Format ("NetworkTimeManager.Update: invoking EventColorFlip ({0})", newIndex));
// do with Rpc call
// no more time updates required; for now, auto-shutdown the network when this happens
if (secondsRemaining == 0)
_clockRunning = false;
// TODO, QUESTION: move below call into NetworkGameManager which should manage the entire game life-cycle
void ClientColorFlip(int colorIndex)
// NOTE: jsut use Rpc calls instead of SyncEvents; per a Unity employee on their forums,
// "SyncEvent has turned out to not be very useful" (LINK:
void RpcColorFlip(int colorIndex)
if(UEventColorFlip != null)
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