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Created April 5, 2017 16:30
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Prototype.NetworkLobby;
public class Player : NetworkBehaviour//, IPlayer
public int DBId;
public List<uint> unitIds = new List<uint>();
public UIntUnityEvent UnitDied = new UIntUnityEvent();
public bool AllUnitsDead()
for (int i = 0; i < unitIds.Count; i++)
uint id = unitIds[i];
if(Battle.i.units[id].hp > 0)
return false;
return true;
// NOTE: any SyncVar with 'sync' as a prefix (such as below) is used *only* to set initial value within
// the base class (e.g. .color) and **should not be accessed elsewhere** despite being public!
public Color color;
public bool isHost;
// list of jobs! TODO: sync a struct that has job and
public SyncListParty syncParty = new SyncListParty();
string _debugString;
bool _init;
NetIdUI _netUI;
public override void OnStartClient()
// HACK: manually call my hook function for all the necessary SyncVars on OnStartClient() to ensure that the hook
// is called during player initialization, even if the SyncVar value does get properly updated
// LINK:
public override void OnStartServer()
base.OnStartServer ();
IEnumerator Start()
// _debugString = string.Format ("Player.Start: {0}",;
// ClientDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString, GameColor.Black);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame (); // HACK (necessary to test for isLocalPlayer)
while (Battle.i == null)
_debugString = string.Format ("Player.Start: Battle.i is null", "");
ClientDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString, GameColor.Magenta);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
while(netId.Value == 0)
_debugString = string.Format ("Player.Start: netId is zero", "");
ClientDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString, GameColor.Magenta);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// handy variable
isHost = (isServer && isLocalPlayer) || (!isServer && !isLocalPlayer);
int gameColor = System.Convert.ToInt32(netId.Value) % Constants.COLORS.Length;
this.color = Constants.COLORS [gameColor];
if (isLocalPlayer) {
Assert.IsTrue (Battle.i.localPlayerId == 0);
Battle.i.localPlayerId = netId.Value;
Battle.i.players.Add (netId.Value, this);
transform.SetParent (Battle.i.transform);
_init = true;
public override void OnStartAuthority ()
IEnumerator OnAuthorized()
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// if there already are children (units), do nothing (perhaps this is an AI troop)
if (transform.childCount == 0)
// player units should have been copied here if we went through a lobby
if (syncParty.Count > 0) {
LoadLobbyParty ();
} else {
LoadPlayerParty ();
void AddNetUI()
_netUI = UIManager.i.Add<NetIdUI>("NetIdUI");
_netUI.Init (this, false);
_netUI.SetTextColor (color);
_netUI.SetPrescript ("Player ");
_netUI.transform.SetAsLastSibling ();
_netUI.GetComponent<Text> ().alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
Vector2 center = isHost ? Constants.LOWER_PLAYER_UI_ANCHOR : Constants.UPPER_PLAYER_UI_ANCHOR;
_netUI.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMin = center;
_netUI.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMax = center;
void CmdSpawnUnit(int spawnOrder, int job, int level)
if(SpawnManager.i == null)
_debugString = string.Format ("Player.CmdSpawnUnit: SpawnManager not found, aborting (level may be missing)", "");
ClientDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString);
var spawnPoints = SpawnManager.i.UnitSpawnPoints(isLocalPlayer);
if (spawnOrder > spawnPoints.Length - 1)
_debugString = string.Format("Player.CmdSpawnUnit: no spawn points available, aborting", GameColor.Red);
ServerDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString);
Transform spawnPoint = spawnPoints[spawnOrder];
// ServerDebugUI.i.Log (string.Format ("Player.CmdSpawnUnit: {0} spawning new unit at {1}", netId, spawnPoint.position));
// grab the prefab reference
var unitPrefab = NetworkLobbyManager.singleton.spawnPrefabs [job-1];
// instantiate (on the server)
var unitGO = Instantiate(unitPrefab, spawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
// position at spawn point
unitGO.transform.position = spawnPoint.position;
// set new networked unit's player id (via a SyncVar and a HookFunction that sets UnitBase.playerId;
// Hook function will be manually called in Unit.OnStartClient()
if (netId.Value == 0) {
_debugString = string.Format ("Player.CmdSpawnUnit: netId not set!", "");
Debug.Log (_debugString);
ServerDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString, GameColor.Red);
// spawn on clients across the network
NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(unitGO, base.connectionToClient);
unitGO.GetComponent<Unit> ().CmdSetPlayerId (netId.Value);
// maintain hierarchy across network (unit will look up the hierarchy for a playerId)
//LinkToParent (unitGO, gameObject);
// TODO TOMORROW/NEXTIMEASAP: hook up in unit instead..
// use hook function to directly set .color asap
void ColorHook(Color value)
color = value;
// ClientDebugUI.i.Log (string.Format ("Player." + "ColorHook".Colorize(GameColor.Yellow) +
// ": lobbyColor={0},\n color={1}", lobbyColor, color));
void OnDestroy()
if(Battle.i != null && Battle.i.players.ContainsKey(netId.Value))
// clean-up ui
if(_netUI != null && UIManager.i != null) {
void LoadLobbyParty()
for (int i = 0; i < syncParty.Count; i++)
CmdSpawnUnit (i, syncParty [i].job, syncParty [i].level);
void LoadPlayerParty()
int playerDBId = SQLDynamicUtil.GetPlayerInfo ().ID;
// _debugString = string.Format ("Player.LoadPlayerParty: playerDBId={0}", playerDBId);
// ClientDebugUI.i.Log (_debugString, GameColor.Black);
var party = SQLDynamicUtil.GetPlayerParty (playerDBId, 1, true);
for (int i = 0; i < party.Count; i++)
CmdSpawnUnit (i, party [i].Job, party [i].Level);
private static void LinkToParent(GameObject child, GameObject parent)
child.transform.parent = parent.transform;
NetworkServer.SendToAll(CustomMessage.SetParent, new SetParentMessage(child, parent));
// HACK (
public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
base.OnDeserialize(reader, initialState);
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