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Created July 5, 2023 04:26
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import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
export default class PasswordValidationExample extends LightningElement {
@track password = '';
@track passwordError = '';
handlePasswordChange(event) {
this.password =;
validatePassword() {
if (!this.password) {
this.passwordError = 'Password is required.';
} else if (this.password.length < 8) {
this.passwordError = 'Password should be at least 8 characters long.';
} else if (!/[A-Z]/.test(this.password)) {
this.passwordError = 'Password should contain at least one uppercase letter.';
} else if (!/[0-9]/.test(this.password)) {
this.passwordError = 'Password should contain at least one numeric digit.';
} else {
this.passwordError = '';
handleSubmit() {
if (!this.passwordError) {
// Form is valid, perform submission logic
// ...
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