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Created August 15, 2012 11:26
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package me.rerun;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class QuickSort {
public static void quickSort (Comparable comparableArray[], int lowIndex, int highIndex){
//at least one item must exist in the array
if (lowIndex>=highIndex){
int pivotIndex=getMedianIndexAsPivotIndex(lowIndex, highIndex);
//1) Choose pivot from the sublist
Comparable pivot=comparableArray[pivotIndex];
System.out.println("Pivot : "+pivot);
//2) Swap the pivot to the last item in the array
swapItemsWithIndices(comparableArray, pivotIndex, highIndex);
Get the border indices sandwiching the unsorted items alone (ignore pivot (now, in the highIndex))
set 'i' to point to the item before the first Index
set 'j' to point to the item before pivot
Notice that this way, the following invariant gets maintained
all through the sorting procedure
a. All items left of Index 'i' have a value <=pivot
b. All items right of Index 'j' have a value >=pivot
int i=lowIndex-1;
int j=highIndex;
do{ //Notice the <j (pivot item is ignored). We stop when both the counters cross
//compareTo will return 0 when it reaches the pivot - will exit loop
do {i++;} while (comparableArray[i].compareTo(pivot)<0);
//we dont have the protection as the previous loop.
//So, add extra condition to prevent 'j' from overflowing outside the current sub array
do {j--;} while (comparableArray[j].compareTo(pivot)>0 &&(j>lowIndex));
if (i<j){
swapItemsWithIndices(comparableArray, i, j);
System.out.println("I :"+i + " J :"+j);
} while (i<j);
swapItemsWithIndices(comparableArray, highIndex, i);//bring pivot to i's position
System.out.println("Comparable array : "+Arrays.asList(comparableArray));
//the big subarray is partially sorted (agrees to invariant). Let's recurse and bring in more hands
quickSort(comparableArray, lowIndex, i-1); //sort subarray between low index and one before the pivot
quickSort(comparableArray, i+1, highIndex); //sort subarray between low index and one before the pivot
//... since swapping with array is the easiest way to swap two objects
private static void swapItemsWithIndices(Comparable[] comparableArray, int firstItem, int secondItem) {
System.out.println("Swapping "+comparableArray[firstItem] +" and "+comparableArray[secondItem]);
final Comparable tempItem=comparableArray[firstItem];
System.out.println("After swap array : "+Arrays.asList(comparableArray));
//Variation 1 - chose median as pivot
private static int getMedianIndexAsPivotIndex(int lowIndex, int highIndex) {
return lowIndex+((highIndex-lowIndex)/2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Integer[] unsortedArray=new Integer[]{1,32,121,1424,2,1214,121214,3535,754,343};
//Integer[] unsortedArray=new Integer[]{4,4,8,0,8,9,7,3,7,6};
Integer[] unsortedArray=new Integer[]{5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5};
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Original array : "+Arrays.asList(unsortedArray));
quickSort(unsortedArray, 0, unsortedArray.length-1);
System.out.println("Sorted array : "+Arrays.asList(unsortedArray));
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