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Last active October 22, 2019 18:41
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/** WPT related post widget */
function wpt_related_posts_cat() {
if ( is_single ( ) ) {
global $post;
$count = 1;
$postIDs = array( $post->ID );
$related = '';
$cats = wp_get_post_categories($post->ID );
$catIDs = array( );{
foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
$catIDs[] = $cat;
$args = array(
'category__in' => $catIDs,
'post__not_in' => $postIDs,
'showposts' => 4,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 0,
'orderby' => 'rand',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'post_format',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => array(
'post-format-quote' ),
'operator' => 'NOT IN'
$cat_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $cat_query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $cat_query->have_posts() ) {
$related .= '<li><b>'.$count++.'</b>. &nbsp<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to' . get_the_title() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></li>';
if ( $related ) {
printf( "<div><h3>You'll also like:</h3><ul>%s</ul></div>", $related );
add_action( 'genesis_after_entry_content', 'wpt_related_posts_cat' );
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