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My GSOC project was about solving a bunch of different issues in "Mozilla Science Lab" website. These were:

  • Replace wordpress with Mezzanine
  • Github Authentication
  • Build Members Homepage
  • Ability to join projects

During the course of the project, the internal organizational priorities shifted to building "Mozilla Network" website, which was quite similar in architecture to science website. Here i worked with the engineering team to build the project that would align more with the organization's goals. Here is the list of all contributions I made.

For the science website these prs represent the main chunk of code that was written:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am arush0311 on github.
  • I am arush0311 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDi56-GOEw48ZiPf2lF4HVfODZtE0pKONyE0v1Es5JgyAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

What the heck is an operating system?

A good question. Depending on who you ask it the definition may change. A general idea is an operating system is the middle man between underlying hardware and the programs that run on top of it. But an operating system can be something as small as 8MB( to something as complex as Distributed Operating Systems running on cloud. So in this paper we will discuss linux as traditional operating system and discuss why its insufficient for IOT purposes, and what is the need of RTOS'es.

OS as an ongoing old technology

The concept of Operating System is quite old when in 1964 when IBM developed IBM System/360 Operating System. Before then the computers did not have operating systems the programs had to be run directly on the hardware. Since then Operating Systems have come a long way handling different range tasks depending on user requirements. Here are some some environment

from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
def get_commit_sha():
commit = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'])
commit += check_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'])
commit = commit.decode('utf-8').strip()
except (OSError, CalledProcessError) as e:
commit = ''
Empty Patch: No automatic patch could be generated for this result
No Patch: No automatic patch could be generated for this result
Conflict: Two or more patches conflict with each other: <ConflictErrorMessage>
No affected code: There is no affected code
All Files with affected code dont exist(already deleted): File(s) with affected code, donot exist
from services.social_graph_api.BaseRequestHandler import BaseRequestHandler
from tornado import gen
from tornado import web
from graph.models.components.Device import Device
from graph.models.components.Event import Event
from graph.models.components.SensorStream import SensorStream
from goblin.models.element import BaseElement