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Created December 20, 2013 06:44
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full rspec-puppet output
arusso@aaron-mbp:functions$ rake spec
(in /Users/arusso/git/pub/iptables)
HEAD is now at 0435697 Merge pull request #65 from apenney/100-release
HEAD is now at 72ab0fe bumping to 0.0.7
HEAD is now at 2b75918 Update Modulefile, CHANGELOG for 2.6.0
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/classes/iptables_ipv4_spec.rb spec/classes/iptables_ipv6_spec.rb spec/classes/iptables_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_chain_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_rule_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_table_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_chain_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_rule_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_table_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_rule_spec.rb spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb spec/functions/format_log_spec.rb spec/functions/format_port_spec.rb spec/functions/format_protocol_spec.rb spec/functions/format_state_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_generate_rule_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_parse_options_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_prep_option_spec.rb spec/functions/split_ip_by_version_spec.rb --color
1) format_action => Pass nil should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: should run.with_params(nil).and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb:22
2) format_action => Pass empty string should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: should run.with_params('').and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb:28
3) format_chain => Pass nil chain should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: it { should run.with_params(nil).and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) }
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb:19
4) format_chain => Pass undef chain should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: it { should run.with_params(:undef).and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) }
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb:23
5) format_interface => valid interface name => invalid interface name should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: should run.with_params('eth0').and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb:31
6) format_interface => valid interface name => array passed should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: should run.with_params(['eth0']).and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb:45
7) format_state => Pass only illegal states should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
Failure/Error: it { should run.with_params('NOPE').and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) }
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./spec/functions/format_state_spec.rb:12
Finished in 23.01 seconds
161 examples, 7 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb:21 # format_action => Pass nil should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb:27 # format_action => Pass empty string should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb:19 # format_chain => Pass nil chain should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb:23 # format_chain => Pass undef chain should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb:30 # format_interface => valid interface name => invalid interface name should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb:44 # format_interface => valid interface name => array passed should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rspec ./spec/functions/format_state_spec.rb:12 # format_state => Pass only illegal states should When you call a matcher in an example without a String, like this:
specify { object.should matcher }
or this:
it { should matcher }
RSpec expects the matcher to have a #description method. You should either
add a String to the example this matcher is being used in, or give it a
description method. Then you won't have to suffer this lengthy warning again.
rake aborted!
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/classes/iptables_ipv4_spec.rb spec/classes/iptables_ipv6_spec.rb spec/classes/iptables_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_chain_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_rule_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv4_table_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_chain_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_rule_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_ipv6_table_spec.rb spec/defines/iptables_rule_spec.rb spec/functions/format_action_spec.rb spec/functions/format_chain_spec.rb spec/functions/format_interface_spec.rb spec/functions/format_log_spec.rb spec/functions/format_port_spec.rb spec/functions/format_protocol_spec.rb spec/functions/format_state_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_generate_rule_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_parse_options_spec.rb spec/functions/iptables_prep_option_spec.rb spec/functions/split_ip_by_version_spec.rb --color failed
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rspec-core-2.11.1/lib/rspec/core/rake_task.rb:137:in `initialize'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rspec-core-2.11.1/lib/rspec/core/rake_task.rb:127:in `send'
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rspec-core-2.11.1/lib/rspec/core/rake_task.rb:127:in `initialize'
Tasks: TOP => spec_standalone
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
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