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Created February 10, 2017 04:32
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Batch download BARUG docs, with rvest/download.file
# Batch download BARUG docs, so as to move from Meetup to Github
# 1) build dataframe of download targets, with url and date ----
# fn to get a page of docs from a given offset
scrapeBarug <- function(offset) {
# get url for a page containing table of BARUG docs
# (web shows 5 pages @ offsets 0, 25, 50, 75, 100)
url <- paste0('', offset,
this_page <- read_html(url)
links <- this_page %>%
html_nodes('.leading-bottom a') %>% # get 'titular anchors'
html_attr('href') # and extract href value
dates <- this_page %>%
html_nodes('td:nth-child(5)') %>% # get cells for 5th column
html_text() # extract text (i.e. date string)
return(data.frame(links=links, dates=dates,
stringsAsFactors = F))
# apply to 5 pages; collapse
doc_targets <-
lapply(seq(0, 100, 25), scrapeBarug) %>%
# standardize date format
doc_targets$std_date <- doc_targets$dates %>% lubridate::mdy() %>% as.character
# 2) download all files ----
# cool kids are using purrr::walk for this maybe, but for loop won't do wrong
for (i in 1:nrow(doc_targets)) {
src_link <- doc_targets$links[i]
targ_dir <- doc_targets$std_date[i]
download.file(src_link, paste0(targ_dir, '/', basename(src_link)))
# note, 1 file from Apr 15, 2015 is missing bc the link is 404
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