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Created September 16, 2012 15:22
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lex-pass transformer: Fix paren concat
module Transf.FixParenConcat where
import Lang.Php
import TransfUtil
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import qualified Data.Intercal as IC
import Debug.Trace
transfs :: [Transf]
transfs = [
"fix-paren-concat" -:- ftype -?-
"(a OP1 b) OP2 c => a OP1 b OP2 c"
-=- argless (lexPass $ fixParenConcat)]
fixParenConcat :: Ast -> Transformed Ast
fixParenConcat =
modAll $ \ cNode ->
case cNode of
(ExprParen (WSCap {
wsCapPre = _
, wsCapMain = ExprBinOp op2 a b c
, wsCapPost = _
d e) -> if allowTransform op2 op1 then
pure $ ExprBinOp op1 (ExprBinOp op2 a b c) d e
_ -> transfNothing
-- Allow the transformation of (a OP1 b) OP2 c to a OP1 b OP2 c if:
-- 1) OP1 and OP2 are left-associative
-- 2) OP1 has higher or the same precedence as OP2
-- 3) If the result of OP1 and OP2 has the same "type"
allowTransform :: BinOp -> BinOp -> Bool
allowTransform b b' = isLA b && isLA b'
&& prio b <= prio b'
&& getType b == getType b'
prio :: BinOp -> Int
prio b = case elemIndex True (map (\lvl -> b `elem` lvl) opers) of
Just l -> l
isLA :: BinOp -> Bool
isLA b = b `elem` concat opers
getType :: BinOp -> String
getType b = case elemIndex True (map (\(t, ops) -> b `elem` ops) typesTable) of
Just t -> fst $ typesTable !! t
opers :: [[BinOp]]
opers = [
[BByable BMul, BByable BDiv, BByable BMod],
[BByable BPlus, BByable BMinus, BByable BConcat],
[BByable BShiftL, BByable BShiftR],
[BByable BBitAnd],
[BByable BXor],
[BByable BBitOr],
typesTable :: [(String, [BinOp])]
typesTable = [
("num", [BByable BBitOr, BByable BXor, BByable BBitAnd, BByable
BShiftL, BByable BShiftR, BByable BMinus, BByable BPlus,
BByable BMod, BByable BDiv, BByable BMul]),
("bool", [BXorWd, BAnd, BOr, BAndWd, BOrWd]),
("string", [BByable BConcat])]
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