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Forked from tywhang/
Created June 9, 2018 16:38
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Easily add Charts into Dashing with Chartjs (Line, Bar, Radar, Polar Area, Pie, Doughnut)


An easy interface to use all of's charts.

Inspired by my own pain and suffering of trying to add a simple chart to dashing

Make awesome charts like these:

## Installation ##### 1. Import Chartjs library In `dashboards/layout.erb`, add this script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

before this script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/application.js"></script>

2. Import Dashing.Chartjs Widget

Copy and paste the contents of this file into: assets/javascripts/

Then in assets/javascripts/, add #= require dashing-chartjs right after #= require dashing.js so it looks like this:

# dashing.js is located in the dashing framework
# It includes jquery & batman for you.
#= require dashing.js
#= require dashing-chartjs
3. Create a your widget!

Simply inherit from Dashing.Chartjs (instead of Dashing.Widget)

class Dashing.MyCharts extends Dashing.Chartjs

Now you have access to all the functions!!!


Let's create a simple line chart!

1. Add your html

<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="300"></canvas>

2. Call the lineChart function and pass in parameters
class Dashing.Example extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
    @lineChart 'myChart', # The ID of your html element
      ["Week 1", "Week 2", "Week 3", "Week 4", "Week 5"], # Horizontal labels
        label: 'Number of pushups' # Text displayed when hovered
        colorName: 'blue' # Color of data
        data: [10, 39, 20, 49, 87] # Vertical points
3. Awe at your beautiful chart

Displaying multiple data in one chart is a breeze too!

@lineChart 'myChart', # Horizontal labels
  ["Week 1", "Week 2", "Week 3", "Week 4", "Week 5"],
      # First data points
      label: 'Number of pushups'
      colorName: 'blue'
      data: [10, 39, 20, 49, 87]
    }, {
      # Second data points
      label: 'Number of pullups'
      colorName: 'red'
      data: [3, 2, 10, 12, 20]


Line Chart

@lineChart(elementId, horizontalLabels, dataSets)

class Dashing.Line extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
    @lineChart 'myChart',
      ["Week 1", "Week 2", "Week 3", "Week 4", "Week 5"],
        label: 'Number of pushups'
        colorName: 'blue'
        data: [10, 39, 20, 49, 87]

Bar Charts

@barChart(elementId, horizontalLabels, dataSets)

class Dashing.Bar extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
    @lineChart 'myChart',
      ["Day 1", "Day 2", "Day 3", "Day 4", "Day 5"],
        label: 'Customer count'
        colorName: 'blue'
        data: [210, 339, 220, 494, 109]

Radar Charts

@radarChart(elementId, horizontalLabels, dataSets)

class Dashing.Radar extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
    @radarChart 'myChart',
      ["Crossfit", "Yoga", "Weight Lifting", "Running", "Swimming", "Watching TV"],
        label: 'Favorite Workout'
        colorName: 'yellow'
        data: [210, 339, 220, 234, 311, 494]

Polar Area Charts

@polarAreaChart(elementId, dataSets)

class Dashing.Polar extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
        value: 300
        colorName: 'red'
        label: "Red"
      }, {
        value: 50
        colorName: 'green'
        label: "Green"
      }, {
        value: 88
        colorName: 'yellow'
        label: "Yellow"

Pie Charts

@pieChart(elementId, dataSets)

class Dashing.Pie extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
        value: 13
        colorName: 'red'
        label: "Pumpkim"
      }, {
        value: 32
        colorName: 'green'
        label: "Apple"
      }, {
        value: 40
        colorName: 'yellow'
        label: "Pizza"
      }, {
        value: 20
        colorName: 'gray'
        label: "Rhubarb"

Doughnut Charts

@doughnutChart(elementId, dataSets)

class Dashing.Doughnut extends Dashing.Chartjs
  ready: ->
        value: 20
        colorName: 'green'
        label: "Apple Fritter"
      }, {
        value: 13
        colorName: 'blue'
        label: "Chocolate"
      }, {
        value: 12
        colorName: 'darkgray'
        label: "Maple"


Currently available colors

blue | cyan | darkgray | gray | green | lightgray | magenta | red | yellow

class Dashing.Chartjs extends Dashing.Widget
polarAreaChart: (id, datasets) ->
data = (d) => @merge(this.circleColor(d.colorName), label: d.label, value: d.value)
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).PolarArea(data)
pieChart: (id, datasets) ->
data = (d) => @merge(this.circleColor(d.colorName), label: d.label, value: d.value)
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).Pie(data)
doughnutChart: (id, datasets) ->
data = (d) => @merge(this.circleColor(d.colorName), label: d.label, value: d.value)
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).Doughnut(data)
lineChart: (id, labels, datasets) ->
data = @merge labels: labels,
datasets: (d) => @merge(this.color(d.colorName), label: d.label, data:
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).Line(data)
barChart: (id, labels, datasets) ->
data = @merge labels: labels,
datasets: (d) => @merge(this.color(d.colorName), label: d.label, data:
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).Bar(data)
radarChart: (id, labels, datasets) ->
data = @merge labels: labels,
datasets: (d) => @merge(this.color(d.colorName), label: d.label, data:
new Chart(document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d")).Radar(data)
merge: (xs...) =>
if xs?.length > 0
@tap {}, (m) -> m[k] = v for k, v of x for x in xs
tap: (o, fn) -> fn(o); o
colorCode: ->
blue: "151, 187, 205"
cyan: "0, 255, 255"
darkgray: "77, 83, 96"
gray: "148, 159, 177"
green: "70, 191, 189"
lightgray: "220, 220, 220"
magenta: "255, 0, 255"
red: "247, 70, 74"
yellow: "253, 180, 92"
color: (colorName) ->
fillColor: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()[colorName] }, 0.2)"
strokeColor: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()[colorName] }, 1)"
pointColor: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()[colorName] }, 1)"
pointStrokeColor: "#fff"
pointHighlightFill: "#fff"
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()['blue'] },0.8)"
circleColor: (colorName) ->
color: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()[colorName] }, 1)"
highlight: "rgba(#{ @colorCode()[colorName] }, 0.8)"
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