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Created January 18, 2014 15:55
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Cockatrice deck hash in Python.
import hashlib
def int2str(num, base=16, sbl=None):
"""Converts a number to base `base`, with alphabet `sbl`.
Shamelessly stolen from
num -- The number to convert.
base -- The base to convert to.
sbl -- The alphabet to use. If not specified, defaults to nunbers and then
lowercase letters.
if not sbl:
sbl = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
if len(sbl) < 2:
raise ValueError('size of symbols should be >= 2')
if base < 2 or base > len(sbl):
raise ValueError('base must be in range 2-%d' % (len(sbl)))
neg = False
if num < 0:
neg = True
num = -num
num, rem = divmod(num, base)
ret = ''
while num:
ret = sbl[rem] + ret
num, rem = divmod(num, base)
ret = ('-' if neg else '') + sbl[rem] + ret
return ret
def make_deck_hash(mainboard, sideboard=None):
"""Makes the Cockatrice deck hash for a deck.
I expect that there are edge cases which have not been satisfied.
mainboard -- The list of card names, as strings. Probably fails with
unicode names (for AE just use "AE" instead of that unicode thing --
that's what Cockatrice does). There shouldn't be numbers of cards; if
you want 10 Islands then have ["Island", "Island", ..., "Island"].
sideboard -- Same as mainboard, except containing the cards in the
sideboard = sideboard or []
# Combine the 'boards. Sideboard cards are prefixed with "SB:". Card names
# are lowercased, but not "SB:".
cards = [
for i
in mainboard
] + [
"SB:" + i.lower()
for i
in sideboard
card_hash = hashlib.sha1(";".join(cards).encode("utf-8")).digest()
card_hash = ((ord(card_hash[0]) << 32)
+ (ord(card_hash[1]) << 24)
+ (ord(card_hash[2]) << 16)
+ (ord(card_hash[3]) << 8)
+ (ord(card_hash[4]) ))
# Convert to... base 32?
card_hash = int2str(card_hash, 32)
# Pad with 0s to length 8.
card_hash = (8 - len(card_hash)) * "0" + card_hash
return card_hash
def convert_deck_to_boards(deck_string):
"""Converts a deck in the format
40 Storm Crow
20 Island
SB: 15 Storm Crow
to a tuple of lists of the boards, for use in `make_deck_hash`.
cards = deck_string.strip().split("\n")
boards = {
"main": [],
"side": [],
for i in cards:
if not i:
target_board = "main"
if i.startswith("SB: "):
target_board = "side"
i = i[len("SB: "):]
i = i.split(" ")
count = int(i[0])
name = " ".join(i[1:])
for j in range(count):
return boards["main"], boards["side"]
example_deck = """
4 AEtherling
48 Island
4 Jace, Architect of Thought
4 Dissolve
SB: 4 Essence Scatter
# Prints 3ldd9du8, which is correct.
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