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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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package edu.gatech.dt87.scalaverse
package object planner {
* An ActionElement is either an Event or a Goal.
* @tparam S a state type
sealed trait ActionElement[S]
* An Action is a sequence of ActionElements.
* @param actionElementSequence a sequence of ActionElements.
* @tparam S a state type
case class Action[S](actionElementSequence: ActionElement[S]*)
* An Event is a transition from a state to either Some state or no state.
* @param transition a transition
* @tparam S a state type
case class Event[S](transition: S => Option[S]) extends ActionElement[S]
* A Goal is a set of Actions, any one of which may satisfy the Goal.
* @param actionSet a set of Actions, any one of which may satisfy the Goal.
* @tparam S a state.
case class Goal[S](actionSet: Set[Action[S]]) extends ActionElement[S] // store it in the format you want to retrieve (set)
object Goal {
def apply[S](actions: Action[S]*) = new Goal[S](actions.toSet) // optional helper syntax for writing
* A Planner
* @param goalSet
* @tparam S
case class Planner[S](goalSet: Goal[S]*) {
def satisfiableGoalSet(state : S): Set[Goal[S]] = {
/** All actionElements must succeed, in order. */
def satisfyAction(state: S, action: Action[S]): Option[S] = {
action.actionElementSequence.foldLeft[Option[S]](Some(state)) {
case (Some(previous), actionElement) => satisfyActionElement(previous, actionElement)
case _ => None
/** Try to satisfy one ActionElement */
def satisfyActionElement(state: S, a: ActionElement[S]): Option[S] =
a match {
/* Events are satisfied (or not) by one-shot transition function */
case Event(transition) =>
/* The first action to succeed satisfies this Goal */
case Goal(actionSet) =>
scala.util.Random.shuffle(actionSet).foldLeft[Option[S]](None) {
(previous, action) => previous orElse satisfyAction(state, action)
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