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Created January 22, 2021 03:37
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LZW Decoder
import sys
from sys import argv
import struct
from struct import *
def decompress():
# Default values in order to read the compressed file
compressed_data = []
next_code = 256
decompressed_data = ""
phrase = ""
# Reading the compressed file.
while True:
rec =
if len(rec) != 2:
(data, ) = unpack('>H', rec)
# Building and initializing the dictionary.
dictionary_size = 256
dictionary = dict([(x, chr(x)) for x in range(dictionary_size)])
# Iterating through the codes.
# LZW Decompression algorithm
for code in compressed_data:
# If we find a new
if not (code in dictionary):
dictionary[code] = phrase + (phrase[0])
decompressed_data += dictionary[code]
if not(len(phrase) == 0):
# Ensures we don't exceed the bounds of the table
if(len(dictionary) <= maximum_table_size):
dictionary[next_code] = phrase + (dictionary[code][0])
next_code += 1
phrase = dictionary[code]
# storing the decompressed string into a file.
out = input_file_name.split(".")[0]
output_file = open(out + "_decoded.txt", "w")
for data in decompressed_data:
# Usage
code_width = 12
maximum_table_size = pow(2,int(code_width))
input_file_name = "ataleoftwocities.lzw"
file = open(input_file_name, "rb")
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