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Last active October 3, 2019 01:21
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Slackbot server for Mosaic
#!/bin/env python
import os
from slackeventsapi import SlackEventAdapter
from slack import WebClient
import string
from collections import OrderedDict
import unicodedata
import json
import re
import requests
from random import randint
import sys
OAUTH_FILE = 'OAuth.txt'
FIRED_FILE = 'fired.json'
TA_CHAT = ''
GIPHY_SEARCH = '{{search}}&api_key={api_key}&limit=50'
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "gif",
"emoji": True
"image_url": "null",
"alt_text": "gif"
def strip_punc(message):
return message.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
def send_message(client, channel, message):
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=message)
def strip_whitespace(message):
return message.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.whitespace))
def normalize(message, t):
return unicodedata.normalize(t, message).encode('ascii','ignore').decode()
def adj_uniq(strng):
ret = ''
for chr in strng:
if ret == '' or chr != ret[len(ret)-1]:
ret += chr
return ret
# ======================================================================================================
def check_ticket_num(message, start):
for i in range(start, start + 6): # cherwell tickets are 6 digits long
if not message[i].isdigit():
return -1
return start
def check_cherwell_ticket(message):
idx = message.find('ticket') + 6
if idx + 6 > len(message): return -1 # if we will go out of bounds checking for ticket number
if idx is not -1:
if message[idx] is ' ' and message[idx + 1] is '1': # space after ticket
return check_ticket_num(message, idx + 1)
elif message[idx] is '1':
return check_ticket_num(message, idx )
return -1
def get_ticket_if_exists(message):
idx = check_cherwell_ticket(message)
if idx is not -1:
return message[idx : idx + 6]
return ''
def get_cherwell_link(message):
ticket_num = get_ticket_if_exists(message)
if ticket_num is '':
return None
return BASE_URL.format(ticket_num=ticket_num)
def get_cherwell_short_link(message):
ticket_num = get_ticket_if_exists(message)
if ticket_num is '':
return None
return '<' + BASE_URL.format(ticket_num=ticket_num) + '|Ticket ' + str(ticket_num) + '>'
# ======================================================================================================
def search(regex, index=-1):
link = GIPHY_SEARCH.format(search=regex)
reply = requests.get(link)
reply = json.loads(reply.text)
max = len(reply['data'])
if max is 0:
return None, 0, 0
if index is -1 or index >= max:
index = randint(0, max - 1)
return reply['data'][index]['images']['downsized']['url'], index, max
def get_gif_block(regex):
link, index, size = search(regex)
if link is None:
link, index, size = search('nope')
gif[0]['image_url'] = link
gif[0]['alt_text'] = gif[0]['title']['text'] = f"{regex} ({index} of {size})"
return gif
# ======================================================================================================
jokes = [
('Cow says', 'No, a cow says mooooo!'),
('A little old lady', 'All this time, I had no idea you could yodel'),
('Europe', 'No Im not!'),
('Etch', 'Bless you, friend.'),
('Robin', 'Robin you, now hand over the cash.'),
('Cash', 'No thanks, Ill have some peanuts.'),
('Mustache', 'I mustache you a question, but Ill shave it for later.'),
('Tank', 'Youre welcome.'),
('I smell mop', 'Ew.'),
('I eat mop', 'Thats revolting.'),
('Ya', 'Yahoo! Im just as psyched to see you!'),
('Voodoo', 'Voodoo you think you are, asking me so many questions?'),
('Spell', 'Okay, okay: W. H. O.'),
('Candice', 'Candice door open, or what?'),
('Boo', 'No need to cry, its only a joke'),
('Stopwatch', 'Stopwatch youre doing and pay attention!'),
('To', 'Its to whom.'),
('Dewey', 'Dewey have to use a condom every time?'),
('Honey bee', 'Honey bee a dear and open up, would you?'),
('Lettuce', 'Lettuce in, its cold out here!'),
('Mikey', 'Mikey doesnt work so help me out, would you?'),
('Dwayne', 'Dwayne the bathtub already. Im drowning!'),
('Kanga', 'Actually, it\'s kangaroo'),
('Razor', 'Razor hands, this is a stick up!'),
('Kevin', 'What do you mean? You can\'t hide from big brother'),
('Micaela', 'It\'s the order of the Snail Queen, open up!'),
('Aryan', 'Just open it already'),
('Norman', '?????? ??????'),
('Trash', 'Sorry, no, its TRASHamsa BINdari'),
('Anthony', 'Abre la puerta ahora!'),
('Robert', 'Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior: Warframe?'),
('Adam', '')
knock_knock = {}
def manage_kk_jokes(client, user, message, channel):
if message == 'joke':
knock_knock[user] = 0, randint(0, len(jokes))
elif not user in knock_knock.keys():
return False
step, jk_num = knock_knock[user]
if step == 0:
send_message(client, channel, 'Knock Knock.')
knock_knock[user] = 1, jk_num
return True
elif strip_punc(message) == 'whos there' and step == 1:
send_message(client, channel, jokes[jk_num][0])
knock_knock[user] = 2, jk_num
return True
elif step == 2 and 'who' in message:
send_message(client, channel, jokes[jk_num][1])
knock_knock.pop(user, None)
return True
return False
kk_client = {}
def manage_kk_client_jokes(client, user, message, channel):
if message == 'knock knock':
send_message(client, channel, 'Who\'s there?')
kk_client[user] = 0
return True
elif user in kk_client.keys() and kk_client[user] == 0:
send_message(client, channel, message + ' who?')
kk_client[user] = 1
return True
elif user in kk_client.keys() and kk_client[user] == 1:
send_message(client, channel, 'Haha, very funny')
kk_client.pop(user, None)
return True
return False
# ======================================================================================================
match_dict = {
'c' : [
'open o',
'carian letter d',
'u' : [
'inverted ohm',
'm' : [
'turned w',
'ehwaz eh e',
'carian letter s',
'she', # THis is a duplicate from c: OLD ITALIC LETTER SHE
'bath of mary',
's' : [],
'e' : [],
'n' : [],
'j' : [],
'i' : [],
'z' : []
def find_all(reg, word):
return [m.start() for m in re.finditer(reg, word)]
def get_unicode_name(message):
name = ''
for ch in message:
name += '(' + + ') '
return name
def is_word(actual, character):
if actual in
return True
return False
def is_letter(actual, character):
name =
should = ' ' + actual + ' ' # match in sentence
if should in name:
return True
should = ' ' + actual
for loc in find_all(should, name): # match at end
if loc != -1 and loc == len(name) - len(actual) - 1:
return True
should = actual + ' '
for loc in find_all(should, name): # match at start
if loc != -1 and loc == 0:
return True
return False
def has(start, end, reg, message, lorw=is_letter):
for i in range(start, end):
if lorw(reg, message[i]):
return i
return -1
def unicode_check(word, message, start=0, end=-1, depth=0):
if end == -1: end = len(message) # first iteration
if len(word) <= depth: return True # last iteration
if end == len(message) + 1: return False
match_list = match_dict[word[depth]] # get matching unicode list
for reg in match_list:
reg = reg.lower()
if ' ' in reg:
h = has(start, end, reg, message, is_word)
h = has(start, end, reg, message, is_letter)
if h != -1: return unicode_check(word, message, h+1, h+2, depth=depth+1)
return False
def check_word(word, message_raw):
message = strip_whitespace(strip_punc(message_raw))
if word in message:
return True
if word in ''.join(OrderedDict.fromkeys(message).keys()):
return True
for t in ['NFKD', 'NFC', 'NFKC', 'NFD']:
if word in normalize(message, t):
return True
if unicode_check(word, message):
return True
return False
# ======================================================================================================
def get_message_details(event_data):
""" Returns the message as lowercase, the channel the
message was posted to, and the user that posted the message,
Does all the checks to make sure we dont get an KeyError
channel = event_data['event']['channel'] if 'channel' in event_data['event'].keys() else None
message = event_data['event']['text'] if 'text' in event_data['event'].keys() else None
user = event_data['event']['user'] if 'user' in event_data['event'].keys() else None
return message.lower(), channel, user
def get_message_type(event_data):
return event_data['event']['subtype'] if 'subtype' in event_data['event'].keys() else None
def admin_user(user):
return user in ADMIN_USERS
def get_fire_text(message, user, type='fire'):
if admin_user(user):
person = message[7:16].upper()
num_fired = 1
if message[18:19] == 'x' and message[19:20].isdigit():
num_fired = int('\d+', message[19:]).group())
fired_list = {}
fired_list = json.load(open(FIRED_FILE, 'r'))
if person in fired_list.keys():
if type == 'fire':
fired_list[person] = fired_list[person] + num_fired
fired_list[person] = fired_list[person] - num_fired
if type == 'fire':
fired_list[person] = 1
fired_list[person] = -1
json.dump(fired_list, open(FIRED_FILE, 'w'))
num_times_fired = fired_list[person]
return f"Fired <@{person}>. You have been fired {num_times_fired} times"
return f"You can't fire anyone. You do not have the power."
def get_config(filename):
parsed_file = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file.readlines():
key, value = line.split('::', 1)
parsed_file[key.strip()] = value.strip()
return parsed_file
def handle_ta_chat(client, event_data):
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'message_deleted': return
message, channel, user = get_message_details(event_data)
if manage_kk_jokes(client, user, message, channel): return
if manage_kk_client_jokes(client, user, message, channel): return
if message.startswith('gif ') and len(message) > 4:
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=get_gif_block(message[4:]))
message = strip_punc(message)
if message == 'where am i': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='You are in the TA chat. Have fun in this chat without the admins watching!')
elif message == 'are you there': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='No')
elif message == 'how are you': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='I\'m doing swell')
elif message == 'hello': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='Hello to you too')
elif message == 'im dirty dan': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='No, I\'m Dirty Dan')
elif message == 'youre dirty dan': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='Yep, Thats correct')
elif message == 'cum in': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='me')
elif message == 'cum on': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='everyone')
elif check_word('cum', message): client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='cum')
elif check_word('semen', message): client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='cum')
elif check_word('jizz', message): client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='cum')
elif check_word('jiz', message): client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='cum')
elif 'terminator' in message: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='Hello, I\'m here')
elif 'prash' in message: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='Remember, All trash goes in the Prashcan')
elif 'coco' in message or 'mica' in message: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='All hail the Snail Queen :snail_queen:')
elif 'robert' in message: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='It\'s time to ride or die')
def handle_normal_chat(client, event_data):
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'message_deleted': return
message, channel, user = get_message_details(event_data)
message = strip_punc(message)
if manage_kk_jokes(client, user, message, channel): return
if manage_kk_client_jokes(client, user, message, channel): return
if message == 'where am i': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='I\'m not sure where you are, this is a generic chat response')
def handle_test_chat(client, event_data):
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'message_deleted': return
message, channel, user = get_message_details(event_data)
if message.startswith('fire <@') and len(message) > 7:
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=get_fire_text(message, user))
message = strip_punc(message)
link = get_cherwell_short_link(message)
if link is not None: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=link)
if message.startswith('gif ') and len(message) > 4:
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=get_gif_block(message[4:]))
if message == 'where am i': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='You are in the test chat. Do you business, test out things, then leave :)')
elif message == 'at me': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='@UJ50N0V28')
def handle_admin_chat(client, event_data):
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'message_deleted': return # If it was a message deleted event, skip it
message, channel, _ = get_message_details(event_data)
message = strip_punc(message)
link = get_cherwell_short_link(message)
if link is not None: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=link)
if message == 'where am i': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='You are in the Admin chat, for important admin business only!')
elif message == 'are you there': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='Yes, I am here')
def handle_random_chat(client, event_data):
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'message_deleted': return
message, channel, user = get_message_details(event_data)
if message.startswith('fire <@') and len(message) > 5:
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=get_fire_text(message, user))
message = strip_punc(message)
link = get_cherwell_short_link(message)
if link is not None: client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=link)
if message.startswith('gif ') and len(message) > 4:
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, blocks=get_gif_block(message[4:]))
if message == 'where am i': client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text='You are in the rando chat, have fun')
def main():
config = json.loads(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[1])) # get_config(OAUTH_FILE)
GIPHY_SEARCH = GIPHY_SEARCH.format(api_key=config['GIPHY_API_KEY'])
adaptor = SlackEventAdapter(config['SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET'], endpoint='/slack/terminator')
client = WebClient(config['SLACK_BOT_TOKEN']) # Used to send messages as the bot
access = WebClient(config['SLACK_TOKEN']) # Used to access various settings if a channel
IP = config['IP']
PORT = int(config['PORT'])
TA_CHAT = config['TA_CHAT']
def reaction_added(event_data):
"""Call back for reaction added events
nonlocal client, access
emoji = event_data['event']['reaction']
message_id = event_data['event']['item']['ts']
channel = event_data['event']['item']['channel']
if channel == TA_CHAT and emoji == 'slackbot':
# if the reaction was added to a message in the ta chat, get the message then reply with the unicode names
messages = access.groups_history(channel=channel, latest=message_id, count=1, inclusive=1)
message = messages['messages'][0]['text']
if len(message) > 6: return
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=get_unicode_name(message))
def message(event_data):
"""Call back function for message events
nonlocal client
if get_message_type(event_data) == 'bot_message': return # skip bot messages
channel = event_data['event']['channel']
if channel == TA_CHAT:
handle_ta_chat(client, event_data)
elif channel == TEST_CHAT:
handle_test_chat(client, event_data)
elif channel == ADMIN_CHAT:
handle_admin_chat(client, event_data)
elif channel == RAND_CHAT:
handle_random_chat(client, event_data)
handle_normal_chat(client, event_data)
adaptor.start(host=IP, port=PORT, debug=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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