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Drawing a Binary Tree in O(N) Time

A Quick Introduction

In 1981, Edward M. Reingold & John S. Tilford published a paper titled, "Tidier Drawings of Trees". It proves that it is possible to assign coordinates to nodes and edges of a binary tree such that the coordinates result in an aesthetically pleasing 2-D drawing of the binary tree. This paper (and the algorithm outlined within) has been cited in hundreds of papers, and has since been generalized to work with N-ary trees.

I came across this algorithm while writing a Python package to visualize data structures (and in a bizarre coincidence, it was simultaneously being taught in my university course on Computational Geometry!). It's a really cool algorithm, and is explained really well in the paper itself. I want to focus on the practical aspect, so this post will be discussing my Python implementation of the Reingold-Tilford Algorithm.

Before I show you the code, let me convince you that this algorithm is worth studying. Here's the result of the Python package I wrote:

│              *            │
│       ┌──────┴──────┐     │
│       *             *     │
│   ┌───┴───┐        ╱      │
│   *       *       *       │
│  ╱ ╲     ╱ ╲     ╱ ╲      │
│ *   *   *   *   *   *     │
│    ╱   ╱   ╱   ╱     ╲    │
│   *   *   *   *       *   │
│                      ╱ ╲  │
│                     *   * │
│                        ╱  │
│                       *   │

Pretty cool, huh? Conventional algorithms would shy away from sibling sub-trees having overlapping bounding boxes, but this algorithm makes good use of any extra space resulting from null children.

The Code

An implementation of the tree drawing algorithm as outlined in the paper, "Tidier Drawings
of Trees" by Edward M. Reingold & John S. Tilford.


Further Reading:

from typing import Optional


class TR_Node:
    """A node class to represent the nodes of the binary tree."""

    def __init__(self, val: any = 0):
        self.val: any = val
        self.left: Optional[TR_Node] = None  # Left child
        self.right: Optional[TR_Node] = None  # Right child
        self.x_coord: int = 0  # Absolute x-coordinate
        self.y_coord: int = 0  # Absolute y-coordinate
        self.offset: int = 0  # Offset of either child
        self.has_thread: bool = False  # Is the left or right child a thread pointer?

class TR_Extreme:
    """A node class to represent the leftmost and rightmost nodes of a subtree."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.node: Optional[TR_Node] = None
        self.offset: int = 0
        self.level: int = 0

    def set(self, other):
        self.node = other.node
        self.offset = other.offset
        self.level = other.level

def TR_setup(
    T: Optional[TR_Node],
    LEVEL: int,
    RMOST: TR_Extreme,
    LMOST: TR_Extreme,
    if T is None:
        LMOST.level = -1
        RMOST.level = -1
        T.y_coord = LEVEL

        L = T.left
        R = T.right

        # Create pointers
        LL, LR, RL, RR = TR_Extreme(), TR_Extreme(), TR_Extreme(), TR_Extreme()

        TR_setup(L, LEVEL + 1, LR, LL)
        TR_setup(R, LEVEL + 1, RR, RL)

        if R is None and L is None:  # Leaf
            RMOST.node = T
            RMOST.level = LEVEL
            RMOST.offset = 0
            LMOST.node = T
            LMOST.level = LEVEL
            LMOST.offset = 0
            T.offset = 0
        else:  # T is not a leaf
            # Set up for subtree pushing. Place
            # roots of subtrees minimum distance apart

            LOFFSUM = 0
            ROFFSUM = 0

            # Now consider each level in turn until one subtree is exhausted,
            # pushing the subtrees apart when necessary.

            while L is not None and R is not None:
                if CURSEP < MINIMUM_SEPARATION:
                    # CURSEP = MINIMUM_SEPARATION

                    # To account for an off-by-one error, I have modified the lines above
                    correction = MINIMUM_SEPARATION - CURSEP
                    if correction % 2 == 1:
                        correction += 1
                    ROOTSEP = ROOTSEP + correction
                    CURSEP = MINIMUM_SEPARATION

                # Advance L & R
                if L.right is not None:
                    LOFFSUM = LOFFSUM + L.offset
                    CURSEP = CURSEP - L.offset
                    L = L.right
                    LOFFSUM = LOFFSUM - L.offset
                    CURSEP = CURSEP + L.offset
                    L = L.left

                if R.left is not None:
                    ROFFSUM = ROFFSUM - R.offset
                    CURSEP = CURSEP - R.offset
                    R = R.left
                    ROFFSUM = ROFFSUM + R.offset
                    CURSEP = CURSEP + R.offset
                    R = R.right

            # set the offset in node T and include it in accumulated offsets for L and R
            T.offset = (ROOTSEP + 1) // 2
            LOFFSUM = LOFFSUM - T.offset
            ROFFSUM = ROFFSUM + T.offset

            # Update extreme descendents' information

            if RL.level > LL.level or T.left is None:
                LMOST.offset = LMOST.offset + T.offset
                LMOST.offset = LMOST.offset - T.offset

            if LR.level > RR.level or T.right is None:
                RMOST.offset = RMOST.offset - T.offset
                RMOST.offset = RMOST.offset + T.offset

            # If subtrees of T were of uneven heights
            # Check to see if threading is necessary
            # At most one thread needs to be inserted

            if L is not None and L is not T.left:
                RR.node.has_thread = True
                RR.node.offset = abs((RR.offset + T.offset) - LOFFSUM)
                if LOFFSUM - T.offset <= RR.offset:
                    RR.node.left = L
                    RR.node.right = L
            elif R is not None and R is not T.right:
                LL.node.has_thread = True
                LL.node.offset = abs((LL.offset - T.offset) - ROFFSUM)
                if ROFFSUM + T.offset >= LL.offset:
                    LL.node.right = R
                    LL.node.left = R
        # endif T is not leaf
    # endif T is not None

def TR_petrify(T: Optional[TR_Node], XPOS: int):
    Perform a preorder traversal of the tree, converting the relative offsets to absolute

    if T is None:

    T.x_coord = XPOS
    if T.has_thread:
        T.has_thread = False
        T.right = None
        T.left = None
    TR_petrify(T.left, XPOS - T.offset)
    TR_petrify(T.right, XPOS + T.offset)

def _TR_create_tree_copy(
    root: Optional[object], data_attr: str, left_attr: str, right_attr: str
) -> Optional[TR_Node]:
    Create a deep copy of the given tree root, where every node object is replaced
    by its `TR_Node` counterpart.
    if root is None:
        return None

    TR_root = TR_Node(getattr(root, data_attr))
    TR_root.left = _TR_create_tree_copy(
        getattr(root, left_attr), data_attr, left_attr, right_attr
    TR_root.right = _TR_create_tree_copy(
        getattr(root, right_attr), data_attr, left_attr, right_attr
    return TR_root

def TR_create_drawing(
    root: Optional[object],
    data_attr: str,
    left_attr: str,
    right_attr: str,
    minimum_separation: int = 3,
) -> Optional[TR_Node]:
    Create a deep copy of the given tree root with coordinates for each node on a 2-D

    TR_root = _TR_create_tree_copy(root, data_attr, left_attr, right_attr)
    TR_setup(TR_root, 0, TR_Extreme(), TR_Extreme(), minimum_separation)
    TR_petrify(TR_root, 0)
    return TR_root


Every function is implemented almost EXACTLY as it was written in the original paper, save for a few lines that are clearly mentioned. The most important addition is the function TR_create_drawing, which accepts:

  • root - The root node of a binary tree (which may be None itself). This is an object containing some values as outlined below.
  • data_attr - The name of the attribute of any node which stores the data at that node.
  • left_attr - The name of the attribute of any node which stores a reference to the left child of that node.
  • right_attr - The name of the attribute of any node which stores a reference to the right child of that node.
  • minimum_separation - The minimum separation in units between 2 consecutive nodes on a level (default is 3).

Creating a binary tree is left to the user (in fact, generating binary trees is part of the Python package I was working on LOL), and you just need to pass this root to the function TR_create_drawing. It returns an object of class TR_Node, and you can modify the x and y coordinates as you wish.

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