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Quickly deploy a Next.js 14 app on a VPS (Droplets, EC2, etc.) with app router, RSCs, and other Next.js features

from aryan: most guides i found online weren't helpful for me, hope this helps tho :)

1. Connect to machine

ssh root@<server-ip-address>

Optional but recommended:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Set up nodejs

We're installing NodeJS using a NodeJS version manager called n. Feel free to use n, nvm, or fnm (or just manually installing nodejs on its own)

apt install npm
npm i -g n # installs `n` globally
n lts # or "latest"
node -v

3. Installing nginx

We use nginx as our web server to do one main thing, to re-route all traffic from our server-ip-address to our localhost:3000 that's running our Next.js app.

apt install nginx
nginx -v

4. Setting up nginx

Create a nginx config file:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/<your-app-name>.conf

Now paste the following into the <your-app-name>.conf file we created:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name insert-your-vps-ip-address-here;

    location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Let's create a symbolic link between this config file we created so we can have the same file in two places:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/<your-app-name>.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
ls -la /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ # verify
sudo service nginx restart # cus of config changes

5. Setting up our Next.js app

This is where we'll store our Next.js apps so nginx can see them:

cd /var/www/

Create or clone your app in here. I'm gonna create a new Next.js app with T3 stack for example here:

npm create t3-app nextjs-app # or git clone repo
cd nextjs-app # or your cloned repo
npm i

Setup env variables and stuff here if necessary before building:

npm run build
npm run start

6. Setting up pm2 to run app in background

Without pm2, you’d have to always a terminal running with npm run start. With pm2, you can run your Next.js or any node app as a background service - and will ensure your app re-runs on reboot and crashes as well.

cd ~
npm i -g pm2
cd /var/www/<your-app-name>
pm2 start npm --name “<app-name>” -- start
pm2 startup
pm2 save

6. Yeyy!

You should now see your app if you head to server-ip-address on your browser!

After successfully deploying your Next.js app on a VPS, you can enhance it further:

  • Easy Editing: SSH into the VPS using VS Code's extension that lets you edit code directly.

  • PM2: Consider using PM2 to have automatic restarts when your server dies (plus more features).

  • GitHub Actions: Set up CI/CD workflows to automatically deploy to your VPS.

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support nextjs 14 app router ser?

@hungnv1312 Yes it works with app router (RSCs & server actions), tested it with the latest version of Next.js as of now (v14.2)

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