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Last active November 4, 2016 19:15
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Swift auto object serialization
public protocol Serializable {
func serialize() -> [String: Any]
extension Serializable {
public func serialize() -> [String: Any] {
return Self.makeSerialized(serializable: self)
public static func makeSerialized(serializable: Self) -> [String: Any] {
return serializeSerializable(serializable)
fileprivate func serializeSerializable(_ serializable: Serializable) -> [String: Any] {
var result = [String: Any]()
var enumeratingMirror: Mirror? = Mirror(reflecting: serializable)
while true {
guard let mirror = enumeratingMirror else { break }
for child in mirror.children {
if let label = child.label, let dictionaryValue = getDictionaryValue(child.value) {
result[label] = dictionaryValue
enumeratingMirror = mirror.superclassMirror
return result
fileprivate func getDictionaryValue(_ any: Any) -> Any? {
let unwrappedValue: Any
if isOptional(any) {
switch any {
case let optional as Optional<Any>:
if case .some(let insideOptional) = optional {
unwrappedValue = insideOptional
else {
return nil
else {
unwrappedValue = any
switch unwrappedValue {
case let serializable as Serializable:
return serializeSerializable(serializable)
case let serializableList as [Serializable]:
return { serializeSerializable($0) }
case let rawRepresentable as RawRepresentable:
return rawRepresentable.getValueAsAny()
return unwrappedValue
private func isOptional<T>(_ input: T) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: input)
let style = mirror.displayStyle
switch style {
case .some(.optional):
return true
return false
extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Serializable {
public func serialize() -> [[String: Any]] {
return map { $0.serialize() }
extension RawRepresentable {
public func getValueAsAny() -> Any {
return rawValue
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