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Created March 8, 2020 15:32
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MealyのArrowApply law 検証
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Machine as Mc
import Data.Machine ((~>))
import Data.Machine.Mealy
-- 引数の10倍を初期値として0になるまで入力値を引いていく
mealyA :: Int -> Mealy Int Int
mealyA i = unfoldMealy go (i*10)
go s x = let !s' = max (s - x) 0 in (s', s')
-- 現在値に定数を掛けて入力値を足して定数で剰余
mealyB :: Mealy Int Int
mealyB = unfoldMealy go 0
go s x = let s' = (s * 7 + x) `mod` 11 in (s', s')
testMealy :: Mealy a b -> [a] -> [b]
testMealy x l = (Mc.source l ~> x)
main :: IO ()
main =
-- law1 === id
putStrLn "** Law 1 **"
let in1 = [(x, 2*x) | x <- [1..10]]
law1 = first (arr (\x -> arr (\y -> (x,y)))) >>> app
print $ in1
putStrLn "----"
print $ testMealy law1 in1
putStrLn "** Law 2 **"
let in2 = [(mealyA x, 2*x) | x <- [1..10]]
law2l g = first (arr (g >>>)) >>> app
law2r g = second g >>> app
print $ testMealy (law2l mealyB) in2
putStrLn "----"
print $ testMealy (law2r mealyB) in2
putStrLn "** Law 3 **"
let law3l h = first (arr (>>> h)) >>> app
law3r h = app >>> h
print $ testMealy (law3l mealyB) in2
putStrLn "----"
print $ testMealy (law3r mealyB) in2
** Law 1 **
** Law 2 **
** Law 3 **
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