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Created May 16, 2020 01:23
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class grid {
constructor( width, height ) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.orders = (new Array( this.height )).fill( null );
this.orders.forEach( (_, i) => this.orders[i] = (new Array( this.width )).fill( null ) );
this.dx = [ 1, 0, -1, 0 ];
this.dy = [ 0, 1, 0, -1 ];
this.P = [];
safe( i, j ) {
return i >= 0 && i < this.height && j >= 0 && j < this.width;
setOrder( i, j, order ) {
this.orders[i][j] = order;
this.P.push( { i: i, j: j, order: order } );
// \mathcal{O} ordering
pointCompare( p, q ) {
if( p.i+p.j != q.i+q.j )
return p.i+p.j < q.i+q.j;
return p.j < q.j;
render( ctx, x, y, w, h ) {
const getPos = ( i, j ) => {
const size = Math.min( w, h );
return { x: x+size/(this.width-1)*j, y: y+size/(this.height-1)*i };
for( let i = 0; i < this.height; ++i ) for( let j = 0; j < this.width; ++j ) {
const cp = getPos( i, j );
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(40,40,40)'; ctx, cp.x, cp.y, 5, true );
keyHandler() {
// p, q: { i, j, order }, return: contracting line positions
findContractingLine( p, q ) {
const base = q.j-p.j;
let layoutView = new Array(2).fill([]);
let pC = p;
let qC = q;
//console.log( p );
//console.log( q );
p.order = p.order.filter( v => p.i+p.j+2-1 <= v && v < this.width+this.height-1 );
let qOrderMap = {};
let qI = [];
for( let i = q.i+q.j+2; i < this.width+this.height; ++i ) {
qI.push( i-1 );
} order => qOrderMap[order] = true );
let contLines = [];
let cnt = 0;
/*console.log( p );
console.log( q );
console.log( p.order );
console.log( qI );
console.log( base );*/
let len = p.order.length();
if( base == 0 )
contLines.push( 0 );
for( let i = 0; i <= len; ++i ) {
const k = i-base+1;
if( k == cnt ) {
contLines.push( k );
if( i == p.length )
layoutView[0].push( p.order[i] );
//layoutView[1].push( i >= base ? q.order[i-base] : null );
if( qOrderMap[p.order[i]] )
p = pC;
q = qC;
if( contLines.length == 0 )
console.error( "Error!! could not find contracting line" );
console.error( p );
console.error( p.order.p );
console.error( q );
console.error( q.order.p );
return contLines;
// Algorithm 3.1
extendOrder() {
for( let i = 0; i < this.height; ++i ) for( let j = 0; j < this.width; ++j ) if( this.orders[i][j] == null ) {
const Mj = this.height+this.width-i-j;
this.orders[i][j] = new totalOrder((new Array(Mj)).fill(-1));
let pj = { i: i, j: j, order: this.orders[i][j] };
let P1 = [];
let P2 = []; p => {
(this.pointCompare( p, pj ) ? P1 : P2).push( p );
} );
console.log( P1 );
//console.log( P2 );
// alpha[i] = \alpha_{i, j}
let alpha = new Array( P1.length + 10 );
P1.forEach( ( pi, idx ) => {
alpha[idx] = this.findContractingLine( pi, pj );
} );
// beta[l] = \beta_{l, j}
let beta = (new Array( P2.length + 10 )).fill(0);
console.log( alpha );
let D = new Set([]);
for( let k = i+j+2; k <= this.hegiht+this.width-1; ++k )
D.add( k-1 );
let L = new Set([]);
let LMap = {};
for( let k = 0; k < Mj; ++k ) {
if( P1.length == 0 )
L = D;
P1.forEach( ( pi, idx ) => {
if( k < alpha[idx] )
LMap[idx] = D.intersection( new Set(pi.order.smaller(k).p) );
else if( k > alpha[idx] )
if( pi.order.equal(k) in D )
LMap[idx] = new Set([pi.order.equal(k)]);
LMap[idx] = new Set(pi.order.larger(k).p);
} );
let fst = true;
for( let l in LMap )
if( fst )
L = LMap[l];
fst = false;
L.intersection( LMap[l] );
// line 18
P2.forEach( (pl, idx) => {
if( k < beta[idx] )
if( pl.equal(k) != undefined && pl.equal(k) in D )
L = new Set([pl.equal(k)]);
// the count test
L = L.filter( lambda => {
if( !(lambda in pl.p) )
return false;
const a = pl.ip[lambda]-k;
const ps = P.filter( p => {
if( !(lambda in p.order.p) )
return false;
let idx = p.order.ip[lambda];
return k <= idx && idx < k+a;
} );
const Dk = D.filter( d => {
return ps.every( p => k <= p.ip[d] && p.ip[d] <= k+a );
} );
return Dk.length <= a;
} );
} );
let a;
for( let l of L )
pj.order.p[k] = l;
a = l;
// line 25
P2.forEach( (pl, idx) => {
if( a in pl.order.p && k <= beta[idx] )
let x = pl.order.ip[a];
if( x > beta[idx] )
beta[idx] = x+1;
} );
this.P.push( pj );
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