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Last active February 16, 2024 13:39
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Semantic Kernel Native Math plugin example
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
namespace Plugins;
public class MathPlugin
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the square root of a number")]
public static double Sqrt(
[Description("The number to take a square root of")] double number1
return Math.Sqrt(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Add two numbers")]
public static double Add(
[Description("The first number to add")] double number1,
[Description("The second number to add")] double number2
return number1 + number2;
[KernelFunction, Description("Subtract two numbers")]
public static double Subtract(
[Description("The first number to subtract from")] double number1,
[Description("The second number to subtract away")] double number2
return number1 - number2;
[KernelFunction, Description("Multiply two numbers. When increasing by a percentage, don't forget to add 1 to the percentage.")]
public static double Multiply(
[Description("The first number to multiply")] double number1,
[Description("The second number to multiply")] double number2
return number1 * number2;
[KernelFunction, Description("Divide two numbers")]
public static double Divide(
[Description("The first number to divide from")] double number1,
[Description("The second number to divide by")] double number2
return number1 / number2;
[KernelFunction, Description("Raise a number to a power")]
public static double Power(
[Description("The number to raise")] double number1,
[Description("The power to raise the number to")] double number2
return Math.Pow(number1, number2);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the log of a number")]
public static double Log(
[Description("The number to take the log of")] double number1,
[Description("The base of the log")] double number2
return Math.Log(number1, number2);
[KernelFunction, Description("Round a number to the target number of decimal places")]
public static double Round(
[Description("The number to round")] double number1,
[Description("The number of decimal places to round to")] double number2
return Math.Round(number1, (int)number2);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the absolute value of a number")]
public static double Abs(
[Description("The number to take the absolute value of")] double number1
return Math.Abs(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the floor of a number")]
public static double Floor(
[Description("The number to take the floor of")] double number1
return Math.Floor(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the ceiling of a number")]
public static double Ceiling(
[Description("The number to take the ceiling of")] double number1
return Math.Ceiling(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the sine of a number")]
public static double Sin(
[Description("The number to take the sine of")] double number1
return Math.Sin(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the cosine of a number")]
public static double Cos(
[Description("The number to take the cosine of")] double number1
return Math.Cos(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the tangent of a number")]
public static double Tan(
[Description("The number to take the tangent of")] double number1
return Math.Tan(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the arcsine of a number")]
public static double Asin(
[Description("The number to take the arcsine of")] double number1
return Math.Asin(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the arccosine of a number")]
public static double Acos(
[Description("The number to take the arccosine of")] double number1
return Math.Acos(number1);
[KernelFunction, Description("Take the arctangent of a number")]
public static double Atan(
[Description("The number to take the arctangent of")] double number1
return Math.Atan(number1);
using Azure.Identity;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using Plugins;
var builder = Kernel.CreateBuilder();
deploymentName: "<model deployment name here>",
endpoint: "<openAI endpoint here>",
credentials: new DefaultAzureCredential());
var kernel = builder.Build();
double answer = await kernel.InvokeAsync<double>(
pluginName: "MathPlugin",
functionName: "Sqrt",
arguments: new() {
{ "number1", 12 }
Console.WriteLine($"The square root of 12 is {answer}.");
ChatHistory chatHistory = new();
var chatCompletionService = kernel.GetRequiredService<IChatCompletionService>();
var openAIPromptExecutionSettings = new OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings
ToolCallBehavior = ToolCallBehavior.AutoInvokeKernelFunctions,
while (true)
Console.Write("User > ");
var result = chatCompletionService.GetStreamingChatMessageContentsAsync(
chatHistory: chatHistory,
executionSettings: openAIPromptExecutionSettings,
kernel: kernel);
string fullMessage = "";
var first = true;
await foreach (var content in result)
if (content.Role.HasValue && first)
Console.WriteLine("Assistant > ");
first = false;
fullMessage += content.Content;
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Azure.Identity" Version="1.10.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Azure" Version="1.7.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SemanticKernel" Version="1.4.0" />
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asabla commented Feb 16, 2024

Models and model versions tested:

  • gpt-3.5-turbo model version 1106
  • gpt-4-preview model version 1106-Preview

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