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Last active April 26, 2023 07:57
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import numpy as np
import PIL
from io import BytesIO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plt_to_text(plt_fig=None,width=144,vscale=0.96,colorful=True,invert=False,crop=False,outfile=None):
"""Displays matplotlib figure in terminal as text. You should use a monospcae font like `Cascadia Code PL` to display image correctly. Use before
- **Parameters**
- plt_fig: Matplotlib's figure instance. Auto picks if not given.
- width : Character width in terminal, default is 144. Decrease font size when width increased.
- vscale : Useful to tweek aspect ratio. Default is 0.96 and prints actual aspect in `Cascadia Code PL`. It is approximately `2*width/height` when you select a single space in terminal.
- colorful: Default is False, prints colored picture if terminal supports it, e.g Windows Terminal.
- invert : Defult is False, could be useful for grayscale image.
- crop : Default is False. Crops extra background, can change image color if top left pixel is not in background, in that case set this to False.
- outfile: If None, prints to screen. Writes on a file.
if plt_fig==None:
plt_fig = plt.gcf()
plot_bytes = BytesIO()
img =
# crop
if crop:
bg =, img.size, img.getpixel((0,0)))
diff = PIL.ImageChops.difference(img, bg)
diff = PIL.ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100) # No idea how it works
bbox = diff.getbbox()
img = img.crop(bbox)
w, h = img.size
aspect = h/w
height = np.ceil(aspect * width * vscale).astype(int) # Integer
height = height if height % 2 == 0 else height + 1 #Make even. important
if colorful:
img = img.resize((width, height)).convert('RGB')
data = np.reshape(img.getdata(),(height,width,-1))[...,:3]
data = 225 - data if invert else data #Inversion
fd = data[:-1:2,...] #Foreground
bd = data[1::2,...] # Background
# Upper half block is forground and lower part is background, so one spot make two pixels.
d_str = "\033[48;2;{};{};{}m\033[38;2;{};{};{}m\u2580\033[00m" #Upper half block
pixels = [[d_str.format(*v1,*v2) for v1,v2 in zip(b,f)] for b,f in zip(bd,fd)]
height = int(height/2) #
chars = ['.',':',';','+','*','?','%','S','#','@']
chars = chars[::-1] if invert else chars #Inversion
img = img.resize((width, height)).convert('L') # grayscale
pixels = [chars[int(v*len(chars)/255) -1] for v in img.getdata()]
pixels = np.reshape(pixels,(height,-1)) #Make row/columns
out_str = '\n'.join([''.join([p for p in ps]) for ps in pixels])
if outfile:
with open(outfile,'w') as f:
# For loop is important for printing lines, otherwise breaks appear.
for line in out_str.splitlines():
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Render an image in terminal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


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asaboor-gh commented Feb 10, 2021

Plot bandstructure in terminal. (Graphene)

import pivotpy as pp


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