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Created December 20, 2016 01:14
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public extension Date {
static func dataformatter() -> DateFormatter {
let f = DateFormatter()
f.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
f.timeZone = TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent
f.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" // ISO8601
return f
static var isoDataformatter: DateFormatter { return Date.dataformatter() }
init?(string: String, format: String? = nil) {
let f = Date.dataformatter()
var formats = [
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", // 1999-12-31T12:59:59+0900 1999-12-31T12:59:59Z 1999-12-31T12:59:59+09:00
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", // 1999-12-31T12:59:59
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S", // 1999-12-31T12:59:59.999
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SZ", // 1999-12-31T12:59:59.999+0900
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", // 1999-12-31 12:59:59
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", // 1999-12-31 12:56
"EEE, dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss", // Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:52:33 RFC822
"EEE, dd MM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", // Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:52:33 +0900 RFC822
"yyyy-MM-dd"]; // yyyy-MM-dd also yyyy/MM/dd
if let af = format { formats = [af] }
for fmt in formats {
f.dateFormat = fmt
if let d = string) {
self.init(timeInterval: 0, since: d)
return nil
init?(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int, hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int) {
guard let d = (Calendar.current as NSCalendar).date(era: 1, year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second, nanosecond: 0) else { return nil }
self.init(timeInterval: 0, since: d)
init(unix: NSInteger) { self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(unix)) }
var string: String { return Date.isoDataformatter.string(from: self) }
func format(_ format: String) -> String {
let f = Date.dataformatter()
f.dateFormat = format
return f.string(from: self)
var year: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.year, from: self) }
var month: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.month, from: self) }
var day: Int { return Calendar.current.component(, from: self) }
var hour: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.hour, from: self) }
var miniute: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.minute, from: self) }
var second: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.second, from: self) }
var weekday: Int { return Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.weekday, from: self) }
var unix: Int { return Int(self.timeIntervalSince1970) }
var lapTime: TimeInterval { return -timeIntervalSince(Date()) }
public extension TimeInterval {
var msec: String { return String(format: "%0.2fms", self * 1000) }
public func == (lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> Bool { return == .orderedSame }
public func < (lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> Bool { return == .orderedAscending }
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